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Originally posted by kaydup

I want to die right now. I am sooooo hung over, actually I think I am still drunk :(

What'd you do last night?

Sunday was a glorious day of rest for me. After the seemingly countless number of scorpion bowls imbibed for Chinese New Year, I was useless all day.

I made onion soup from scratch last night. That was as exciting as my night got. Soup was 9/10.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

What'd you do last night?

Sunday was a glorious day of rest for me. After the seemingly countless number of scorpion bowls imbibed for Chinese New Year, I was useless all day.

I made onion soup from scratch last night. That was as exciting as my night got. Soup was 9/10.

Started drinking at about 4 in Harvard square and stoped some time after 11 at home. Too much, I am in the hurt box.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

What'd you do last night?

Sunday was a glorious day of rest for me. After the seemingly countless number of scorpion bowls imbibed for Chinese New Year, I was useless all day.

I made onion soup from scratch last night. That was as exciting as my night got. Soup was 9/10.

No UNH review :confused: And don't leave out any of the dirty details. I need a college reminiscence :D

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Originally posted by whadupg

No UNH review :confused: And don't leave out any of the dirty details. I need a college reminiscence :D

Nope, no UNH review. UNH lost out to Tonic (in a land slide).

The party on Saturday was very college-esque though. Beruit, Filp Cups, binge drinking, kegs, college freshmen girls (correction: smoking-hot college freshmen girls), people running around outside in their underwear at 8 in the morning, getting picked up by the paddywaggon. Many good times. I really don't miss college though.

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Ok...ill give a UNh review.

Got to my friend's house around 6:30 and cooked a money mexican meal. After that I picked up a bag o tees and proceeded to get very lit. Bought myself a 12 pack of Natty Ice and it all went downhill. Girl i was talking about came over around 9, by the time she got there, Flava was hurtin pretty good, about 7 deep and 3 bowls later. Kept pounding booze till around 11, had 1 beer left.

So we go to this bar Libby's, which is really nice, but the last place I wanna be. Somehow the bouncer let me in, dont ask how. Next thing I know, my friends and I take big ol shots of Liquid Coke. I start stumbling around the bar asking where the bathroom is, so I can barf. I ask a janitor type dude and he says follow me. Right when we are outside the bathroom, I lose it all and yack about 5 tacos right onto the floor. He looks at me in disgust and goes to get security. I go into the bathroom take a piss and walk out to some huge dude telling me I have to go. After a little bit of arguing, I conceded because I dont really wanna be there in the first place.

So, I grab my friends and we go to the bar directly next door, where I continue a succesful boot-and-rally maneuver. So.....somehow a little later, after the bar closed at 1, I end up across campus, by myself, shattered, at this girls apartment that I know. After hanging with her for a bit, I walk out her door and I see these two skanks I know from sophmore year. I really dislike these girls but I dont think they realize it. So they invite me into their party where I am "the guy". You know, the one dude who is like 10 times more drunk than anyone there, and who obviously knows only the people who live there. So im stumbling ass drunk around the apartment, just talking shit to people, when I spot a shitload of Dominos. Seeing as how I just lost my dinner and Im very very stoned, I take it upon myself to finish all the pizza left. Well u can only imagine what happened next. After yacking all over their floor, I started in with some super cool dudes who thought they were tough for ganging up on "the guy." I talked some shit and didnt back down, although i would have been destroyed, until the skanks whose house it was asked me to leave.

After that it gets real blurry.... I remember headbutting my freind, watching lots of Beavis and Butthead, bingers, 4 girls trying to pick me up at 3:30am but i was too drunk to talk, let alone walk somehwre and function.

Woke up at 9:00 on my friends wooden chair.

Good times.

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