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?Rollers,are you listening or just hearing the music?

roller skater

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I wanted to post a message to thank all you clubbies with good intentions.When I write "good intentions" I mean going to the club to enjoy the music and not so much the X. Ok, I know I can't play Miss innocent but all of you here in Miami just don't realize what you have. I am from the west coast and the scene down here is just blowin' up! But if we don't take a sober moment and appreciate some of the worlds best Dj's--trust me you will regret it and this scene will quickly self destruct-crackheads burn out fast.Heavy rollers create this scenario--and really ponder on it...Place yourself back on a Saturday 2 months ago,your rollin' the music is bumpin'your socializing.Now you know you had a good time but can you recall why,besides the fact your body was feeling totally awesome,can you recall any interesting conversations or experiences? Now do you know who the DJ was? Probably not.Don't let this pass you by!


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Yo... I hear your point, but I feel everyone should enjoy their clubbing experience how they see fit (as long as they don't infringe on the right of others to do the same); whether it be chemical-full or chemical-free. Some people may need a little chemistry to help better inhale the surroundings! And who needs to remember everything that happened on a given night out? As long as a good time was had, and no harm done; I like to live for the night/day... peace!


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No Doubt. I think the X-perience is necessary at least once to gain the full spritual experience of the music. After that you will never be the same again so it will matter little if you keep or rolling or stop. Face it, trance music is designed for Ecstasy, and Ecstasy is being designed for trance music. Everyone should roll at least once and for those who make it a habit check out 5-HTP. @ www.dancesafe.org


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I think I understand where Miss Skater is coming from, and maybe it's because I too have flocked here from the West Coast. I have noticed a difference in the motivation behind the "groups" party. In Cali it was often that the buzz and phone calls would inform you, of "hey, I heard so-and-so is spinning here-or-there". This was the main attraction. It's all about the music and that's what makes a scene truly thrive.

On the other hand, I don't really notice that here. It tends to be more of "hey, I got a TABLE here-or-there".


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as an ex roller my self i have to say that there are many people who do go for the music and love the party i have seen it from both sides have you? trust me there is something beautiful about a good D.J and some X. If the D.J sucks even all the X in the world could not make it a pleasant or hip place to be. but the X just makes it all the more better. unfortunately there comes a time you ahve to stop. my time came and i did it and so have many others so please do not criticize my scene cuz i too have been in the west and there never ever in the history of Cali ever been a party as good as the ones in Miami so do not even dream..;.


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