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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

promotion threads are gay


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Originally posted by teamj5

Stop posting your shit on this board.

Nobody here cares.

Nobody here is going to go to your night.

If we are looking for something to do, we know where to get the information from.

Go away.


Question....Isn't the whole point of websites such as club planet to give promoters an outlet to promote and do their job, whilst giving the clubgoer a 24/7 realtime media to find out whats happening around town ? You say "Nobody cares" & " We know where to get the information" wouldn't you agree that websites such as this are "where to get the information" ?

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Originally posted by teamj5

Stop posting your shit on this board.

Nobody here cares.

Nobody here is going to go to your night.

If we are looking for something to do, we know where to get the information from.

Go away.


:blank: C'mon, local promoters need a forum...if not here, then where?

You may not care, I know, but many, many lurkers come to this board to help them figure out what to do when. Just let it go. There's no real reason for anyone to be so paternalistic with this board, let alone insulting to local promoters. That's just my 2 cents. :)

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Originally posted by groovefire

:blank: C'mon, local promoters need a forum...if not here, then where?

You may not care, I know, but many, many lurkers come to this board to help them figure out what to do when. Just let it go. There's no real reason for anyone to be so paternalistic with this board, let alone insulting to local promoters. That's just my 2 cents. :)

I agree with you and TeamJ5......if thats possible.

Read what unclefester has to say in the Freshie Thread.

I respect when Josh and You promote because you are a part of the "community" and actually contribute more to this board than spam.

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Originally posted by flavanugz

I agree with you and TeamJ5......if thats possible.

Read what unclefester has to say in the Freshie Thread.

I respect when Josh and You promote because you are a part of the "community" and actually contribute more to this board than spam.

Here you go...


I'd like to add my .02 to this discussion. The problem is that the people that regularly contribute to this forrum are a community of sorts. They talk on a daily basis, and many of the hang out when they aren't online. As a community, they want people to contribute and become part of the community. By starting off with plugs for parties you're saying that you have no interest in the community, you just want to use it for advertising. If you took the time to get to know people, and earn their respect before you started promoting your parties, people would be much more receptive. They might even take a chance and go check out an event that they normally wouldn't have, just to support another member of the community. It's true that these boards are here to inform people, but people need to know what you're about before they follow you. I'm a DJ, and I don't think I've really blown up my own events on here because I'm still relatively new to CP, and don't want people on here to think I'm "using" CP. If there is something going on that I think might be of interest, I'll mention it, but I talk about more than just my events. I hope you don't view what I've said as an attack, it wasn't meant to be, but you should understand why there is hostility.

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Originally posted by groovefire

Yes, it says 'Goovefire' because we asked you to whip us up a little something with your Photoshop mastry, and true to form, you delivered. :laugh:

Todd, if you want groovefire can contract me. The following is what I specialize in. I will take that picture you have provided me with and I will just put the words GROOVEFIRE above or below it. Or we could do something like 'Todd is Fabulous' on the front and Groovefire on the back. Ya know just throwing some ideas out there for ya. Give me some suggestions and I will see what I can photoshop up for ya.

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Originally posted by groovefire

Your command of computer illustarion never ceases to amaze me...you turn my mere thought into reality! :laugh:

But I would think you should harp on the fire/flame concept more, right? :laugh:

These are free because I like you so much

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