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QUESTION for all the CP guys..........

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ok when you are dating a girl and things are getting serious.............you like her alot.........but guys tend to run away from it cause you are afraid of getting hurt............


another question, if you know the girl cares but she isnt always as affectionate as you are in return, does that scare you off too???????

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part A)

its not really much to think about--

if hes running away then he (HE) wasnt feelin serious

and at that point finally realized that SHE was feelin that way-

tendancy is ot take the easy way out -too bed not ALL of us are grown up enough to actually SAY SOMETHING!!

i mean whats the deal here?

do they think that if they say to the grl "im sory but im not really feeling the same as you and i think its best that we end this"

what? of the grl says NO then he cant leave? jerks

part B)

i dont think (for me) that it would scare me off-

it depends on way to many factors in the relation ship i suppose

cause i would end up talking to her to find out if theres some psycological reason that has her show feelings in the way she does--

whatever the reason is- its not WRONG-

in fact it most probably

....JUST THE WAY YOU ARE...... i like that song

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well the rason i am asking is from what most know, i was dumped tuesday..........everything was more then great except my lack of returning the affection basically cause i didnt wanna get hurt.......

he wasnt afraid of saying how he felt cause one of the last lil tiffs we had was cause he said "i love you" and i said "no you dont"

i was only kidding, but i am not gonna say "i love you" if i dont quite feel that yet...............i really should have had a talk with him about that instead of avoiding it

but what i am sort of getting at is since it was 3 days before v-day i already had his presents so when i went to get a few things from his house Wed, i left the presents there along with the cards which were actually written out monday night.

those cards probably proved how i felt even though i didnt show it as much as i should

he is still callin for the most part, when i saw him thursday he was still holding my hand, hugging me, doing things like touching my hair as if i ended it with him and he was heartbroken


and you say girls are the complex ones OMG!!! so not true!

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totally agree but it was only 2 months into it (we started dating the end of Nov.) and reasons behind me not talking to him about the "i love you"s was i didnt wanna jump to conclusions cause it started out in all fun with "you know i love you" after he would make fun of me or something

plus me and him were trying to keep it slow and not complicated.......we had one or 2 talks about where each other stood but that was about it. if we were still together, after this last week, i would have talked with him. thats when the "i love you" got serious, but i wasnt even given a chance.............

why is he still callin??

i told him to stop cause its not helpin me and he got offended

so i said call but dont do it cause you feel sorry for me or you have to, dont patronize me please, i dont need that

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its too late for him

now since he saw the cards AFTER the fight and incidant

hes feelin guilty

and that can take some time to get that feeling out of himself-

he might be feeling not only like he probably instigated the breakup

but also like HE let YOU down by the way he took your caracture

theres really only 2 ways ot get him to stop callin you

1 is quick

just dont answer anymore (not even online)

eventually he will stop

2) answer him where ever,

talk about nothing

make sure theres those moments of "uncomfortable silence"

and during one tell him "look

this is rediculous, we're not going to get back the what we were so we should stop... right now..before this goes on too long and one of us hurts the other......"

not totaly on those words but you know the concept im sure..

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well one i cant really ignore him, he is always gonna be around, we are part of a really big group of friends, so i have to be adult and stay civil towards him plus we promised in the beginning to always be friends.............

second what if he realized what he lost cause he never knew how i felt......

even before he read the cards, he was having trouble letting me leave his house when i came to get my stuff

and it wasnt a fight we had that caused the break up, he just said he didnt wanna do this anymore, tried to make up corny excuses that i picked up on and made a point about when we talked at his house the next day............

our mutual friend, who happens to be very close to the both of us, said he doesnt get it cause he was very much into me and cant figure out why he would end this

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too bad you cant go back in time and make a choice not to start going past that line with eachother--but

at least you have something very special here

and its VERY important too...

the 2 of you have history

as friends

best thing obviously to do is go back to the friends thing if you both agree to try it--

if it all works out- its will go back to as if nothing had changed

but in all fairness i think you guys should be true to yourselfs and be friends

not just leave eachother alone

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it is just so weird cause there is no harshness towards each other, things go on as is, he calls me, i dont really call him unless its has to do with the group........some reason he only takes my calls.........i just wish it would go back to me and him together cause we had something really good, everyone saw it and everyone told us

our very close mutual friend told him i am perfect for him, i am a great girl, dont loose me, and to treat me right

that was 2 weeks ago................

go figure! lol

this seriously isnt a normal break up and there is more there he isnt talking about and i am not sure if i should pry into it

i am definitely the only one who can get him out of a bad mood.........

i guess i'll have to settle for friends, unless he gets over himself a lil..........i wont be waiting around though

you should come to Euro Lounge in North Arlington tomorrow night..........my friend is supposed to be spinning there and i want everyone there to support him...........when i tell you that place is beautiful i mean it, who ever designed it needs an award

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

you should come to Euro Lounge in North Arlington tomorrow night..........my friend is supposed to be spinning there and i want everyone there to support him...........when i tell you that place is beautiful i mean it, who ever designed it needs an award

i dont know whic hdj is your friend but ill be spinning for a little bit there also tomorrow

hit me with the instant message already

this is starting to look like a chat room:laugh:

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