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Flavanugz Daily Rant (2/10)


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This is the first edition of the Flavanugz Daily Rant. if u dont like it, then dont read it. In this series, I will basicallly bitch about stuff I hate.

Today's Rant:

Nalgene Water Bottles:

What is everyone's friggin obsession with these things. Its like the cool thing to have nowadays. ITS A FUCKING WATER BOTTLE. Every kid I see with one of these I wanna strangle. I asked one of my friends why he bought one of these stupid things, nevermind people who have like eight different colors, and this was his reply, "They are unbreakable!"

So isnt plastic you fucking leck.

These stupid things are for rock climbers, not preppy trendfollowing, misguided college yuppies. I can garauntee that 99% of the people who have purchased these things have never EVER been rock climbing. This is just another one of those lame fucking fads that everyone feels they need to follow. Sorry, but I will never buy into this bullshit. A washed out Mt. Dew bottle will hold the same exact purpose.

And by the way, these things arent unbreakable. Trust me.

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Good call on the rants. I think we should make this rant week as I have a bunch of things to complain about :mad:

I bought one of those water bottles last week, but I needed it for skiing. I don't plan on using it again unless I go skiing again. I dont see why one would need to walk around with this type of water bottle at all times.

And another thing, why does everyone feel the need to walk around with their own gallon sized personal water supply everywhere they go? Could be just a 5 minute car ride but they have to take a bottle of water with them? You afraid you are going to die from dehydration in those 5 minutes you have to bring a drink with you? There isnt a Store 24 on every street corner in case you need a drink?

bahhhhh :mad:

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Well here is your problem, you are up in NH. That is what they do. They look crusty, wear sandles with those fucking socks, and carry stupid mountain shit, and it is all clipped on with the damn rope clip thingy.

Now I like water, I take a gallon to the gym, and I am always drinking it, got a problem with that J5er :shaky:

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:laugh: good call on the rant. Those things really piss me off too... who wants to drink warm water all day? For the cost of those stupid bottles, you'd figure it would at least keep it cold.

Another thing along those lines that pisses me off are people who keep their keys ring attached to carabineers. Your keys are already on rings, you don't need something else to keep the rings together, that's what the rings are for. And just like those stupid bottles, 90% of the people that do this have never gone rock climbing.

I feel much better now.

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Originally posted by kaydup

Well here is your problem, you are up in NH. That is what they do. They look crusty, wear sandles with those fucking socks, and carry stupid mountain shit, and it is all clipped on with the damn rope clip thingy.

:laugh: :laugh: so true! Megan came down from Plymoth State to go out with us in Boston on Saturday (her first time since turning 21 last week) and she kept complaining that she didn't like talking to boys that looked prettier than her - she was too used to the scrapped-out looking boys up at PSC.

p.s. i've gone rockclimbing before & i'd feel like a tool carrying that stupid thing around with me :D

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Originally posted by flavanugz

if i see you with one i will smash it......

I just got a vision of our legendary gay-house DJ spinning up a throbbing Diva vocal at my place next Friday, when he stops in mid-mix to find g with a brand new Purple Nalgene bottle. He jumps at her (scratching a record right off the table while he's at it... you know the sound), grabs the bottle, then proceedes to try to break it by any means neccessary for the next 45 minutes. Stomping on it, throwing it, hitting it with a hammer... and nothing works. Finally frustrated he quits, throws it to the ground, and stomps off back to the decks, where he starts playing "Better Off Alone" (Naglene-why-do-you-hate-me-extended-club-mix)

Don't ask me why on earth that just popped into my head.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

I just got a vision of our legendary gay-house DJ spinning up a throbbing Diva vocal at my place next Friday, when he stops in mid-mix to find g with a brand new Purple Nalgene bottle. He jumps at her (scratching a record right off the table while he's at it... you know the sound), grabs the bottle, then proceedes to try to break it by any means neccessary for the next 45 minutes. Stomping on it, throwing it, hitting it with a hammer... and nothing works. Finally frustrated he quits, throws it to the ground, and stomps off back to the decks, where he starts playing "Better Off Alone" (Naglene-why-do-you-hate-me-extended-club-mix)

Don't ask me why on earth that just popped into my head.

:rofl: I just spit my Nalgene all over the place!!!

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