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Black Books

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Do You have one?

Do you know anyone that has one?

Are they really Black?

WHat do you use them for?

Will you ever throw them out?

Do you use them for just phone numbers or for *ahem* notes as well?

WHere do you keep it?

I'm waiting for feed back on this oh so interesting topic that has me thinking lotsss.

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I think this question is for mostly guys and the answer is it is a sacred thing that shall not be discussed. As a matter of fact the elleventh commandment in the rough draft was "thou shalt not discussith thy black book" but it must of have been dropped during the approval stage.

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Originally posted by somegirl24

I certainly dont have one..there'd be all of five names in it...but very good question D.....inquiring minds wanna know!!!

For chickadeee's like us we have what you call the 'black index card' In all seriousness tho, I used to have a group of girlfriends that actually owned LITTLE BLACK BOOKS, not only did they keep numbers but notes as well to remind them of who they are calling.


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Originally posted by stiffler

I think this question is for mostly guys and the answer is it is a sacred thing that shall not be discussed. As a matter of fact the elleventh commandment in the rough draft was "thou shalt not discussith thy black book" but it must of have been dropped during the approval stage.

Well sticky, I want to know this stuff. So screw that eleventh amendment and spilll PWEASE.

c'mon I'm on a mission to get to the bottom of this.


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Originally posted by deeelite1

Well sticky, I want to know this stuff. So screw that eleventh amendment and spilll PWEASE.

c'mon I'm on a mission to get to the bottom of this.


I was talking Government talk, it was church talk................Commandment not Ammendment!:mad:

But if you must know, I havent had one since the day of the cell phone. Everything goes in there.:tongue:

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Originally posted by deeelite1


Do You have one?

Do you know anyone that has one?

Are they really Black?

WHat do you use them for?

Will you ever throw them out?

Do you use them for just phone numbers or for *ahem* notes as well?

WHere do you keep it?

I'm waiting for feed back on this oh so interesting topic that has me thinking lotsss.

This guy that grew up across the street from a good friend of mine was crazy. he always had stories and shit, funniest mofo i ever met. once my friend sneeked into his room and found his little black book. We looked page by page, and this kid must of known every chick on the east coast. it had hair color, number, address, and even how many stars (1-being the worst and 5- the best) the funniest part of this book was a small note we found inside the back cover which said......x-mas dump all girlfriends, birthday get more girlfriends :laugh:

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Originally posted by deeelite1


Do You have one?

Do you know anyone that has one?

Are they really Black?

WHat do you use them for?

Will you ever throw them out?

Do you use them for just phone numbers or for *ahem* notes as well?

WHere do you keep it?

I'm waiting for feed back on this oh so interesting topic that has me thinking lotsss.

they've been replaced by cellphones

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Originally posted by stiffler

I think this question is for mostly guys and the answer is it is a sacred thing that shall not be discussed. As a matter of fact the elleventh commandment in the rough draft was "thou shalt not discussith thy black book" but it must of have been dropped during the approval stage.


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Originally posted by Mystify22

I think it's the meds I'm taking for this damn flu . . . :(

A..thats too funny about the boots..you had me rolling....

and wittle wori is sicky poo too...well..i have that ifeellikeshitgetmesomemedicine sick.....not full blown..ya get me??:rolleyes::D

Get better poopie head!!:kiss2:

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Originally posted by somegirl24

A..thats too funny about the boots..you had me rolling....

and wittle wori is sicky poo too...well..i have that ifeellikeshitgetmesomemedicine sick.....not full blown..ya get me??:rolleyes::D

Get better poopie head!!:kiss2:

Yea LORI talklikeuslilfreakameedeekis. Feel better soon pwease. :hat:

to all you smartieallecks that say No black book cuz you got a cell phone, what happens when you drop your cell in the whirlpool when you are getting your pedicures?


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Originally posted by deeelite1

Go hype, all hitech an electronic book to backup the hoochimama Numbers.

How are you sweetie?

i'm ok. they were both electronic black books. it was kinda like the Pre-cell phone thing for me. i'd have a girl type in her number in the black book

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Originally posted by deeelite1

Yea LORI talklikeuslilfreakameedeekis. Feel better soon pwease. :hat:

to all you smartieallecks that say No black book cuz you got a cell phone, what happens when you drop your cell in the whirlpool when you are getting your pedicures?


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Technology can only get you so far my pimpin pappis...

Write that ish down!!!

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