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Turks come to their senses....again!


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Turkey rejects U.S. use of bases

War plans dealt stunning blow



ANKARA—Thousands of peace protesters took to the streets of Turkey's capital yesterday after the legislature dealt a stunning blow to U.S. war plans for Iraq.

Turkish leaders meet today to discuss their next move as U.S. officials hold out hope that Turkey's parliament could reconsider its refusal to allow the deployment of 62,000 U.S. troops in the country for a possible war against Iraq.

The defeat — a major setback to the Bush administration's plans for a northern front against Iraq — stunned U.S. officials, who had been confident that Turkey's leaders would be able to persuade the members of their party to support the measure.

U.S. ships had already begun unloading heavy equipment at Turkish ports in anticipation of a favourable vote, and more than a dozen vessels were idling off the coast.

U.S. diplomats said they were requesting a "clarification" of the vote.

The final tally was 264 to 250, with 19 abstentions. But Speaker Bulent Arinc said the decision was three short of the simple majority required by the Turkish Constitution. He then closed the legislature until Tuesday.

More Turkish lawmakers supported the measure than opposed it, but the resolution failed because the combined total number of no votes and abstentions exceeded the numbers of favourable votes. Under the Turkish Constitution, a resolution can become law only if it is supported by a majority of the lawmakers present.

The defeat was not expected by Turkey's leaders, who only hours before the vote had predicted that the parliament would approve the measure.

Turkish Prime Minister Abdullah Gul, and the chief of the governing Justice and Development Party, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had endorsed the measure, and both men had urged their party, which controls a large majority of the parliament, to support it.

The resolution failed in large part because nearly 100 members of the party voted against the measure or abstained.

As they marched toward parliament the anti-war protesters chanted peace slogans and clutched fading photographs of loved ones they had lost in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

"Say no to war. Say no to American imperialism. We won't be U.S.A.'s soldiers," the crowd shouted in the afternoon sun, raising home-made banners depicting children choking on gas, shadows ducking missiles and scenes from the refugee camps created by the 1991 war.

"Everyone is opposed to this war," said Hulya Dirikan a Kurdish doctor at one of Turkey's public hospitals who was sent in 1991 to a refugee camp near the border town of Sirnak.

"The last time there was fighting it was terrible," she recalled. "I remember people in tents with nothing to eat or drink. I remember how they were separated from their family and friends on the other side of the border. You could see the destruction on their faces."

The United States said it was seeking clarification from Ankara, but Gul and Erdogan suggested in comments they would accept parliament's decision.

"What more do you want? It was a completely democratic result. May it be for the best," Erdogan was quoted as saying by the Anatolian news agency after meeting other party officials to evaluate the vote.

Gul said his government and the country now faced a "critical period" and that the administration would consider all necessary economic and political measures. The Justice and Development Party (AKP) will meet today to discuss a way forward, he said.

In Washington, U.S. officials said they still held out hope that Turkey would come around. If the Turkish government does not make a fresh effort to push the motion through, Turkey stands to lose out on a multibillion-dollar U.S. aid package to shore up its frail economy, which is recovering from its deepest recession since 1945.

A $16 billion loan package from the International Monetary Fund could also now be seriously in question.

Turkey had almost concluded a financial aid package amounting to $6 billion in U.S. grants and up to $24 billion in loan guarantees. The money is needed to secure the country's vulnerable economy against rising interest rates on its debt, increased oil prices and slashed tourism revenues.

If Turkey does not budge, it may also have less of a say in the future of northern Iraq where it fears the emergence of a Kurdish state that could rekindle armed Kurdish separatism in its own territory.

But Turkey's deputy prime minister, Ertugrul Yalcinbayir — long a dove — said the decision would increase global respect for Turkey, which seeks to join the European Union.

"This has not increased distrust in Turkey, rather it has raised Turkey's standing," Yalcinbayir was quoted as saying by Anatolian. "Turkey's credit rating has risen across the world. That rising credit will accelerate the EU process."

The decision means the United States may have to abandon plans for a "northern front," which military planners believe could shorten any war and limit U.S. losses.

With files from the Star's wire services

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Originally posted by djxeno

Yeah but who knows, they might change thier minds again if the U.S. gives them more money.

that they might....but it might be difficult, considering the fact that over 90% of the population is against the war...

but then again, they are strapped for cash..and the EU is not making it easy for them to join....so who knows...

the turkish government is corrupt too..fuck them.

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Originally posted by sassa

that they might....but it might be difficult, considering the fact that over 90% of the population is against the war...

but then again, they are strapped for cash..and the EU is not making it easy for them to join....so who knows...

the turkish government is corrupt too..fuck them.

Yeah, but that's not stopping Tony Blair either. It's a shame. I hope that the Turks don't let the U.S. in, for once they should act like a muslim country.

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Originally posted by djxeno

Yeah, but that's not stopping Tony Blair either. It's a shame. I hope that the Turks don't let the U.S. in, for once they should act like a muslim country.

mind you, this is the islamic party that won the last election.....ironically...

turkey is schizophrenic..they don't know what they want to be...on one hand, they want to be european...on the other, they are muslim....you can imagine how difficult it is to make any decisions concerning the economy/foreign policy...etc.....

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Originally posted by sassa

mind you, this is the islamic party that won the last election.....ironically...

turkey is schizophrenic..they don't know what they want to be...on one hand, they want to be european...on the other, they are muslim....you can imagine how difficult it is to make any decisions concerning the economy/foreign policy...etc.....

Yeah, do you know that there is a ban on wearing the hijab if you are in the government???

How blasphemous for a Muslim country...

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Originally posted by dnice35

bro what world do you live in?

its like that everywhere.....

listen, everyone needs money..that is a no brainer...but some nations and states don't choose to make it the only entity that they will follow...america's business is making business...nothing more....other countries don't make this their top priority...probably because they know they can never reach the US's status in terms of wealth....this is why the balance of the world is so upsetted, it is UNEQUAL and UNFAIR.

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Originally posted by djxeno

Yeah, do you know that there is a ban on wearing the hijab if you are in the government???

How blasphemous for a Muslim country...

Yes....since the late 1990's, girls cannot even wear it to school.....bullshit ha? where's the freedom of speech....

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Originally posted by sassa

listen, everyone needs money..that is a no brainer...but some nations and states don't choose to make it the only entity that they will follow...america's business is making business...nothing more....other countries don't make this their top priority...probably because they know they can never reach the US's status in terms of wealth....this is why the balance of the world is so upsetted, it is UNEQUAL and UNFAIR.


boo - fucking - hooo, the world is unfair, the world is unequal... boohoohoo, will you stop with your whinning already? its not the US fault other countries cant reach our status....

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Originally posted by sassa

Yes....since the late 1990's, girls cannot even wear it to school.....bullshit ha? where's the freedom of speech....

LOL you know what I heard, somebody was speaking of Turkey and they said, "Turkey is the best of both worlds, you can hear the call to prayer while stepping out of a nightclub."


I found that funny. I mean its good that they have both, but thats extremely rare for a muslim country so I found it kind of amusing.



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Originally posted by dnice35


boo - fucking - hooo, the world is unfair, the world is unequal... boohoohoo, will you stop with your whinning already? its not the US fault other countries cant reach our status....

is that so? :blank:

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Originally posted by djxeno

LOL you know what I heard, somebody was speaking of Turkey and they said, "Turkey is the best of both worlds, you can hear the call to prayer while stepping out of a nightclub."


I found that funny. I mean its good that they have both, but thats extremely rare for a muslim country so I found it kind of amusing.



Thats why its a great thing!

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Originally posted by dnice35

there you go again, blame everything on the US.

there you go again, blame everything on the "towelheads".

Originally posted by dnice35

u mean the ones that you have and choose to abuse...?

u mean the ones she chooses because she has the right to say whatever the fuck she wants because freedom of speech gives her that right to, or the ones that were abused because she cannot wear a hijab to school?

Even being deprived of the right to wear a hijab, when you work for the government or go to school is a blatant abuse of the right to free speech.

Would you like to have your right to free speech abused by me telling you to get rid of that disgusting avatar?


Am I abusing my right to free speech by displaying a burning flag in my sig?

Again, no.

Would Sassa be abusing her right to free speech by wearing her hijab to school?

Once again, no.

But the school she goes to should be charged with discrimination and crucified in a civil rights lawsuit because they abused her right to free speech and I hope it happens because they deserve everything that's coming to them.

Now, would you like to have your right to free speech abused by getting deprived of the right to wear clothing, indigenous to your culture because you're a hispanic (<<< politically-correct, see?) living in the United States of America and posting on CP?

Time to choose.

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Originally posted by sassa

that's what people around the world dislike so much about this country- money is the only God/religion/leader here...

thats because the rest of the world is narrow-minded..... :laugh: ....why can't they just except us for who we are?

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