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usually cooler than this


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hey everyone

moved out here recently from nyc and just wanted to say whats up to y'all...

been lurking around the board awhile but just now mustered up the cajones to post a simple hello.

kinda shy i guess . cwm6.gif

its awesome to see how tight y'all are. hope to get to know everyone better.




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pretty funny...thats what i thought at first too, but...that said....

welcome to our humble (NOT!) board! if you've been lurking around you probably think we're all complete freaks which, as hardcore pointed out to me the other day...most of us are!!!!

you'll definitely have to hang with us....theres a ton of stuff going on from when our miami-bound compatriots return all the way through april!

oh yeah....check your pm, btw


kav cwm12.gifcwm38.gifcwm12.gifcwm38.gif

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Actually its normally warmer than this...its those damn clouds blocking out the sun thats keepin' it soooo cool.

And why the f - - k do so many people move out here from the NYC. Its like that boat from Cuba filled with all their criminals and vagabonds. Don't we have border patrol to stop this sort of thing. Who gave you permission to say anything anyway. I don't remember anyone vouching for this broad. And Kelly...not a word thankyou.

So lil missy...what brings you to the big orange...I was just playing, I'm not really this bitter, its just the whole operation thing is really affecting my mood lately. Hope you find our city pleasant and liveable. The traffic sux, but gosh the view is incredible. Back to pickin' daisies...bye now





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Originally posted by gumby76:

And why the f - - k do so many people move out here from the NYC. Its like that boat from Cuba filled with all their criminals and vagabonds. Don't we have border patrol to stop this sort of thing. Who gave you permission to say anything anyway. I don't remember anyone vouching for this broad. And Kelly...not a word thankyou.


like you didnt know that saying "kelly not a word" would instantaneously incite MORE than just ONE word.....c'mon now, sweet pea, you know me better than that?

so lucky you, missy....the wrath of gumbalicious after your very first post! his bark's 10 bazillion times bigger than his bite, so no worries!!

jeez..gumbo, i think she was startin' to think we were a pretty cool normal chill bunch and you just HAD to let the insanity out.....on the FIRST DAY no less.... cwm2.gif

happy friday afternoon!!!


kav cwm12.gifcwm38.gifcwm12.gifcwm38.gif


check yahoo NOW

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If she really has been reading up on all the prior posts...she knows the truth...why try to hide it. And if you don't start her out right the first day, she might come to expect some sort of treatment that sure as shite aint comin' her way, no...

Its reminds me of a day when pops and I were chillin in the kitchen, admiring some handy work of his. You see my father was a real hand-y guy, he loved to do any type of manual labor himself rather than pay some arse-crack showin tubby man. He even once built me an entire doll house for my Barbie dolls from scratch...uhhh...I mean my sister's Barbie dollssssand thats not really important anyway...hmmm...lets see...what was I talking about...oh, so we are admiring the new tile floor my father had just finished laying in the kitchen. He pulled me aside and said, "Bobby"

"My name's Matt, dad," I said

"Thats what I said, Matt," he said.

(quick side note, my father was a bit of red nose if you get my drift, kind of guy that finished a sixer on the way down to breakfast)

So anyway, he says, "Matt, let me tell ya something about the women son. You see, back in my day I was a real ladies man. They just couldn't get enough of me, and ya wanna know what the secret was?"

Being 5 years old, I cared more about the booger I was trying to dislodge from the depths of my nasal passage than any story this drunken lunatic I called my father could concoct. But nevertheless, being my father, I had to feign interest.

"What dad, what," I said, giving my best impersonation of Beaver Cleaver.

"Tile floors, son," he said.

"Tile floors, dad?" I said, with a look of absolute mysticism on my face, trying to appear interested.

"Tile floors, son. You see Matt, women are just like tile floors. Lay em right the first time and you can walk all over them the rest of your life," he said.

At this point he burst out laughing and gave me a hardy slap on the back. The problem was, I wasn't expecting the slap at all and still had my finger snuggled up to my frontal lobe. When his hand hit my back, I impaled myself on my finger, rupturing my septum and causing considerable pain. I had to be taken to the emergency room and spent several hours in surgery. To this day I snore like a freight train because of it and find it very difficult to inhale through my nose.

In closing, beware of tile floors

TGIF cwm26.gif

ps - that one was for you Kelly, thats your funny for the day. Hope you like it.

[This message has been edited by gumby76 (edited 03-23-2001).]

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for as much shite as i love dishing your way, i must say that was f*&king hysterical....10 points for matty-chuck, i tell ya!

thanks for the dedication...im touched to the point of tears...i...i...i just cant go on any more....*sigh*

happy friday afternoon, now that new girl missy KNOWS we're complete freaks!!!


kav cwm12.gifcwm38.gifcwm12.gifcwm38.gif


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gumby, extremely well done, BRAVO! cwm11.gif (yes, that's right, i used the infrequent 'tangerine wearing sunglasses' smiley) dang, wish people could write sitcoms as funny as the stuff gumby posts to this dang board. dang. dang, dawg. wessside, dawg.

ok, i'm done. cwm34.gif


kid_wearingdadsclothes_md_clr.gif wait, who's supposed to be an adult?

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Welcome...don't mind the others...they can sometimes get wrapped up in their little cutsie conversations...(I'm gonna get sh!te for that, I know)...

I came out here from Boston 6 months ago...meeting people on this board has probably been one of the best things that has happened so far (as I wipe a tear from my eye)...

Unfortunately, my sorry ass is from LA...so I do have friends from the yonder years...but I don't really hang with them anymore...hence, meeting cool people on the board...

Anyway, welcome. And don't be scared to post. We might seem scary (gumby and hardcore being the scariest), but everybody seems to be quite normal cwm6.gif ...when they want to be...

cwm12.gifcwm12.gifcwm12.gif djfrostcali


djfrostsignature.jpg SPIN THEM RECORDS IN YOUR HEAD

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poor missylala....alllllllllllllllll she wanted to do was say hi.....and now her post gets BOMBARDED by all the non-WMC bound (and to be honest, after the 75 thousand bullshit countdown posts, im GLAD i decided not to go!) crazies who are still here in lala land!!!


happy weekend!


kav cwm12.gifcwm38.gifcwm12.gifcwm38.gif

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Oh wait. I forgot something...gumby, I was sitting there reading your post, getting into it, wondering where it might be going because there were so many twists and turns...and I thought the ending was going to explain why you are the way you are...you know, puncturing your brain and everything...I thought maybe that's how you came to be...well,....sarcastic as hell gumby.

I was so disappointed to find that wasn't the ending. cwm4.gif

When do I get my smackdown? cwm31.gif

cwm12.gifcwm12.gifcwm12.gif djfrostcali


djfrostsignature.jpg SPIN THEM RECORDS IN YOUR HEAD

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Originally posted by djfrostcali:

When do I get my smackdown? p><p>My dear DJ...why waste time doing s

(you know I'm just playing, but you asked for it, so I had to go for the sore spot)

Don't mess with the best kid [img]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm1.gif' alt='cwm1.gif'>

As for you K - K...I'm always around...didn't you hear (in my best Dicky V impersonation) I'm the three O's baby Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent

And to you Missy, kudos to you...your very first thread and look at the result, even with all those cats down at WMC you still pull off one helluva thread...welcome aboard sailor



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look at my thread go... cwm27.gif

gumby...thanks for helping it along with your poignant childhood memories...

hardcore...go back to ny and leave the warmth and charm of la that you so artfully embody??? don't be ridiculous.

thanks ladies for being so nice...

happy weekend everyone!!!


i think i'm getting the hand of this...



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It's not that I am not nice. I actually am a very nice person. I just have a rule that I will not Welcome newbies, I was never welcome and I found Clubplanet by mistake and immediately started posting. So watch the attitude.




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