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anyone worried about this shit.......kind of hypocritical when a large number of us (not all) put worse products in our bodies.....but for some reason I am debating about cutting this stuff out of my system.........alright bus, njstacked, carguy, throw your 33 1/3 cents in each and rip this thread apart.

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not good to mixed with....



or any energy product which would increase the heart rate...

if you want to burn fat... dont fuck around with that shit...

anny up and hit a cycle of clen......

do it right, save money, go home happy...

or shut up and be a slinky with trewguy and Kosta P...

I hear the new sonic the hedgehog game on whatever system will help you burn fat....



Any thoughts ya homo's....

I know you are sitting at home playing, or in an 8 man multi player internet competition....

Holla back when you take a piss break...


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Originally posted by dondiezel26

anyone worried about this shit.......kind of hypocritical when a large number of us (not all) put worse products in our bodies.....but for some reason I am debating about cutting this stuff out of my system.........alright bus, njstacked, carguy, throw your 33 1/3 cents in each and rip this thread apart.

I don't take that shit Dave.....

Clen and cytomel... you shke less and rip up more

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This topic was on Dateline the other night. I can't say shit about it b/c I'm hooked on stacker 3's...not even 2's...3's for cryin out loud..but this show scared me...I'm not a coffee drinker and I don't put anything else "herbal" into my body so I didn't think they'd do too much damage...who doesn't need a pick me up mid-day?....but coupled with other things you take, drink, eat throughout the day...it could prove very dangerous...just don't do what I did and mix stackers with red bull and vodka for an entire summer...you'll end up 100 lbs soak n wet and in the hospital....be careful people...:heart:

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Originally posted by drmoxx

i was taking xenedrine a while back for 2 months. when i stop taking it, i had a headache for a week and a half.

if i need a little "pep" now, i take a caffine tablet (like no doze)

:idea: Damn, you just helped me diagnose my weeklong headaches a few weeks back! I was given a bottle of xenadrines so i decided to take them for awhile and when i was done with the bottle..i went back to stackers...but THATS why i was getting those headaches....
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Originally posted by drmoxx

i was taking xenedrine a while back for 2 months. when i stop taking it, i had a headache for a week and a half.

if i need a little "pep" now, i take a caffine tablet (like no doze)

That's your body going through caffeine withdrawl, why do you think one of the main ingredients in Excedrin is caffeine.

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Originally posted by carguy19

I don't take that shit Dave.....

Clen and cytomel... you shke less and rip up more

my 0.01 cents...

clen made me shake worse than ephedra ever did... but i'm a freak, i liked the shakes. all in all, i didn't see any better effects from clen than ephedra based products...

t3... will eat up what little muscle i have, so i'd rather stay away from that... and i don't want to f* with my thyroid...

ephedra in moderation can help, just like anything in moderation. but now i learned, until i get my diet in order and up my cardio, anything else i try isn't gonna help as much as i think.

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

anyone worried about this shit.......kind of hypocritical when a large number of us (not all) put worse products in our bodies.....but for some reason I am debating about cutting this stuff out of my system.........alright bus, njstacked, carguy, throw your 33 1/3 cents in each and rip this thread apart.

here's some advice don.............stick to da real fuel mofaka, two rails of tony and you'll be aight

the shakes ill go away go ova to the substance and abuse board and you'll see how to get rid of the shakes, 2mg of zanny and you'll be aright

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I'm addicted to Stacker 2's :(

I know they're bad for me, but I'm scared if I stop taking them I'll gain weight and/or have no energy at the gym...

I usually take 1 or 2 a day.....

Thats exactly me Myst except with 3's...2 does nothing for me...is this bad? good? ugly? somebody talk to me!!

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Originally posted by somegirl24

Thats exactly me Myst except with 3's...2 does nothing for me...is this bad? good? ugly? somebody talk to me!!

I used to take 3's, then switched over to 2's.... lmao I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.....I'm scared I'll blow up if I just stop all together :(

Um yeah def. NOT good to take while consuming alcohol


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Originally posted by somegirl24

Thats exactly me Myst except with 3's...2 does nothing for me...is this bad? good? ugly? somebody talk to me!!

somegirl24, how bout we just stick to our old school work out.............!!!!!

10 o'clock cardio in da womens room, consuela is on vacation..............

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ECA stack 3x's a day off and on all year long for 5+ yrs.

My body is so used to them that i can sleep on them without a problem.

I gotta admit that with all goin on about ephedrine that im considering seeing a dr to make sure everything is all good.

Tried Clen numerous times and got the same results just more of a headache

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