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it's friday !!!!!!


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Originally posted by whadupg

And that's a nice sig Nyis - please tell me you jacked that & that's not a nyis original :D

Glad you like :)

Yup, it's jacked from a mix of Satisfied I heard in a Terry Francis set. I really hated the little schpiel the first time I heard it, but it really, really grows on you.

:laugh: d:Rew, that avatar is great! I always knew you were a cowboy at heart.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

I have NO clue what I'm doing tonight.... but I'm very hopeful that Tonic will be involved in there somewhere.

What are you up to? Want to break your Tonic cherry?

Yeah I could be down to rock a little Tonic.

Is that a G&T I see there, I actually tried to put a bottle of bombay saphire in first today but it wouldnt fit.

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Originally posted by kaydup

Yeah I could be down to rock a little Tonic.

Is that a G&T I see there, I actually tried to put a bottle of bombay saphire in first today but it wouldnt fit.

Tonic rocks itself... you don't even have to rock it. So you can save your energy for drinking more gin and tonics.

That certainly is a G&T up there. It's the one sitting on the bar at my house, waiting for me to come home to it. I took a picture just before I left this morning. That bitch is going down in 7 hours!

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Originally posted by flavanugz

Ya.....well I got invited by "you know who" so i still havent made the decision.

Tonic is your move heh.........possibly. All i know is that I gotta get the fuck out of here before more snow falls. My truck is possibly the WORST snow vehicle on earth.

Yeah, I'm probably going to be up in the air about everything until I make a game-time decision. Actually... it might not be a bad idea to go to Avalon semi-early, hear a little bit of Debo's set, get us all in for free, then leave to go to Tonic if we don't like it. Hmmmm......

Hey, if you want to drive down early so you don't get fucked in the snow, let me know. You could come down to my work, grab my keys, and chill out at my place until I get there if you want. Just don't want to see you get screwed because of the snow.

off topic... that 'Dirty Cash' song may be the best one the entire Lawler set. The vocal is absolutely filthy, "I've got no excuse, just want to use me, take me and abuse me, I've got no taboos make a trade with you, do anything with you. Money talks, dirty cash I want you, dirty cash I need you ohhh." -- when am I going to get sick of this set??

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Best song imo has to be the song after 'Music Revolution'. It reminds me of Glitterball.

Ummm. that actually is a very good idea about driving down early. I actually think Im gonna do that. Im gonna get my act together and make the move. Ill call u on my way down for directions.

I dont think I wanna go early. I guess that kid Jay is having a party beforehand right in kenmore, so the plan was to go there and get shitty and then go to the club. We could definitley do that move.

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Music Revolution just kicked in actually... on the irony.

Just so you know, I work down on 95, but my exit is a couple before you hit the pike (can't remember if you knew that or not).

By saying "We couldnt defintley do that move.", does that mean you could definitely do a different move (i.e. Tonic)?

Tonight's just going to be one big old mess. I guarantee no one's going to make a decision on what to do until like 11, then we'll probably all go separate ways. I'm looking forward to it.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Tonight's just going to be one big old mess. I guarantee no one's going to make a decision on what to do until like 11, then we'll probably all go separate ways. I'm looking forward to it.

:laugh: :laugh:

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first off :mad:

second....tonic is going to suck tonight. not many will venture out in the snow. and trust me on this...saturday is the much better night there.

i have nothing to do tomorrow night if you all want to get together and go.

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Originally posted by teamj5

first off :mad:

second....tonic is going to suck tonight. not many will venture out in the snow. and trust me on this...saturday is the much better night there.

i have nothing to do tomorrow night if you all want to get together and go.

Wooo-hooo - i'll be there! That just made your day - didn't it :)
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Originally posted by teamj5

first off :mad:

second....tonic is going to suck tonight. not many will venture out in the snow. and trust me on this...saturday is the much better night there.

i have nothing to do tomorrow night if you all want to get together and go.


I was there last Friday and had to wait 15 minutes to get in.... :shaky: How's it better on Saturdays (if it's really better on Saturdays I'm in trouble... I may not be able to ever go out to another place anywhere, ever).

I'm going to Gloucester tomorrow night. I'm trying to set ikkinay up with my friend.

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Originally posted by teamj5

you cant be for real about going to glouster :laugh:

saturdays are better trust me. thats probably why you wont go :laugh:

I'm 100% serious about going to Gloucester. Going up to my friend Dave's place to party.

I'll have to find out about Saturdays @ Tonic next week I guess.

I've got a few good ideas floating around for V-day too...

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