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Do you wait in line? or Are you a cutter?

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I have to say, cutting bathroom lines are very rude.. but if i'm waiting to get inside and it's just a bunch of guys, or guys w/ their girlfriends, fuck that.... i won't try to cut the line if there's a bunch of girls that's just rude.... it's too fuckin cold though to be waiting outside

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Originally posted by Kermzy

I almost always wait my turn on line, I say excuse me & pardon me, thank you & I'm sorry, my manners are exquisite! Except around 2 am on an given Saturday night in the summer at Temps, then for some reason I think I own the place & I cut in line like a champ! Shit ain't right but my bladder don't give a shit!

Exactly :aright:

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This is a subject that I am a complete BITCH about...I cannot stand it when I am at Tempts and some little trixies walk to the front of the line saying "Oh, I just have to use the mirror!" From that point on I keep an eye on thoses girls, and wouldnt you know 9 out of 10 times they sneak their way into a stall. The part that really gets me is that other girls on line bitch and maon when they notice it but DONT DO ANYTHING! I have, on numerous occasions, knocked on the door, and said "Get out ya hoe!". and then stood outside of the bathroom and waited for the girls to come out. Then we (usually Lesdig and I)procede to turn the entire bathroom against them and make them feel really stupid, I distictly remember telling one girl that she had clown pants on and a fat ass last summer. I am not usually the type to be rude and insulting, but this really gets me mad! I may talk a lot of shit, but never get physical, some girl tried to come after me last summer and I just jumped into a stall (Im a big woosy ;))

So that s my 2cents, I do not cut on line, and you better not cut in front of me!

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Line cutters are rude. You must wait your turn.

Exactly!!!!! Some people actually act like its expected that they be let in before everyone else!!! I have been going out for years and i have never looked for anything at the door. If its offered thst nice but ill wait my turn
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Originally posted by perns2002

Does it work when you yell though.......... ?

I usually just say whatever, someone else opens there mouth before me always. If they wanna use a club bathroom line to feel all high and mighty then go ahead be my guest, glad I could be of assistance..............


i make it a point to tell them that theres a line HERE no guest list not the vip section you wait your turn like everyone else they usually just huff and puff and take there ass right back to end of the line

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Everyone can cut the line tonight, wednesday at Voodoo Lounge!

Don't be mindless cattle and expect to pay a cover everywhere you go!


Get to the club early and get in free...

suck face with a bouncer/bartender and get in free...

Do stupid human tricks on the sidewalk and get in free

bring 3 cups of coffee for the doormen and get in free

play with your nipples while standing on your head

(this would probally get you locked up)


NO Thugs ~ No Drugs !

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Originally posted by voodoolounge

I walk right up to the bouncer at the door and slip him $20-$50 depending on how many people are with me.

waiting sucks ass when you can be at the bar drinking beers!

We are taling about the :flush: line.......

The door line, now that's a totally different story.............

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