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This is Fuckin Ridiculous


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As many of you knew, some dick fucks in Congress proposed the "RAVE" Act which was successfully not passed in Congress(probably for the cute acronym of the bill). Needless to say it has resurfaced its ugly oppressive head again as part of two other bills being worked on in Congress the Justice Enhancement and Domestic Security Act(bill S.22) and the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act(bill s.226). S.226 is even more opressive and far reaching then the RAVE act. This is fuckin ridiculous, so fuckin pissed. Anyways need people towrite to their senators again to protest these acts to keep our freedom. If this shit continues is similar to the snowball effect(forget the actual psychology term for it) where by doing little by little people are willing to do until it becomes massive and out of hand. This is the same pyschological tactic Hitler used with his soldiers in the concentration camps(no offense meant). Needless to say below are some more links to gt information about these bills and actions one can take to halt them.

For these bills will allow actions similar to those in Washington DC of October last year, that resulted in the shutting down of Buzz.





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I don't really think people, realize how broad and sweeping, these two pieces of legislation are.the sad part is I don't believe, people will really care enough;until it effects them .. the titles are cleverly worded ,to feed off the emotions of the american public. as is typical ambiguity seems to flourish..both these bills will probably ,be sliced and diced,and still wind up being challenged in the Supreme Court by the ACLU..

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