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*OFFICIAL* Lolahotass Friday Maze/Crobar Review


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Okay everyone, please bear with me - I've had approximately 90 minutes of sleep only - and here I am at work (which fucking sucks right now!)...:blown:

So where to begin........ I meet up with my partner in crime, Shroomy, somewhere in the shopping district of SoBe. We decide to stroll up the beach and hit the Marlin for a quickie drink. Hung there for a few, then took off to Maze. Club Maze is such a phat club - but where in the hell is everyone? As always, it was an absolute pleasure seeing MazeGirl Carla and Marco. The music was great upstairs for the PMS party, however the lack the bodies made it too difficult to catch the vibe. The concept of the PMS party along with their music is great for the upstairs part of the club, but Maze needs to direct people up there (make it a little more accessible). Marco - don't get discouraged..... Considering last weeks turn-out, the party will take off soon;)

Esance - Ummm, which club are you at:confused: Finally Esance and her friend Sara arrive AT MAZE from JADE, it was AWESOME meeting you girls.... I had soooo much fun with you - especially the whole "Where the hell are you at?" screaming cell phone convo's we had prior to you arriving AT THE RIGHT CLUB! :laugh:

SPRAGGA in the hizzouse..... I got to meet the infamous Spragga - I gave him plenty of warning for Matas and Meli for later tonight.....Sorry I didn't say bye - we looked for you to tell you we were going to Crobar but you must have left.....hope you have fun tonight! Nice meeting you girlie friend too;)

All the other crackas I saw at Maze - Jimmy T, RCrespo, Fat0ny and anyone else I missed......good to see you all!!

NOW ON TO CROBAR!!! Shroomster, Esance, Sara and I scooted our tails on down to the Cro... holy shit was Nick Warren tearing the roof off this place... I don't think I've seen Crobar that insane in a long while. It was sooooooooooooo awesome! (Thanx Shroomy;) ) People were dancing everywhere and to me, everyone looked to be having an awesome time. I HOPE THIS TREND CONTINUES AT CROBAR CUZ I STILL LOVE THIS CLUB!:eek: For all you track id whores, unfortunately I can't hardly ID my own name let alone the tracks Nick was dropping. All I do know is what he played was exactly what I was looking for...... I think I told Shroomy 20 times "holy shit, I love this track, fuck I love the whole set!".......:laugh:

It was GREAT seeing MimiD and her friend Rachel, Meng, RCrespo(again!), James954 (you lil' hottie), and my dancin' partner Pod;) I'm sure more CP heads were there, but hey, I'm just a wee-bit sleepy, so my memory ain't the best right now. Anyone that missed NW at Cro - you missed out on a great time.:D

Okay that's all for now....

Admission into Crobar - $30

Drinks inside Crobar - $9

Me picking my brain up off the floor prior to leaving, and the look my cousin is going to get seeing me pick her up at the airport (think little house on the prairie) with my "90 minutes of sleep, whipped clubber expression" on my face - PRICELESS:eek:


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Maze was unfortunately not as busy as last week, but still a good time. It was nice meeting Spragga,Zeda, and Lola and seeing Shroomy.

Music was fun as usual.

Fastforward to 1am. Get to Crobar and wait like 30 minutes to get in. It was a mob scene outside I tell you. Thx to CJ for the invites. Went inside the shit was packed as hell. Nick was already on the decks and he played a stormer. To those who say Progressive is dead you got another thing coming to you. Its alive and well thank you very much. I'm not a trainspotter i just play one on these here message boards so here's some of the stuff I was going nuts to last night.

Vector - Rise (tune of the night!)

James Holden - Horizons (WOW Dub)

Atlas - Compass Error (TvR Mix)

Holden and Thompson - Nothing (Original Mix) *his encore*

Sasha - Wavy Gravy (2 different mixes, both were fuckin ace.)

Starkid - Crayons (good friend from TX did this and it sounded great)

All in all a great night out. First time seeing Nick and he didn't disappoint me or the dancefloor. Nice to see an insane amount of people at crobar including and not limitd to James,Marick,Dan,Nick and Sara,Liz,Biz, Tomas, Marco and Carla.

See you all at Maze tonight and then Space for Sunrise Sessions.

For those of you who may have seen me yesterday and wondering wtf was on my shirt it said ZWAN. Billy Corgan's post pumpkin rock outfit. Go check out their cd its great.


Ramon C.


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WOW!!! :eek: What a night.... First time for me aswell seeing Nick and he didn't disappoint me either. A huge thanx to Nick and Sara from CJ for always hooking it up.... :D Great seeing everyone, especially Lola and Shroomy ( it's been a while ) Til the next time ppl.... :tongue:;):D


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Originally posted by mimid

WOW!!! :eek: What a night.... First time for me aswell seeing Nick and he didn't disappoint me either. A huge thanx to Nick and Sara from CJ for always hooking it up.... :D Great seeing everyone, especially Lola and Shroomy ( it's been a while ) Til the next time ppl.... :tongue:;):D


i told ya so about nick warren biaaaaatch !!:D :D actually , ive told alot of people nick "IS" da man !! hes fuckin badass live !!! what they need to do is bring his ass back to Space !! (hint hint BIZ :D ) Space + Warren = A FUCKIN PARTY !! peace out !!
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