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What Pulp Fiction caracture are you?

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Tired of being underappreciated and manipulated by powerful "others," you fight back. Though possesssing a cold, violent outside, you have a soft, scentimental inside. You love your partner, you cherish family heirlooms, and you want nothing more than to be geniunely happy -- but you don't mind having to kill a couple of nimrods who happen to clutter your path.

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You're known for starting trouble. But you play it cool. Besides, no one can resist your sharp eyes and quick wit. *They* eat from the palm of your hand. Though you have weaknesses, which may have deadly consequences, you, are resurrected, as if the gods themselves breathed immortality into you.

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Originally posted by perns2002

Esmeralda - The Cab Driver that takes Butch after the fight........

You're a hardworking individual enshrouded by an overwhelming sense of mystery, beauty, and intrigue. Though always on the go, you keep focused, helping - often rapturing - those you meet.

go ahead-- rapture me! i dare you!

XraptureX-- i like the saing it gave for yous--- very cool

Huni? um yea i know that i hardly met you but- am i wrong in saying that yours seems to fit you the best?:blown:


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