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Nikki Beach Dancefloor Blocked Off!!


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In all the 15 years of going out to clubs and parties around the world, i have never been so disgusted as i was last night at Nikki beach. It was pure mayhem to get through all the packed up people, and once you did, you were NOT ABLE TO GET ON THE DANCEFLOOR!!!! That's right, the dancefloor was completely blocked off with ropes inside, then when you go around outside, you are also blocked off by white fences, and angry security, making the whole area a super huge VIP. People were confused to say the least. During that confusion, because it is not normal to have a dancefloor blocked off, people were tryng to get in through the fences, thinking it was the right way. Well, security had just been scolded by a tall white guy, yelling at them to keep it blocked and to NOT let anyone in without his permission, so, the tensions were high. This is where it gets appaulling, a girl was innocently trying to get in with a male friend, and this one asshole security guard starts to violently push her out, hitting her and her friend!!! It was awful, people started fighting, security went nuts, while Cedric was playing his usual set. Does he not know whats going on? Is this part of the whole "superstar DJ" bullshit vibe around Cedric these days? Is this violence and aggression what we can expect out of this party? Do you pay to get in, then not be able to get on the dancefloor???? Who hired these violent, testosterone fulled security guards that take their bullshit jobs to seriosly?? WHO'S FUCKIN' IDEA WAS IT TO BLOCK A DANCEFLOOR??? Is this how we want the Miami scene represented???:eek:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by vivajack

Is this part of the whole "superstar DJ" bullshit vibe around Cedric these days?

:confused: are you out of your fucking mind?

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I rarely go to the dance floor when I am at Nikki's; everyone is sweating and bumping into each other....my advice? go and just chill by the beach chairs.

It sucks that shit about fencing the dance floor though.


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The only way Nikki's dance floor is any good is when it's packed to the brim.

I encountered the same BULLSHIT the sunday before last. The entrance by the bathrooms was blocked off so I asked the security guy why? The gold-toothed mofo (not joking) asked me what the problem was. "No problem, just wanted to know why it's blocked of??". He started talking about the 27th letter of the alphabet, at which point I walked off.

The dancefloor wasn't even packed at all, so it sucked donkey balls in there, even when blocked off.


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The only reason that bullshit is happening is because of the fire department. They only allowed us 150 people inside. Thats why they put those security guards stainding at the entrance of the dancefloor. Believe me i'm hating it and Nikki Beach is hating it too.

Untill they come down, there is nothing we can do .That way they wont shut us down. Look what they did to Space for their 3 year anniversary.

They closed theme down for 1 hour and allot of people left, that really sucks.We are doing our best to resolve the problem, but the city is stuck on Nikki Beach's ass rigth now.

And as for that milano guy, how did you come up with shuch a stupid bullshit remark, jesus get a fuking life!!!!!!!! And about the superstar status, thats just diferent peoples opinion.......(personally i dont think so)

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Originally posted by cedricgervais

The only reason that bullshit is happening is because of the fire department. They only allowed us 150 people inside. Thats why they put those security guards stainding at the entrance of the dancefloor. Believe me i'm hating it and Nikki Beach is hating it too.

Untill they come down, there is nothing we can do .That way they wont shut us down. Look what they did to Space for their 3 year anniversary.

They closed theme down for 1 hour and allot of people left, that really sucks.We are doing our best to resolve the problem, but the city is stuck on Nikki Beach's ass rigth now.

And as for that milano guy, how did you come up with shuch a stupid bullshit remark, jesus get a fuking life!!!!!!!! And about the superstar status, thats just diferent peoples opinion.......(personally i dont think so)

Ok...ok...I'll take your appology this time, but don't let it happen again...now, go to your room! :D

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Originally posted by cedricgervais

And as for that milano guy, how did you come up with shuch a stupid bullshit remark, jesus get a fuking life!!!!!!!! And about the superstar status, thats just diferent peoples opinion.......(personally i dont think so)


1) shuch is pronounced in french/english like that. It is written such.

2) Fuking, could be a combination of fucking and puking, as when you say "that fucking DJ makes me puke (verb: to puke / action=puking)

3) The rolleyes at the end of my post are to imply it is a joke.

4) Do you play a tape at Nikis? Your music sounds the same the past eighteen months.

5) Welcome to the board. Enjoy your stay. BTW I saw you reading a few days back.

6) You suck as a DJ. Every one has his opinion.

7) How much do you charge to play for a year in Nigeria? We will pitch in nationwide to book you.

8) Never take things personally. This is only a message board. ;)

And Again, you suck as a DJ. :D:cool:

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With the way things are now in the world, even fencing up a dancefloor sounds not enough...I seriously believe more things like these are likely to happen in possibly a higher frequency on the upcoming weeks as we approach WMC...the recent incidents in Chicago and Rhode Island don't help either...has anyone considered the security we'll probably see displayed on the streets of South Beach during WMC?

Just wondering :confused:


Funk :cool:

ps. Yo Cedric, welcome to Club Planet, have a cracker and cheesse! ;)


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The city blocking off the dancefloor has nothing to do with the violence and aggression of the security. That's the main part of my story to foccus on, by the way, and not Cedric. Unfortunately, I was angry becuause i was part of the whole bad vibe, and i should have kept the comments about the securuty the main topic. I see from the response that there is not only aggression from security guards, but also from people at home typing how much they dislike someone. In this unstable, scary time as a war is about to happen we should all be a bit more caring and tolerant. peace.:)

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Originally posted by vivajack

The city blocking off the dancefloor has nothing to do with the violence and aggression of the security. That's the main part of my story to foccus on, by the way, and not Cedric. Unfortunately, I was angry becuause i was part of the whole bad vibe, and i should have kept the comments about the securuty the main topic. I see from the response that there is not only aggression from security guards, but also from people at home typing how much they dislike someone. In this unstable, scary time as a war is about to happen we should all be a bit more caring and tolerant. peace.:)

very valid points.. :)
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I was down there for the weekend from NYC and went to Nikki's for the first time. Of course I was blown away by the place, since there's nothing like that up here.

As for the dance floor being blocked off, that totally sucked. I don't think it was necessary either. It's not like there were tons of people trying to force their way in.

Half of my friends were in there already. I had to wait for a little while then the guy let me in.

I headed straight back to go to the bathroom only to have the guy tell me I couldn't go back in without a ticket. I didn't know anything about getting a ticket to get back in, I pleaded my case, but he wasn't having it. Luckily the other bouncer (big black guy) that was there remembered me and let me in.

Too bad though that the other half of my crew was outside the dance floor and couldn't get in no matter what, so we were split up.

All in all a really good night. Can't wait to go back.

I can't even imagine what it's gonna be like during the WMC. That's why I went now. I needed some fun in the sun but didn't wanna deal with the crowds from the confrence and quite frankly, I don't wanna go down there and hang out with the same types of people I see up here.

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Bouncers are frustated actors/model who can bench-press 300 pounds and are always ready to kick your ass because they can't stand the fact that they are working while you are having a good time...did I mention they can bench-press 300 pounds? :D

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Guest brwneydtrouble
Originally posted by funketeer

Bouncers are frustated actors/model who can bench-press 300 pounds and are always ready to kick your ass because they can't stand the fact that they are working while you are having a good time...did I mention they can bench-press 300 pounds? :D

I just read this thread and had to respond. I have gone to Nikki Beach on Sunday nights forever and was always soooooo frustrated with the amount of people that pack themselves into such a tiny space on the dancefloor. I go there to dance, and I can't handle it when these jerks just walk into you, with not a care in the world, or these snooty model-wannabes stand in the middle of the way. Um, hello - thats what VIP is for. The last three weekends that I have been there, its been a mission to get in, and a mission to get to the dance floor, but you really have to understand where they are coming from.

People ARE pushing their way in, and people ARE rushing the security. They are there to protect us, and most of the time the people that come up to them are not really hearing what they have to say, so why reason? Before, when a fight broke out on the dance floor, it was SOOO packed that it took the security too long to get to them. I had a personal experience where a fight broke out right in front of me, and I was almost stuck in the middle of it. If it wasn't for my friends breaking the guys apart, I would have gotten hit. Thats not their job, but the bouncers COULD NOT GET THROUGH THE CROWD.

Hopefully the Fire Marshall will get off their asses so its not so hard, but in all fairness, I hope they do keep some kind of control on the traffic on the dance floor.

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Originally posted by funketeer

Bouncers are frustated actors/model who can bench-press 300 pounds and are always ready to kick your ass because they can't stand the fact that they are working while you are having a good time...did I mention they can bench-press 300 pounds? :D

300 is not that much, bro.

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