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Originally posted by psychosweetie

You know what I dont understand? Why would people air their dirty laundry on a message board instead of being an adult and confronting the people when they see them?

Also, if the person doesnt care...what is the point of all this? Why is there so much hating going on if nobody cares?

I hate you and i dont care :D

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

You know what I dont understand? Why would people air their dirty laundry on a message board instead of being an adult and confronting the people when they see them?

Also, if the person doesnt care...what is the point of all this? Why is there so much hating going on if nobody cares?

These are all valid points...It seems that people treat issues as if they are in high school rather than facing and confronting them as an adult. Unfortuantely, they only know half of the story and assume they know exactly what is going on...It is one thing if they truly don't care and don't spend time thinking about it, it's another if they are masking their feelings to the point of acting irrational. Irrational to hate someone when you supposedly don't care? Rather than jumping to conclusions, maybe they should try to confront the issue and find out what the real story is...

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ok from what i gather...

notallthere chose psychosweetie over hunnie818

now...u gotta analyze this folks....

thats a LOTTTTTTTTTA titmeat this young man is dealing with here....

i mean they are both stunnily good looking (granted i have never met both of them or even notallthere ) but still....

Sometimes..when people start dating someone...especially from cp....another oppurtunity comes along...which may hold bigger and better things.

Let's just hope for notallthere's sake that he made the right decision and chose the right girl cause they both seem likely canadates.

But as for the general topic of this thread itself...

i have a very simple and easy answer for why people do this:

It is so that they can have that person allllllll to themselves without the chance of someone from the board coming along to fuck shit up.

As rdancer said..there are lots of evil eyes on CP and that is very sad...but still...as a man..or a woman u gotta do what u gotta do to make yerself happy and if yer not happy then nothing counts.

And before and/or if any drama starts cause of what i said...i apologize in advance cause that was not my intention since once again i do not know any of the parties involved....i only know the dirty laundry that i have read and make an opinon based upon that.

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Originally posted by quoth

ok from what i gather...

notallthere chose psychosweetie over hunnie818

now...u gotta analyze this folks....

thats a LOTTTTTTTTTA titmeat this young man is dealing with here....

i mean they are both stunnily good looking (granted i have never met both of them or even notallthere ) but still....

Sometimes..when people start dating someone...especially from cp....another oppurtunity comes along...which may hold bigger and better things.

Let's just hope for notallthere's sake that he made the right decision and chose the right girl cause they both seem likely canadates.

But as for the general topic of this thread itself...

i have a very simple and easy answer for why people do this:

It is so that they can have that person allllllll to themselves without the chance of someone from the board coming along to fuck shit up.

As rdancer said..there are lots of evil eyes on CP and that is very sad...but still...as a man..or a woman u gotta do what u gotta do to make yerself happy and if yer not happy then nothing counts.

And before and/or if any drama starts cause of what i said...i apologize in advance cause that was not my intention since once again i do not know any of the parties involved....i only know the dirty laundry that i have read and make an opinon based upon that.

:nono: not me! this is browneyedqt's situation

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Originally posted by quoth

i just don't air my shit on cp when it comes to stuff like this.

nobody should...its so childish...if somebody had something to say, they should have said it when they saw the person, not on a message board, so everyone can get a kick out of this pathetic drama:rolleyes:

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I cant believe this thread is even still going...

im gonna make this simple...

no one left anyone for anyone...

notallthere and I were together for a while... i had expectations he couldnt fulfill, so I ended it.... no drama...nice and simple

now he is w/ browneyedcutie...

thats it.... thats the whole shmeal in a nutshell

there is no drama... i dont hate anyone.... i could care less

love, peace, & hairgrease :aright:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

I cant believe this thread is even still going...

im gonna make this simple...

no one left anyone for anyone...

notallthere and I were together for a while... i had expectations he couldnt fulfill, so I ended it.... no drama...nice and simple

now he is w/ browneyedcutie...

thats it.... thats the whole shmeal in a nutshell

there is no drama... i dont hate anyone.... i could care less

love, peace, & hairgrease :aright:

if this is true, than thats great, but then why has there been so much hating between yesterday and today and what was the point of all this? it seemed pretty obvious that there was trouble brewing, and I hope I am wrong, b/c I dont think anyone wants problems, especially over stupid shit like a message board. I know nobody wanted there to be bad blood, thats why it was decided to just lay low, not to stir up trouble, just to avoid it. Nobody is saying everyone has to like everyone else, but if everything is cool, people should be able to be civil to one another

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

if this is true, than thats great, but then why has there been so much hating between yesterday and today and what was the point of all this? it seemed pretty obvious that there was trouble brewing, and I hope I am wrong, b/c I dont think anyone wants problems, especially over stupid shit like a message board. I know nobody wanted there to be bad blood, thats why it was decided to just lay low, not to stir up trouble, just to avoid it. Nobody is saying everyone has to like everyone else, but if everything is cool, people should be able to be civil to one another

first off... i really dont see what any of this has to do with you... it's none of your business

second....wtf are you talking about?? what trouble was brewing?? i was there with all my friends just having a good time... i was perfectly civil.... if you sensed hostility from othersits not my fault or in my control...

third... bad blood?? over a boy?? are you fucken kidding me?? i dont stress, fight or argue over boys EVER.....

as of now i have no issues w/ any of you... lets keep it that way

i have better things to occupy my time with than all this immature high-school type drama....

high-school!! which is why i extracted myself from my situation with anthony to begin with

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Originally posted by hunnie818

first off... i really dont see what any of this has to do with you... it's none of your business

second....wtf are you talking about?? what trouble was brewing?? i was there with all my friends just having a good time... i was perfectly civil.... if you sensed hostility from othersits not my fault or in my control...

third... bad blood?? over a boy?? are you fucken kidding me?? i dont stress, fight or argue over boys EVER.....

as of now i have no issues w/ any of you... lets keep it that way

i have better things to occupy my time with than all this immature high-school type drama....

high-school!! which is why i extracted myself from my situation with anthony to begin with

1st...you made it everyones business when you posted this crap on a public messageboard

2nd...if there is no bad blood, then what is the problem w/ danielle? If you say its not from you, but its from your friends, why do they care if you dont?

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Originally posted by hunnie818

first off... i really dont see what any of this has to do with you... it's none of your business

second....wtf are you talking about?? what trouble was brewing?? i was there with all my friends just having a good time... i was perfectly civil.... if you sensed hostility from othersits not my fault or in my control...

third... bad blood?? over a boy?? are you fucken kidding me?? i dont stress, fight or argue over boys EVER.....

as of now i have no issues w/ any of you... lets keep it that way

i have better things to occupy my time with than all this immature high-school type drama....

high-school!! which is why i extracted myself from my situation with anthony to begin with

Yeah and if you remember correctly you said you wanted a guy that can take you to expensive places and stuff and i said i m not like that and you said you know .. so that was it we both walked away. So we where going to be friends remember?.... I don't know what happened after that???

I don't mean to air my business on the board but its kind of like the way it happened..

Live by the board die by the board.. Lets end this stupid drama. I

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

1st...you made it everyones business when you posted this crap on a public messageboard

2nd...if there is no bad blood, then what is the problem w/ danielle? If you say its not from you, but its from your friends, why do they care if you dont?

obviously nobody pays attention to what i type... so here it goes again..

that entire situation was not pertaining to them... it was pertaining to other people that no one on cp even knows... but read the board

that is why i said it was very egotistical of anthony to assume it was in reference to him cause it wasnt... and everything just kinda blew up from there

as far as tension felt from my friends... any issues they have w/ danielle may or may not be directly correlated to me...your forgetting that every single person that was there last night is also friends with her X- Billy......

i cant justify or be held accountable if people dislike her due to her specific actions.... i can only be accountable for myself..

and i was perfectly civil

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First off no one on this board really knows me nor do they know about any situations that have occured. People are seeing half of a story and believing what they want...I have no problem with people making judgements about me, but at least know me (other than saying hi to me in a club a couple of times) before you decide you've figured me all out....This whole situation is ridiculous and the last thing that I wanted is to bring it all out in cp because it does nothing but make everyone involved look bad. I agree that this is all high school bullshit, and see no need for drama. We obviously will continue to see each other out and it is stupid for animosity to occur. If you are not upset than all that's said needs to be said, and this whole situation is done with, because it's really getting tiresome and I'm sure that you agree...

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Originally posted by notallthere

Yeah and if you remember correctly you said you wanted a guy that can take you to expensive places and stuff and i said i m not like that and you said you know .. so that was it we both walked away. So we where going to be friends remember?.... I don't know what happened after that???

I don't mean to air my business on the board but its kind of like the way it happened..

Live by the board die by the board.. Lets end this stupid drama. I

your an idiot... and if you think by pming all my friends your going to convince them i ended it cause i want a guy w/ money...your really fucken insane...

i told you i dont want a high-school relationship... smoking pot..rentin movies...gettin drunk at my friends house...getting banged up at the club.... all fun... but not enough

i am 25 years old and your damn right i expect more.. i told you i expect more adult activities...like nice dinners...broadway shows...other stuff besides the "high-school" stuff and you went and applied your immature mind to it and misconstrued it into... i want a man w/ money...

well whatever... i told you...stay that way... i wouldnt even attempt to change you...thats your "level"... but im not 15... so i need someone on my own level...

and ya wanna know why we are not friends anymore... cause i realize how fake you are...and a big fat baby... i cany be friends w/ someone like that

so you were right anthony...you said 1 day i would hate you... well... close enough

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Originally posted by hunnie818

as far as tension felt from my friends... any issues they have w/ danielle may or may not be directly correlated to me...your forgetting that every single person that was there last night is also friends with her X- Billy......

if you dont have any problems, thats great, i'm glad there are no hard feelings on your end...its over...lets just all let it go now

as for people disliking her b/c she is billy's ex...thats a whole other issue...he did something in a club which at least 30 people saw, and then tried to turn around and say he didnt do it to make her look the bad person...

I understand he has his friends who will always support him 100%, and thats a good thing, b/c i know thats the way i support my friends, but to dislike someone else who was caught in a bad situation seems unreasonable

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You know I think you know me enough to know I don’t have much of an ego. The similarities of the situation you described and ours are extremely similar. You can’t see that? I didn’t write anything vicious in my response to your thread. I don’t think you have any reason to call me that. Whatever though it doesn’t matter none of this will affect any of us in the long run. Can we please just drop this? It’s all my fault im a loser im immature whatever… I just dont want to see this stuff anymore.

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