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The Top 14 Answers from the Magic 8-Ball

Palm Beach County voter: "Can you make Al Gore the next president?"

8-Ball: "Yes! Mr. Buchanan will be the next president."


Al Gore: "Can I trust an 8-Ball to answer all my questions?"

8-Ball: "Hell, yes -- you invented me!"


Guilt-ridden, Jewish son of the 8-Ball: "I'm going to play some Snooker with the fellahs, okay, Ma?"

8-Ball: "Answer hazy -- I'm probably not having a stroke, though. Enjoy yourself. I'll be fine in the dark by myself."


Pete Rose: "Will I ever be admitted to the Baseball Hall of Fame?"

8-Ball: "Don't bet on it. BWA-HA-HA-HA!!"


Warren Christopher and James Baker: "Where will we be going next?"

8-Ball: "Madame Tussaud's, for a touch-up."


Chris White: "Does this list suck?"

8-Ball: "Umm... is that a new shirt? It looks great on you!"


Adam Sandler: "Will I ever be taken seriously as an actor?"

8-Ball: "Gimme a break. Go play with your money, dumbass."


Al Gore: "What is Florida orange juice made from and what should I do in 2004?"

8-Ball: "Concentrate and try again."


Santa Claus: "This year, will I get cookies or nookie?"

8-Ball: "Have another Chips Ahoy, Tubby."


Robert Downey, Jr.: "Does prison sex involve more cuddling than it did three months ago?"

8-Ball: "My sources say, 'Bend over, pretty boy.'"


Jack Nicholson: "Will Lara Flynn Boyle and I ever get back together?"



Kid Rock: "How many minutes of fame do I have left?"

8-Ball: "Let me get you Vanilla Ice's phone number."


Britney Spears: "Am I pregnant?"

8-Ball: "Probably, you little slut."

and the Number 1 Answer from the Magic 8-Ball...

Dick Cheney: "Will my heart be strong enough to carry me through the next 4 years?"

8-Ball: "My sources say... BOO!!!"




Method acting is like masturbating. It's lots of fun, but you don't accomplish much. - Charlton Heston

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Did someone say 8-Ball??? I have one of those, but it doesn't answer problems, it only creates them. biggrinflip.gif

H-where the hell is that snorty smilie???

[This message has been edited by dlish (edited 03-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by dlish:

Did someone say 8-Ball??? I have one of those, but it doensn't answer problems, it only creates them. biggrinflip.gif

H-where the hell is that snorty smilie???

[This message has been edited by dlish (edited 03-07-2001).]


BTW: Herbal is gone for the day.


Method acting is like masturbating. It's lots of fun, but you don't accomplish much. - Charlton Heston

[This message has been edited by siddeebeaux (edited 03-07-2001).]

[This message has been edited by siddeebeaux (edited 03-07-2001).]

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