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what's wrong with clubbers???


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One of the reasons that I love America is the freedom of speech. So taking advantage of the fact that I am in America I would like to express my self...

I know that you guys don't really know me yet, so far I am just a screen name that represents O2 lounge the place that I work for ... So before I get into my topic I just wanted to share with you a little bit of my life. My name is Camila, I am 22 will be turning 23 soon, I am from Brazil where I was born and raised until I moved to the States about 4 years ago to get my bachelor in PR from UM. Through out this 4 years I fell in love with the club scene, so about 2 years ago I opened a company with my best pals called niteye.com which was a website about nitelife in Miami, my advice don't start any business with friends, it's very difficult to manage everything, gladly we are all still best pals. But by working for Niteye.com I had the chance to meet Mr Angel Sanchez one of the owners of Oxygen lounge and currently my boss, he is an awesome guy, everybody have their bad days, right? but his creativety and his drive to do better has inspired me 100%. So I started to work as a promoter after all I had all those names on my Niteye data, well that didn't work out that good. different than what most people think, to be a promoter is not an easy job, if you take it seriously it is as demanding as any other regular job if not more.

so I know that I have told you all about my life here is what I have to say.

I am always reading complaints about club owners, promoters, marketing directors and etc. but you guys don't see us complaining about you, our clients and friends. You don't think that is frustrating for us in the biz to see sometimes a lack of support of you guys, right? Even though we are busting our ... off to better suit your partying needs.

I guess that we, from the club industry, are not the only part that has taken the scene for granted, apparently you, music lovers and our clients, have also taken our job for granted. The season is not as great as I expected to be this year but we deal with what we have. I hope that eventaully venues and clubbers will come together for one reason only Music, because at the end of the day, I mean night.. Good Music is what really matter. support your promoters and marketing directors. we work around the clock creating events that you'll make you happy.

I just wanted to say hi to Biz - great job at the patio, you are the bomb,

I also wanted to say hi to DJ obby - his music is incredible

and to Alex Mando - my friend your whissle is just incredible

the bottom line is ... support your venues and promoters!!! this is the manifesto of a 22 year old that just wants everybody to have a good time

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personally I have never been to O2 Lounge , but I do welcome the fact, that you do come on the board to extend your hospitality. I think it's important that people ,make comments and express themselves to club owners, promoters, djs, etc. be those comments of praise or discontent. conversely I would welcome, the same type of feedback from club owners, promoters, djs, etc. as longs as the comments, are constructive and don't get personal. they can do nothing but contribute, in helping to make our scene, clubs,etc better.:):cool:

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Originally posted by O2lounge

One of the reasons that I love America is the freedom of speech. So taking advantage of the fact that I am in America I would like to express my self...

I know that you guys don't really know me yet, so far I am just a screen name that represents O2 lounge the place that I work for ... So before I get into my topic I just wanted to share with you a little bit of my life. My name is Camila, I am 22 will be turning 23 soon, I am from Brazil where I was born and raised until I moved to the States about 4 years ago to get my bachelor in PR from UM. Through out this 4 years I fell in love with the club scene, so about 2 years ago I opened a company with my best pals called niteye.com which was a website about nitelife in Miami, my advice don't start any business with friends, it's very difficult to manage everything, gladly we are all still best pals. But by working for Niteye.com I had the chance to meet Mr Angel Sanchez one of the owners of Oxygen lounge and currently my boss, he is an awesome guy, everybody have their bad days, right? but his creativety and his drive to do better has inspired me 100%. So I started to work as a promoter after all I had all those names on my Niteye data, well that didn't work out that good. different than what most people think, to be a promoter is not an easy job, if you take it seriously it is as demanding as any other regular job if not more.

so I know that I have told you all about my life here is what I have to say.

You forgot Good Looking... ;)

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i tell you what's wrong with clubbers and everyone in general right now, to a certain extent of course: $$$$

I, as a clubber, still try to support what's good and what I like. I went to Oxygen Lounge when Mauricio Aviles was there. Nice place you got going on there. :)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by O2lounge

Saleen - you are mean

but don't worry because I am geting my masters on business

what do you think about that? do you approve???

it wasn't intended to be mean and also, you get a master "IN" business, not "ON" business....

ps if you are getting your degree in busines, then what does this stand for


don't use google....

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Thanks for the grammar help, I do really appreciate. it's difficult to speak a second language perfectly, if you know what I mean. I was joking about you been mean as well. you are a smart guy that understands alot about music.

once again thanks for all the support that you have given Oxygen

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Originally posted by O2lounge

I guess that we, from the club industry, are not the only part that has taken the scene for granted, apparently you, music lovers and our clients, have also taken our job for granted.

OK. I don't mean to be harsh, but welcome to the real world. You don't know me, but I also have a high-pressure thankless job where people take, take and take AND NEVER SAY THANKS. But, on this board I see people always posting and thanking people Biz and whoever. I remember thanking YOU GUYS for Edgar V's first Friday night.

The "clubbers" are the CUSTOMERS. YOU (the club/promoter or both) are supposed to kiss our ass (if you want our money).

I guess you were having a bad day or something, but get over it. This post just makes you look like a winy 22 year old who thinks they know it all. I’ll give you a Mulligan on this and pretend it never happened.

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I think your being alittle harsh here guys... I understand both sides...However i know Camila personally, and shes definately in it for the love of the music/ scene...All shes trying to do is reach out...Camila dont refrain from expressing yourself... There's always gonna people that disagree...;) i for one enjoy reading different perspectives...Whether i agree or disagree...

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Originally posted by lavosdeldiablo

I think your being alittle harsh here guys... I understand both sides...However i know Camila personally, and shes definately in it for the love of the music/ scene...All shes trying to do is reach out...Camila dont refrain from expressing yourself... There's always gonna people that disagree...;) i for one enjoy reading different perspectives...Whether i agree or disagree...

WOW. Look at you Jimmy. All P.C. and nice. You are so sweet! (I hope you get in her pants)

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well of course they are in for the $$,some also have a passion; for the music as well.running a club is business, thus we forget sometimes. some of us would never ,consider taking a cut in salary; while being asked to do the same level of work. yet some of us, would expect a club to offer top level entertainment, bargain drinks,etc. entertainment is a luxury not a necessity ,and a club is a business first and foremost . f*ck it cost almost like 20 bucks, to rent a a few dvds from blockbuster, and pickup some munchies.

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I really feel like I've caused some polemic today at the board. it's funny because if you are polite and apologize you sound stupid. and then to say thank you sound even worst right? I guess it's been not a good day for me at CP board.

the question about paying to get in... well we have guestlist service that offer complimentary admission until a certain time.



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Originally posted by O2lounge


I really feel like I've caused some polemic today at the board. it's funny because if you are polite and apologize you sound stupid. and then to say thank you sound even worst right? I guess it's been not a good day for me at CP board.

the question about paying to get in... well we have guestlist service that offer complimentary admission until a certain time.



you have nothing to be concerned about. you said what you feel ,and its as simple as that. :) our little dysfunctional family,means no harm.. :D just keep doing the great job your doing, believe me it does not go unnoticed. :cool: :)Thanks Mega ! :aright:
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Originally posted by O2lounge


I really feel like I've caused some polemic today at the board. it's funny because if you are polite and apologize you sound stupid. and then to say thank you sound even worst right? I guess it's been not a good day for me at CP board.

the question about paying to get in... well we have guestlist service that offer complimentary admission until a certain time.



I don't mind being the pussy and apologizing. I could have been nicer. I really just love a good drama and the boards have been a bit slow. Its not personal.

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I agree, sometimes a little bit of drama shows that there is something wrong but nobody said that the problems of nitelife would be solved over night. but there is always a starting point. at least the drama, hopefully, it send a message because it caught the attention of a lot of people... we need to worry more about the music, the people and about having a good time - and that should apply to both sides of the biz, the "clubbers" and the venue. Specially at a time like this in which nobody really knows what is going to happen tomorrow with the chaces of war, our leisure time is probably more important today than it was before.

do not take it for granted

Hopefully I will see you guys around soon.


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Can someone please hand me a tissue. The reason why anyone gets into this business is because they have a passion for hospitality. let me repeat myself HOSPITALITY. Its the only buisness where you get instant gratification for the job that you perform. You must be tough skinned though, stop apologizing and focus on being creative and giving these people something to feel. As far as having club owners, promoter etc etc giving feedback about clubbers today, give me a break and wake up guy, your the boss. Hospitality is not me doing you a favor but me creating a feeling that stays with you hopefully at least for 1 day so you can tell someone else about my place. I dont care how old someone is, if your a professional then your a professional and dont use your age as a reason to make up for an error that occured. Thank god i dont have those nite eye flyers all over tantra anymore.

guyman please just pay the $7, i have a to feed my girlfreind.

david grutman

tantra restaurant & lounge

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Jus' droppin' by to say hello to Camila.. ;) hope all is good sweetie!!

I'm a bit lost on this thread...:idea: anyways...

I was at tantra on Wednesday night & it was nice to see some of you out, supporting guys like Murk & Robbie. Big ups to all who were in attendance!!

Miami has evolved into a BIG player in the industry, that's somethin' we should @ll take pride in.. Lets all keep pushin' quality music, parties & Djs in & around our scene. We all have the power of communication- use it to spread the good word & lets come together... :aright:

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Originally posted by dgrutman

Can someone please hand me a tissue. The reason why anyone gets into this business is because they have a passion for hospitality. let me repeat myself HOSPITALITY. Its the only buisness where you get instant gratification for the job that you perform. You must be tough skinned though, stop apologizing and focus on being creative and giving these people something to feel. As far as having club owners, promoter etc etc giving feedback about clubbers today, give me a break and wake up guy, your the boss. Hospitality is not me doing you a favor but me creating a feeling that stays with you hopefully at least for 1 day so you can tell someone else about my place. I dont care how old someone is, if your a professional then your a professional and dont use your age as a reason to make up for an error that occured. Thank god i dont have those nite eye flyers all over tantra anymore.

guyman please just pay the $7, i have a to feed my girlfreind.

david grutman

tantra restaurant & lounge

Can Someone Please Pass Me My Boots ! the hospitality industry is a business, so if your in it for the passion of hospitality,your full of shit. your in it first and foremost because you want to make MONEY. the hospitality industry is not about, instant gratification for the job you perform... remember over 70 % new hospitality businesses fail every year. if your expecting people to do cartwheels to your establishment, and praise you're establishment by means of patronage and $$$, just because you open the front doors, then your kidding yourself. its a fucking thankless industry most of time,full of long hours, bad pay, and severely lacking in instant gratification. as far as having club owners, promoters etc giving feedback. since you where so kind to extract that from my original comments, let met expand on it a little bit more.if I wanted my business to grow,and increase my bottomline. then of course I would put some of my ideas and thoughts on the table (this would be feedback to my customers), in doing such I might actually learn something through such means. if your a hospitality professional, then know your fucking business,before you seemingly make yourself , appear as nothing less then a pompous arse ..

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