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been a little while since i told you all a little "jay" story, so here ya go...

stayed home from work last friday cuz of the "blizzard" we got. went to the gym and when i got home our driveway had been blocked in with snow. so i park my car down the street so i can shovel that shit outta there. (of course roomie hadn't done jack shit all day) i grab the shovels made out of saran wrap and paper clips that our landloard kindly left for us and start diggin. 45 minutes later i had cleared a path and in the process thrown all the snow behind a van blocking it completely in it's spot.

i go inside to eat some lunch, blah, and the doorbell rings. it's our 954 year old neighbor who's bitchin that i threw snow at her house when i was clearing off our driveway (pointing to the snow hanging off the side of her soon-to-be condemned shit pile of bricks). k, great. then i watch her from my window flippin out as she tries to clear the 4 foot high pile of snow i had left behind her van. i let her struggle for a good 5 minutes while i laugh and finish off my turkey burger, then head outside and gave the old bag a hand. she was still bitchin bout the snow on her house as i helped her. shoulda smacked her over the head with that shovel, but it probably would have disintegrated mid-air.

now the fun, Jay-like part. my guest of honor comes by about 4 hours later and is like, where's your car??? "SHIT!!!" is my response. i run outside... gone. apparently you shouldn't leave your car blocking someone's driveway for 6 hours in bloomfield. i call the cops.. it had been towed, at which point i hung the phone up and threw snowballs at that person's house and cursed them out for a good 10 minutes... i laughed while i was doing it imagining some little girl wondering why the crazy white boy was screamin while chuckin snow at someone's house.

$110 later i'm in a tow lot at 8:15 AM the next day waiting for some guy to move 5 cars (that were completely dead) outta the way of my car (Volky Jr.) with a fucking forklift. good times gang.. THE BEST!!

more to come, stay tuned.

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Originally posted by dogekid

i'm here to entertain gang.

rose.. plz do so. although today he swore up and down that he was gonna clean our entire place. not that it ever has more than 3 particles of dust settled in it anyway.

Roomie's gotta help you with breakfast next time too!!!:mad:

and i won't share the couch with him


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....I know your pain....I have a nasty old lady for a neighbor too

She called the police on me for watering my lawn at midnight...and this was before the draught!

I decided to pay her back the favor...I aimed my sprinklers at her door so she couldn't get out for an hour or so...

Sure....the police came to my house again, but she never bothered me again after that.

Moral of the story...old people suck!

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Originally posted by dogekid

been a little while since i told you all a little "jay" story, so here ya go...

stayed home from work last friday cuz of the "blizzard" we got. went to the gym and when i got home our driveway had been blocked in with snow. so i park my car down the street so i can shovel that shit outta there. (of course roomie hadn't done jack shit all day) i grab the shovels made out of saran wrap and paper clips that our landloard kindly left for us and start diggin. 45 minutes later i had cleared a path and in the process thrown all the snow behind a van blocking it completely in it's spot.

i go inside to eat some lunch, blah, and the doorbell rings. it's our 954 year old neighbor who's bitchin that i threw snow at her house when i was clearing off our driveway (pointing to the snow hanging off the side of her soon-to-be condemned shit pile of bricks). k, great. then i watch her from my window flippin out as she tries to clear the 4 foot high pile of snow i had left behind her van. i let her struggle for a good 5 minutes while i laugh and finish off my turkey burger, then head outside and gave the old bag a hand. she was still bitchin bout the snow on her house as i helped her. shoulda smacked her over the head with that shovel, but it probably would have disintegrated mid-air.

now the fun, Jay-like part. my guest of honor comes by about 4 hours later and is like, where's your car??? "SHIT!!!" is my response. i run outside... gone. apparently you shouldn't leave your car blocking someone's driveway for 6 hours in bloomfield. i call the cops.. it had been towed, at which point i hung the phone up and threw snowballs at that person's house and cursed them out for a good 10 minutes... i laughed while i was doing it imagining some little girl wondering why the crazy white boy was screamin while chuckin snow at someone's house.

$110 later i'm in a tow lot at 8:15 AM the next day waiting for some guy to move 5 cars (that were completely dead) outta the way of my car (Volky Jr.) with a fucking forklift. good times gang.. THE BEST!!

more to come, stay tuned.

great story jaydigga, and remember what dave said to ya back at metro............

stories like this is why ya can role wit digga anytime.........

i got plenty of em for ya jaydigga, ask somegirl bout how she passes time at work, diggas got plenty like this to make yo self feel like a rocket scientist compared to me.............

well fool HOWL at me DAWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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did we ever decide how we're gonna spend vday together?.. those bed springs are double-insulated so we'll need about 3 hours.

me and the misses are going to an ultimate fighting championship match followed by chinese water torture and then a nice relaxing night on the couch watchin the nightmare on elm street party pack. you can join if you like.

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