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:laugh: :laugh: res, this site is hilarious! And I thought I was watching a lot of TV this winter... this chick is ridiculous!

"I have off of work for two days. I’m so excited. Also, I’m working Valentine’s Day, and the theme of the night is Pimp and Ho’s. Why are we having a Pimp and Ho’s party on Valentine’s Day? Does anyone else find this to be…contradictory? It’s supposed to be a day of Lovers. I’m dreading it so much. It’s going to be retarted. It’s all bitter single people slutted out more than usual as an advertised THEME. Why don’t we just call it, “Fill-the-room-with-smoke-and-fuck-on-the-bar party. Oh, and tip your waitressnot.†What a nightmare. Do you think they can make oxygen masks part of the uniform? Oh, that would be amazing." -- :laugh: I definitely want to be one of those bitter singles now! I love how she just randomly ends her sentances with 'not' attached to the last word sometimes. Who the hell does that??

This chick seems really coolnot.

g, I like your plan. We should get dinner there sometime and do every little thing she hates. If we read up on her site, I bet we could find at least a dozen things that piss her off! (All she does is bitch throught the WHOLE site.... she's got a good outlook on lifenot.)

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

g, I like your plan. We should get dinner there sometime and do every little thing she hates. If we read up on her site, I bet we could find at least a dozen things that piss her off! (All she does is bitch throught the WHOLE site.... she's got a good outlook on lifenot.)

Seriously - we find enough things to piss her off with - we are so definetly going to get into the diary! We need to figure out some new stuff to piss her off with too - otherwise she might catch on to our trickiness. Damn! This is a great plan- who else is in???

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Hell yes I read this stuff! Her site's the most entertaining thing I've seen all week. You can't make-up stuff this good!

g, I really think we could do a number on her. Just reading two days worth of bitching I've already found 4 or 5 things that would really set her off (and that we could easily do). She works at a bar and she's complaining about smoke?!?! Then she complained that the Boston law banned smoking, but the ban not going into effect until May... she said there shouldn't be a grace period. This girl is waaaaay out of touch with reality, although she's very in touch with reality TV.

"Are you that girl from the real world? I really didn't like your character on that show. "

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Hell yes I read this stuff! Her site's the most entertaining thing I've seen all week. You can't make-up stuff this good!

g, I really think we could do a number on her. Just reading two days worth of bitching I've already found 4 or 5 things that would really set her off (and that we could easily do). She works at a bar and she's complaining about smoke?!?! Then she complained that the Boston law banned smoking, but the ban not going into effect until May... she said there shouldn't be a grace period. This girl is waaaaay out of touch with reality, although she's very in touch with reality TV.

"Are you that girl from the real world? I really didn't like your character on that show. "

:laugh: Yeah I hate her character!

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i read that site every day, and she's every bit that self-conscious in real life:eek:

i love that she's so bitter about the real world but watches mtv 24/7 and goes on to make comments like, "Editing in this episode is fantastic. The scene goes into slow motion and the music changes whenever Jake almost loses it. Also, I like how the playbacks are in black and white except for the single ring that falls...well done, BMP. Very dramatic. Sorta like the flashbacks on the Chicago Real World. Was it not like every single episode that they had some black and white flashback to the episode before? But I digress..."

the whole site's a trainwreck, you have to watch


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This site is awesome ! Wagz you are the man for finding this one. I love reading this chicks ramblings. She goes off on some really fucked up tangents. I kind of feel sad for her and all...she must be really bored. After living in NYC and being on MTV and stuff she is now back in Boston and waiting tables. That must be rough.

I love how she always says "Who does this?" :laugh: I am going to be using that a lot now I think.

and then there's this:

"Do you know this about me - I HATE clubs. I don't hate clubs, but...yeah, no, I do. I like bars. I love bars, but I fucking hate clubs. I don't like going out dancing at all. I love dancing, but only at bars. "

:laugh: I <3 this girl. Even if her thoughts are a little scattered.

You guys play nice now...dont go there to fuck with her :mad:

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Oh & I'm gonna wear a shirt that says I <3 TeamJ5 in HUGE letters on the front and back and even on the sleeves - maybe the back can say something like Mrs. TeamJ5 - and the sleeves can say TeamJ5's girl and it's going to be this crazy ridiculous bright neon pink with tassles and mesh.

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Originally posted by whadupg

Maybe nyis can wear it instead :)

Man, I was enjoying this whole thread, laughing along with teamj5 about how much this chick sucks... then you have to go and ruin the whole damn thing!

It's just like that scene in Go. Where the guy is talking about reading the comics, and he enjoys the whole thing, just until he gets to the very bottom and has to read the Family Circus, and it's just so bad that it ruins everything he read before it.

Yes g, you are the Family Circus today. Very coolnot.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Man, I was enjoying this whole thread, laughing along with teamj5 about how much this chick sucks... then you have to go and ruin the whole damn thing!

It's just like that scene in Go. Where the guy is talking about reading the comics, and he enjoys the whole thing, just until he gets to the very bottom and has to read the Family Circus, and it's just so bad that it ruins everything he read before it.

Yes g, you are the Family Circus today. Very coolnot.

:laugh: Sorry- it had to be said.

btw - the BEST part of that movie is my quote on the "other" board. :D

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Originally posted by whadupg

:laugh: Sorry- it had to be said.

btw - the BEST part of that movie is my quote on the "other" board. :D

Yeah, I saw your quote on there, nice one! I love that movie for one reason or another, and I quote it all the time but usually people don't really pick up on what I'm saying.

Whoa man, how's like the ground down there and shit?

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Yeah, I saw your quote on there, nice one! I love that movie for one reason or another, and I quote it all the time but usually people don't really pick up on what I'm saying.

Whoa man, how's like the ground down there and shit?

You sell Am-way

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