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Question about PVD this Sunday


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I'm still relatively new to the LA scene. Paul van Dyck is spinning at the Mayan this Sunday. Is this a dress-up place like Twilo used to be, or is it casual (i.e. UFO's and what not) I have tickets and I am dying to see him agian, I would hate to show up and not be able to get in because I wasn't dressed up enough, or be dressed up, and not be able to dance comfortably. Thanks for the help.

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Originally posted by weyes

i'm not going (i've learned that i don't like pvd live), but i love the mayan :aright: ; it's a beautiful venue. and, like at a lot of l.a. venues, pretty much anything goes, dress-wise. just be yourself and wear what you wanna :D !

REALLY!!! I am surprised. I think PVD is one of the best live. I still think Tiesto is my favorite, but I have seen PVD live a few times and he never lets me down. Although the only time I saw him out here was at a new years event, and he was much lighter than when I have seen him back east at Buzz in DC or Avalon in Boston. But hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But thaks for the info. I appreciate it. Let me know of other events that will be going off.

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Originally posted by totallytrance

I dont think I'll be going, I'm gonna go in April when he's in San Diego

But that's kinda cool I'm in Newport too...

No shit... I thought everyone out here only listened to punk or hip-hop.

When is PVD coming to SD? I would def hit that up. I've seen him 5 times, and he is incredible. I'll let you know how tomorrows show goes.


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Are you kiddin PVD, hes the bomb. Cool shit to trip out to. In NY shit you have 4 to 6 thousand peeps packe in a club that it'll take someone literally 20 mins to get to the bathroom. Thats like trying to fight your way through to a cash register on Christmas...

Miss NY cause he spins around 4am till 6 or 7am. Here I heard it starts early so trying to get used early start..



Have fun too...

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i first saw pvd at twilo, and the place was packed till he spun his last track. even if i had felt compelled to dance, there was no room all night :no: . i then saw him at grand avenue (shitty venue) here in l.a. at that disaster of an event that giant threw, that was from 3am to 11am. wack.

but he didn't sound like the pvd i know and love. he was very different. i think two chances is enough to give a dj, for someone on my budget :D .

Originally posted by kross921


I've just moved to SD and don't really know what clubs are good to go to. An I was wondering what date id PVD playing and where. I've just moved here from NY....


check out our sticky thread (meaning that it's always at the top of the l.a. board); it's updated all the time and you can ask any general questions there :D :


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Just got back from the mayan a little while ago and after reading this thread I had to respond. It goes without mentioning that it was an EXCELLENT show. As far as the complaints about PVD. Can you mix any better? This guy has remixed more songs than you can count and received world wide acclaim both in the studio and Live. If you don't dig PVD that's totally fine with me, but don't knock his style. Who is the "PVD I know and love"? I was at giant NYE 2000 and although his set wasn't as long as I wish it was, I was right in the front, and so happy that I didn't listen to my friends and go to some party in a mansion. What made it a disaster for you? Did you get the vip tickets or something? I havent been clubbing in NY but here in LA it's always crowded especially w/ someone like PVD, but people are polite, for the most part, and there IS enough room to dance, albeit eventually your room will decrease and you will get bumped into and it might not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but hey, that's what this whole thing is all about, MUSIC! not long lines(can you say LIQUIFIED?), expensive drinks, and a bassline that won't leave your eardrum.


maybe the third times a charm.

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Its great to hear that he is still spinning awesome tracks. As years go by many DJ's start changing the way they spin and sometimes the music isn't as great as they use to spin but as for PVD, I have always loved they he would mix because his music as they put it is "wet". Never too hard and always great to dance too...

You should try listening to Johnathan Peters... Alot of house and lyrics they makes you jump off your ass and want you to dance and put vibes into your spine that puts everyone in an awesome mood....

anyway, I'm definitely heading to his concert.....



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I've only seen PVD live 3 times - all at the GIant Village NYE event. So far he's 2 for 3 in my book. the first year was the best. Have yet to see him in any other venue. Too bad I missed out on this one...Mayan would've been a great venue to see him. The DJ booth is so accessible to the crowd. Any reviews from those that went?

Wish I saw him at Creme at Ibiza back in Aug. The set is just awesome!

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Originally posted by moogman

Just got back from the mayan a little while ago and after reading this thread I had to respond. It goes without mentioning that it was an EXCELLENT show. As far as the complaints about PVD. Can you mix any better? This guy has remixed more songs than you can count and received world wide acclaim both in the studio and Live. If you don't dig PVD that's totally fine with me, but don't knock his style. Who is the "PVD I know and love"? I was at giant NYE 2000 and although his set wasn't as long as I wish it was, I was right in the front, and so happy that I didn't listen to my friends and go to some party in a mansion. What made it a disaster for you? Did you get the vip tickets or something? I havent been clubbing in NY but here in LA it's always crowded especially w/ someone like PVD, but people are polite, for the most part, and there IS enough room to dance, albeit eventually your room will decrease and you will get bumped into and it might not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but hey, that's what this whole thing is all about, MUSIC! not long lines(can you say LIQUIFIED?), expensive drinks, and a bassline that won't leave your eardrum.


maybe the third times a charm.

i think you didn't read my posts carefully enough.

i said, "i've learned that i don't like pvd live" and "he didn't sound like the pvd i know and love." this clearly states that i like paul van dyk's music, but i haven't enjoyed the live performances i've attended.

and asking if i can mix better than he is entirely irrelevant; i never claimed to be a better dj, nor did i say that i was a dj at all.

hope that cleared up any confusion :) .

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