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does anyone else break out after clubbing?


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i have really sensitive skin in general, but when i go out clubbing, no matter where (any venue here, and in nyc too), my arms itch at the club. then my face breaks out for the next few days after i've been out dancing. (for the easily grossed-out, sorry :tongue: .) does this happen to anyone else?

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It doesn't happen to me... but - Due to the sensitivity of your skin, the smoke in the air and the drinks you sweat out probably cause your skin to retain the dirt and oils... make sure you shower when you get home and scrub good. Maybe that would help to loosen up the dirt and oil trapped in your pores...?

Not sure babe -


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thanks, lola :) .

when i do go straight home, i take a shower, first thing. i haven't been going straight home lately, but this breakout thing has always been this way. the "sweating out the toxins thing" sounds good, and every time i go out people spill drinks on me :mad: . i guess i get pretty grimy by the end of the night. the ventilation in these places also isn't so hot...

still, though, i wish someone else had this issue, so i weren't alone and feeling freakishly sensitive :worry: .

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Definitely taking a shower right away is crucial. At least for me it is....Not to gross you out, but I sweat like crazy, so I even have an extra tee-shirt with me in the car or in a bag. (I know its nasty) But I used to break out a lot too. Actually more on my face and back...so now, at the risk of sounding gay, I use a loufa on my back to make sure I get all the dirt and sweat out, and Noxema on my face...Works like a charm!:D

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Originally posted by cubbie78

Definitely taking a shower right away is crucial. At least for me it is....Not to gross you out, but I sweat like crazy, so I even have an extra tee-shirt with me in the car or in a bag. (I know its nasty) But I used to break out a lot too. Actually more on my face and back...so now, at the risk of sounding gay, I use a loufa on my back to make sure I get all the dirt and sweat out, and Noxema on my face...Works like a charm!:D

thanks so much, cubbie :D !

first of all, it's pretty much impossible to gross me out. i'm impressed that, after all this time, i haven't grossed out very many people on cp ;) .

i actually went to the dermatologist today, and i threw in the clubbing question. she said that the smoke the smoke machines produce is bad for one's skin, and she said that i should use lotion on my arms before i go out, if they're getting itchy, as lotion would create a barrier. i'm an ass anyway, because i should always be putting lotion on no matter what, in the first place - duh doh.gif .

hope i didn't gross any of you out with all my details, and that my sharing may have been useful :aright: !

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