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Ranty Rizant (2/13)


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Ok, first off i should be bitching about the fact i said I would have a daily rant, yet i dont do it daily. Im a sally, but really i have a cold. Pass the tissues.....

Today's Topic: Automatic Toilet Flushers

I dunno about the rest of you insecure bastards, but when I gotta shit, I go. Except if Im in a club, because we all know how fun it is to pee on the seat when you are totally shitfaced. Anyways, when i was taking my daily shit at 10am, like clockwork, at school, I realized what is wrong with America.

We are the laziest fucks on EARTH!!!! Its true. Peole are soo lazy now that we have to have a fucking machine flush the toilet for us. Is this for real? Now I am one of the laziest people I know, and I always flush the toilet. Its not like its that disgusting. If you have enough respect to drop a deuce in a public toilet, I sure as hell hope u can flush.

Now one might say, "Flava, whats so bad about these, They keep u away from icky icky gross germs, and its juts another commodity." Well if the fucking things worked right maybe I wouldnt care so much. You sit down on these things, do you doodie, and the stand up to wipe you ass, and it flushes. So now u throw away the paper and it just sits there in the bowl. What is the point. Now someone has to come in after me and look at my shit that i left on the paper. This is unacceptable.

And as far as germs go, there are alot more things that people comein close contact with EVERYDAY that have 100 times more germs than a toilet bowl. Just think of all the places that money in your wallet has been, just festering with germs. Or your cellphone, or a doorhandle, or your nasty ass zit riddled face that you just touched and gave me a highfive with cuz u think you are my friend.

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The only thing better than a self-flushing toilet is a self-cleaning toilet. Have you ever seen one of these? They wipe down the seat after every flush and give the bowl a major cleaning... it's really quite amazing. Everytime I see one of those things I feel like I'm one of the Jetsons.

I'm curious about the stand vs. sit wipe debate. Please continue. :constipa:

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I like the self flushing ones, they got some kick ass power to them.

The thing I FUCKING HATE is the push down sinks, what the fuck ya push it and the fucker goes off in one second. What is that shit!!

Also I CANT FUCKING STAND hand blowers!!

Standing just causes a mess

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Originally posted by kaydup

I like the self flushing ones, they got some kick ass power to them.

The thing I FUCKING HATE is the push down sinks, what the fuck ya push it and the fucker goes off in one second. What is that shit!!

Also I CANT FUCKING STAND hand blowers!!

Standing just causes a mess

I'm definitely with you on this one. How bad are the sinks that you HAVE to constantly push down to get them to work?? Sooooo, now I can only wash one of my hands at a time. That's great, thanks.

Paper towels are 100 times better than hand dryers too. The dryers never completely get your hands dry and I just hate that. It makes me feel like I have to wipe them on my shirt or pants or something and that's just nasty.

I'm so leary of bidets :shaky: I don't want nothin' shootin' somethin' up my ass, thank you very much.

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