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Extreme Lunch YEAHYEAHYEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bus just had one of the best lunch break's of his life!!!!!

A good friend of mine, who I have raced motocross and supercross with... always trying to up the bar in fun.... calls me up this morning to see what I was up to....

With no plans, he tells me to grab some subs and my helmet and meet him at his house for lunch...

I could hear the motor running in the background when he called.... so I knew something was up....

I arrived at the house to find not one, but two Poloris 500 sleds in the driveway....

Instant adrenaline rush...

After inhaling the subs... we capped our melons with the fiberglass lids and jetted off into the fields for some fun....

Only rode a snowmobile twice in my life previous today.... but it was not even close to the fun we had....

I didnt even break 65mph on the speedo and I am still wipin the grin off my fez....

Can you say........... ACCELERATION!?!?!?!?!?!??

I have ridden a variety of crotch rockets... and raced a few different dirt bikes... but nothing comes close to the adrenaline rush of rocketting thru the woods at 60mph... launching off of every knoll or bump on the trail...

Fun Fun Fun...

Extended a lunch a bit... and completely wasted my sweater... hahaha.. still sporting the ring around my collar from the snow that melted thru my jacket...

I may have to look into one of these things....


See Digga, I told you I would make it back in one piece!!!

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Bus just had one of the best lunch break's of his life!!!!!

Extended a lunch a bit... and completely wasted my sweater... hahaha.. still sporting the ring around my collar from the snow that melted thru my jacket...

I may have to look into one of these things....


See Digga, I told you I would make it back in one piece!!!

:laugh: :laugh:

I :heart: how you talk about yourself in the 3rd person

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Attention Riggs.....check your pms.......ha ha ha.......I knew that would piss you off!!!!!.......sorry....my bi-polar slinky sidekick just kicked in for a second.......let me run and dive in the snow so I get some shrivelage and than I will come back in and defrost back to realty!!!!!

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