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anyone see the michael jackson interview?


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I saw half of it last night after dinner @ my friends' house (they'd taped it)....what I've seen of it so far is preeeeetty wierd IMO. He says that he never had achildhood growing up so now if when he is "playing". The guy swear he's Peter Pan in his heart...that's he's Michael on the outside, but in his heart he's Peter Pan...hence the neverland theme to his house. The guy only wears red shirts throughout the interview whichtook place over a few months or something like that. He goes to Vegas, but stays in his room and only leaves to shop...which when he does shop he proceeds to buy out an entire store for the most part...and at night he rides around the hotel hallways in a mobile wheelchair type thing. He swore he's never had an surgery and his kids wear masks each time they go out....and they have no mother...I mean they do, but their moms do not live with them or have any part in their life.

Let's see what else...oh yeah, the first ime a girl told him to go over to his house 4 sex he was scared and covered his face with his hands and ended up never having sex that day. He said his brothers would constantly have sex in the same room as him on tour and make he pretend he was sleeping. Oh and he says that his dad (who beat them BTW) never let him and his brothers call him dad..that they always had to call him by his first name...and that's why Michael's kids now never call him Michael...they HAVE to call him Dad/daddy.

Yup...very odd odd guy....I need to see the rest....

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Yeah ... it was pretty interesting. Basically showed Jackson as a recluse with far too much money and little concern for his children (of which he now has three by three different women, none of whom see the children at all). Brought up the plastic surgery questions (which he said were only one or two nose jobs, that's it, the rest of his facial changes he attributed to going through puberty ?!) and the interviewer focused a lot on how Jackson still has children and adolescents sleeping over at his house and staying with him in his bedroom.

The strangest scenes were from his tour in Germany, during which people would just rush up to him, ask him for a hug, and then collapse into tears when he gave them a quick embrace. What's wrong with people that they lose all control of themselves just because they touched somebody famous?

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Hey Joe!

I watched the show last night and actually feel for Michael more than I did before. I really didn't like the interviewer at all - he seemed hell bent on showing the negative elements and emphasized them with his commentary. We all know how 'odd' Michael is and that was evident in the show, so I didn't really learn anything knew. I did gain some incite into his life (past and present) and how difficult it must be being him. He is a child at heart AND mind - a lot of people think he should grow up, but a lot of the things he had to say about the world and how children view the world spoke volumes to me. I think he looks at the world through the eyes of children (something everyone should do!!) - unfortunately, because he has a lot of children visiting his home, his past 'problems' make the 'sleep over' situations that he has with some of the children an area where some may feel he is playing with fire!

I acutally feel more for what he is subjected to on a daily basis now. I still think he is an odd character, but we all have our own idiosyncrasies - - his are more pronounced!! :-)

I'm sure other people feel differently, but that's what I got from the show. The interviewer irritated me more than the other things that Michael may have said!

That's my 2 cents!!

See you @ Migs tomorrow! :-)


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Originally posted by sunnyhost

I saw half of it last night after dinner @ my friends' house (they'd taped it)....what I've seen of it so far is preeeeetty wierd IMO. He says that he never had achildhood growing up so now if when he is "playing". The guy swear he's Peter Pan in his heart...that's he's Michael on the outside, but in his heart he's Peter Pan...hence the neverland theme to his house. The guy only wears red shirts throughout the interview whichtook place over a few months or something like that. He goes to Vegas, but stays in his room and only leaves to shop...which when he does shop he proceeds to buy out an entire store for the most part...and at night he rides around the hotel hallways in a mobile wheelchair type thing. He swore he's never had an surgery and his kids wear masks each time they go out....and they have no mother...I mean they do, but their moms do not live with them or have any part in their life.

Let's see what else...oh yeah, the first ime a girl told him to go over to his house 4 sex he was scared and covered his face with his hands and ended up never having sex that day. He said his brothers would constantly have sex in the same room as him on tour and make he pretend he was sleeping. Oh and he says that his dad (who beat them BTW) never let him and his brothers call him dad..that they always had to call him by his first name...and that's why Michael's kids now never call him Michael...they HAVE to call him Dad/daddy.

Yup...very odd odd guy....I need to see the rest....

oh yeah! there was this one time at band camp.... :D

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The guy def has a few bolts loose, and should not be raising kids. I saw the interview with the guy who spent the 8 months with MJ and even he said he was deeply disturbed by his "experience". I think he is incredibly talented, but most people who are arent right in the head:tongue:

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Originally posted by steffy27

The guy def has a few bolts loose, and should not be raising kids. I saw the interview with the guy who spent the 8 months with MJ and even he said he was deeply disturbed by his "experience". I think he is incredibly talented, but most people who are arent right in the head:tongue:

Yeah! I agree with steffy27! MJ problem is that he didn't have a childhood and now doesn't wanna grow up!!!!

Hes gone MAD!!!!


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.......wow...michael jackson

one of my favorite artists growing up. Ive seen many interviews/documentaries on him in the years but this was by far the most disturbing. Maybe it has to do with how they presented it. I hated the guy giving the interview. Thought it was more of an interrogation. What has happened to MJ in the last 10-15 years.

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I agree with nightstar, I believe MJ is misunderstood, and perhaps does have a personality disorder. being a star since he was what like 10 years old. abusive father, and a childhood he never got too truly experience. I think if I had those issues, I would be a little f*cked in the head. the f*cking media makes a fiasco of his life, who the f*ck cares what he does..:mad: as long as he is not bothering anyone, let him live his life as he chooses. just my two pennies..

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Originally posted by sobeton

I agree with nightstar, I believe MJ is misunderstood, and perhaps does have a personality disorder. being a star since he was what like 10 years old. abusive father, and a childhood he never got too truly experience. I think if I had those issues, I would be a little f*cked in the head. the f*cking media makes a fiasco of his life, who the f*ck cares what he does..:mad: as long as he is not bothering anyone, let him live his life as he chooses. just my two pennies..

tell us the truth tony !! your real name is TITO !! :laugh: :laugh:
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