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What are people doing tonight?


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Flavanugz brought this up in the other thread, but I figured I'd start a new one for it.

What is everyone up to tonight? There doesn't seem to be anything going on at all.

I've got zero plans. Tom, I was actually thinking of heading up towards UNH to go visit my friend Julie and her crew. I haven't even talked to her yet though, so she may have other plans. That was just a thought.

g, check your e-mail!

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UNH women :shaky: I dont know how it is now, but I had a friend there years ago and there were a few in the bunch. Good time up there though. You gotta go eat breakfast at this place though, argggg:mad: what the fuck is the name of it though. Everyone goes there and for toast you get like a whole loaf.

Tonight still no idea

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I don't know. I haven't done the college thing since... well, since college. You do have my attention peaked with your talk of hot women though. UNH has some ridiculous, untapped tallent. If I wind up hanging out with Julie we'll probably end up doing something else, but who knows. If nothing else is going on I'll give you a call. I also have to be in Shrewsbury at 2 tomorrow, so that could suck with all the driving.

Does this lauren girl have a Ben Stiller of her own?

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

I don't know. I haven't done the college thing since... well, since college. You do have my attention peaked with your talk of hot women though. UNH has some ridiculous, untapped tallent. If I wind up hanging out with Julie we'll probably end up doing something else, but who knows. If nothing else is going on I'll give you a call. I also have to be in Shrewsbury at 2 tomorrow, so that could suck with all the driving.

Does this lauren girl have a Ben Stiller of her own?

are you and Julie going to be doing this :makeout::bj::3some:

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Originally posted by kaydup

are you and Julie going to be doing this :makeout::bj::3some:

Nope nope nope. Julie's one of my best friends from high school (one of like 2 people I still talk to). She's just awesome, no getting around it. Never have done any of that, although it's near-impossible having others believe it.

I'll vouche for the quality of UNH girls too. We had a sorority come down for one of our parties in a big, old bus. These girls were QUALITY... not a bad one in the bunch. And they were really easy too. Hate to say it, but it's true. Ok, I don't hate to say it. Bartlett... do you know any Kappa Dirties? ;)

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Nope nope nope. Julie's one of my best friends from high school (one of like 2 people I still talk to). She's just awesome, no getting around it. Never have done any of that, although it's near-impossible having others believe it.

I'll vouche for the quality of UNH girls too. We had a sorority come down for one of our parties in a big, old bus. These girls were QUALITY... not a bad one in the bunch. And they were really easy too. Hate to say it, but it's true. Ok, I don't hate to say it. Bartlett... do you know any Kappa Dirties? ;)

Buddy compared to WPI they were all beauty queens:laugh:

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Originally posted by flavanugz

well jos was a kappa dirty....kinda (she was like the benoit of her house), but there are some hotties.

this girl does not have a ben of her own which is cool.

d:rew.....i think the restuarant u are talking about is Young's. Good shit.

You got it. That place is the shit!

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hmmm...if gay house boy wonder dj flavanugz approves then they must be okay. i have to take a field trip with you lot one weekend.

im laying low tonight...hitting the slopes saturday. gonna head down to silhouettes and throw some darts and drink some $5.95 pitchers of bush. that place is a gold mine...i wish i found it sooner.

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ya i approve..... this girl im going out with tonight is unreal hot, and the best part is i hear she is a closet skank. there are many hidden gems at unh. u just need to bag it up first. as far as places to go out, its pretty friggin week. the bars play top40 bullshit and it sucks. but at least its good grinding music and it feels good to be the only white kid at the school who knows how to dance. it works out in my favor every time.

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go here


go down to the bottom to change avatar. it has to be a small pic.

the room is still open. i am not advertising vacancy, i could care less if i have people stay with me or not but you are definitely welcome. we will give new meaning to the word 'binge' that week.

our hotel is hosting several awesome poolside parties. paolo mojo and steve gerrard are among the djs at the opening party that tuesday :)

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Originally posted by teamj5

the room is still open. i am not advertising vacancy, i could care less if i have people stay with me or not but you are definitely welcome. we will give new meaning to the word 'binge' that week.

our hotel is hosting several awesome poolside parties. paolo mojo and steve gerrard are among the djs at the opening party that tuesday :)

:blown: D:Rew hates you

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Originally posted by teamj5

our hotel is hosting several awesome poolside parties. paolo mojo and steve gerrard are among the djs at the opening party that tuesday :)

I heart paolo mojo. dude......ya u have no idea how badly i want to go. its scary.

i want to change my sig....not avatar.

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