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It is now offical, NYC clubs are dead NJ Takes the lead

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Originally posted by sfbunny

i'm from ny and just tired of the scene, goin to jz keeps it different... HOT GUYS, we have long island girls who are just like jersey girls..... the guys in the city are fuckin ugly/skinny/kind of gayish.... NY isn't fallin off, u just got to know where to go and stay on top of it, but i hate seein the same ppl over and over again when u do lot61, suite16, lotus, eugenes, sessa, gusti's, IT"S ALLTHE SAME PEOPLE!!!!!! plus i work in ny so it's nice to get out... too many tourists in ny too

. . . You are a fucking moron too! . . :aright: . .

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nyc doesn't have strict laws, at least in comparison to other places. If you want strict, go to DC and you'll realize how lax the laws in nyc really are.

nyc beats nj any time, any day.

even in nyc's worst day it beats nj on it's best day.

there's no comparison btwn the 2.

it's the best place on earth.

Originally posted by notallthere

Whenever i hit the city up now I find the clubs are dead,

the crowd is ugly and corny and if for some crazy reason you decide to stay anywhere past four chances are the place will get shut down for some stupid reason (damn the laws in nyc are strict!) hardly worth the trip in.. Before you disagree come to nj check out places like metro lounge (open till 6am) cheap drinks hardly ever a cover and a hot crowd.. Yup when i see these things i know nyc is dead and nj takes the lead as the heavy weight club champ

K-O you fuckers

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Not a screwdriver......

I only moved here in September, so I haven't done any Jersey clubbing. Notallthere's crazy ass is the reason I looked at their board in the first place. LOL I'm definitely not averse to checking it out, what clubs do you all go to when over there?

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Originally posted by notallthere

So sad.. I miss the old days of good music and a good looking crowd in the city.. It was almost guaranteed between the years of 96-2000 that you could go to the city and have a great time. Whenever i hit the city up now I find the clubs are dead, the crowd is ugly and corny and if for some crazy reason you decide to stay anywhere past four chances are the place will get shut down for some stupid reason (damn the laws in nyc are strict!) hardly worth the trip in.. Before you disagree come to nj check out places like metro lounge (open till 6am) cheap drinks hardly ever a cover and a hot crowd.. Yup when i see these things i know nyc is dead and nj takes the lead as the heavy weight club champ

K-O you fuckers


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went to nyc this weekend and a couple of weekends ago and can honestly say the crowd is ugly as shit compared to any hot nj club right now......ur all garbage keep living on what was good in the past.....just b/c u have quantity does not mean u have quality....not even close......

FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKK NYC.....maybe someday u'll get over yourselves.....but idoubt it


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K, I don't understand this. Notallthere used to have a raver pic of himself in his sig and all that, then he takes a couple months break from posting, and now he's this Jersey kid with that redplow.com site in his sig. It says it's the anti-guido, but you look at the site and everyone is fake-n-baked beyond repair and Notallthere's pics are up where he's wearing button-up shirts and holding cigars looking like a guido version of Ted Danson trying to act sophisticated or some shit.

I mean, we all eventually grow up. But it seems like you only grew up with your image, yet the thought pattern of your posts seems to have dropped about 10 years with all of this bullshit you're typing trying to start unnecessary drama.

Just an observation...

Flame away, if you will...

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Originally posted by neena16

Both NY & NJ clubs are good in their own ways.....

The only reason why I enjoy partying in NJ more is because I never have to worry about waiting on lines, the admission and drinks are cheaper, and most since it's mostly Jersey people that go to Jersey clubs it's more of a warm and friendly environment...because everyone knows everyone.

NY has more of a variety, you can listen to anything from house to 80's to Jazz, you can go to a huge club or a small lounge, you can party with different crowds from preps to guidos, from young people to old people.

There's no competition though because they are so different.

:D :D :D :D

Listen, I',m from jersey, love it to death - but all you have just said you get in nyc too. not only that you get more. have you been just to one club in nyc or something????

Jersey can be great, but please ----- it is not close to competition.

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Originally posted by njangel

When I start going to places in Jersey, then I can actually say something till then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its just a nice place to live (for the most part)

Yeah less Taxes on homes cheaper gas, and you guys don't even have to get out of the car for it! Lucky!


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went to nyc this weekend and a couple of weekends ago and can honestly say the crowd is ugly as shit compared to any hot nj club right now......ur all garbage keep living on what was good in the past.....just b/c u have quantity does not mean u have quality....not even close......

FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKK NYC.....maybe someday u'll get over yourselves.....but idoubt it

Why are you talking about NYC like its some gang, we're the bloods and you're the crips, give me a break. You would think with all the shit that is going on, or could potentially be going on in the world that for once we could step out of our small little world and see a broader perspective. When you say New York is "ugly as shit," you're just making yourself look ignorant. I love Jersey (my pops lives in Teaneck), but I'm Brooklyn born and raised. And frankly I don't care if you come from Staten Island, or from Hoboken. If you're good peoples, you're good peoples.

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Originally posted by jaybzee

Why are you talking about NYC like its some gang, we're the bloods and you're the crips, give me a break. You would think with all the shit that is going on, or could potentially be going on in the world that for once we could step out of our small little world and see a broader perspective. When you say New York is "ugly as shit," you're just making yourself look ignorant. I love Jersey (my pops lives in Teaneck), but I'm Brooklyn born and raised. And frankly I don't care if you come from Staten Island, or from Hoboken. If you're good peoples, you're good peoples.

Kinda sucks when you can't tell the difference between stupid people and stupid drama innit? :laugh:

Relax man, this thread's here just to start drama. Nobody in New York gives half an ass if the ilovejerseynewyorksux crowd came here anyhow. Less grease to breath in when you go out, don't you know?

Just sit back and have a laugh. ;)

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I can appreciate that........

So I'll even throw my 2 cents

Meatheads: New Jersey, hands down. New York takes the title when Long Island gets thrown in the mix however

Hotties: I probably even have to go the Jersey route here too, New York girls have too many alternate agendas on their mind.

Music: No contest, NY has it on lock

Intelligence: Ditto

National Recognition: Much more respect repping NYC across the country, don't hear too many people get excited when you tell them you are from Clifton Park you know.

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