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Is religion our downfall?

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If every country was secular, the amount of problems in the world today would be severely decreased......its the "religous" state that gets emotion/beliefs confused with rationale

where are there problems in the world? where religion is the biggest concern........religion is the source of a lot of violence...meanwhile shouldn't it be the rationale for peace?

Religions were created to answer questions, and these questions were eventually answered by FACTUAL scientific evidence which dispelled the myths.....so why do people still follow religions to the last letter? obviously many of the original teachings are bogus....

i'm not specifying any religions, because they're all guilty of this.....at least the western religions with their narratives....

and its quite possible that thousands or hundreds of years ago some educated person simply wanted power/wealth and therefore told tall tales which made him divine in the masses eyes? and this ended up being the start of a religion......if these people were alive today trying to pull this shit we wouldn't have it....we'd call them a fraud.....but somehow the majority of the world continues with their religious habits simply out of "tradition"?

F tradition......

maybe I'm coming off a little strong, but I'd like to spark some convo, and see what other people think of this....

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Agreed that religion has been the source of the most amount of violence in the world. But it has also been the source of the most amount of inspiration, that has lead to great works of art. Also, there are things that science cannot answer, like spirituality, what happens after death, etc. Hell, scientists don't even know how the brain works, let alone know about the mind, or soul (if it exists).

If there's one religion I'd have to pick that stays in this world, it'd have to be Buddhism.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I don't think the questions that religion answers have been disproven with factual evidence.

created by god or natural evolution from primates....i am going with the belief that i am not that different from the gorilla at the brooklyn zoo....

i also think that if we ever meet aliens we can pretty take our belief in "god" and throw it in the toilet.....

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Originally posted by underwater

created by god or natural evolution from primates....i am going with the belief that i am not that different from the gorilla at the brooklyn zoo....

i also think that if we ever meet aliens we can pretty take our belief in "god" and throw it in the toilet.....

I never said I believe in god. I'm an existentialist. The fact is everything had to start somewhere and at some point something had to come out of nothing. I simply accept the fact that science doesn't have these answers. Furthermore, science cannot disprove the idea of a soul or an afterlife (which I don't believe in)

Metaphysical concepts aren't something tangible that science can measure.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I never said I believe in god. I'm an existentialist. science cannot disprove the idea of a soul or an afterlife (which I don't believe in)

say "Hello" to ur roomate for eternity---------->:flame:

or maybe

u prefer him?------------------> :licker:

REPENT LEE!!!! REPENT!!!!:tongue:

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Originally posted by charrails

If every country was secular, the amount of problems in the world today would be severely decreased......its the "religous" state that gets emotion/beliefs confused with rationale

where are there problems in the world? where religion is the biggest concern........religion is the source of a lot of violence...meanwhile shouldn't it be the rationale for peace?

Religions were created to answer questions, and these questions were eventually answered by FACTUAL scientific evidence which dispelled the myths.....so why do people still follow religions to the last letter? obviously many of the original teachings are bogus....

i'm not specifying any religions, because they're all guilty of this.....at least the western religions with their narratives....

and its quite possible that thousands or hundreds of years ago some educated person simply wanted power/wealth and therefore told tall tales which made him divine in the masses eyes? and this ended up being the start of a religion......if these people were alive today trying to pull this shit we wouldn't have it....we'd call them a fraud.....but somehow the majority of the world continues with their religious habits simply out of "tradition"?

F tradition......

maybe I'm coming off a little strong, but I'd like to spark some convo, and see what other people think of this....

oddly enough there are more wars in the name of god, and or holy wars than for any other reason... lmao when ironically enough their GODS tell them "thou shalt not kill..."

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Metaphysical concepts aren't something tangible that science can measure.

i watched a program that dealt with scientists using electrical impulses to create an image in the persons head that really did not exist....they were trying to link it to people seeing and feeling god....maybe i can figure out what it was that i watched....anyway....i am in agreement with you.... it just takes a little common sense....science can't prove that santa , tooth fairy, easter bunny, and cupid don't exist either

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Originally posted by underwater

i watched a program that dealt with scientists using electrical impulses to create an image in the persons head that really did not exist....they were trying to link it to people seeing and feeling god....maybe i can figure out what it was that i watched....anyway....i am in agreement with you.... it just takes a little common sense....science can't prove that santa , tooth fairy, easter bunny, and cupid don't exist either

Lemme know the name of the program. I would def be interested in checking it out. As far as "common sense", creationists can use the same logic to disprove your beliefs.

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Wow... That's so amazing. I had just writen a e-mail to a list of my friends about how much I was confused about people's religion. I came on to here, to see if there was a place to post a copy of it, and found this thread. I agree completely with the first post. My letter might seem to reiterate a little what he says, but it's in my own words:

Religion has caused more strife, pain, conflict, war, etc than anything else in this world. True, if there was no religion, there might be chaos. But look at what is happening right now. We are in chaos BECAUSE of people’s undying faith. I mean.,.i can give u details of every war, where because of religion, people have been persecuted. I mean..it’s almost ridiculous. If these people were so faithful to their god, why aren’t they being helped by Him? Every society through our history has warred because of religion. From Ancient times, to the Crusades, to the Nazis, to Chechnya, to 9/11. What is the point? Where is God, that everyone believes in, stopping this?

We have religion stopping us from becoming better people. The strict Muslims have laws to kill your sister if she is raped. The Catholic church disallows abortion even if a girl is raped by a family member, disallows sex by a priest and look what happens. Jewish religion doesn’t allow people to eat certain foods, or work on holidays. Every religion bars you from doing things. And they all have us going to temple and praying in different languages the same thing over and over, I’m sorry..I if I was a God, I wouldn’t want someone to pray from a book to talk to me. I’d want them to say their own thing. Who cares about customs? Why are all these people giving their hard earned money to churches, temples, TV priests, etc. Who made them so holy that they can teach the word of God. I’d ask when was the last time you saw a miracle, but then I remember when some old lady saw Jesus’ face in some mold in her refrigerator. What happened to splitting the sea and appearing before everybody.

All these miracles that God has “done†is a little funny actually. When he smote Gomorrah with a fireball, it could have been a meteor. The burning bush = a gas vent that got lit, walking on water = a optical illusion, raining frogs could have been tadpole eggs that got lifted into the air and came down full grown with water. There are sooooooooooooooooo many things that could be explained. Why has God always talked through someone and not to everyone. He sent Moses up to the mountain and talked to him. Did the same to Mohammed. Same with Jesus. Oh.. Let me talk about how backwards Christianity is for one sec. Your God said NOT to worship idols. There is only one God. What the hell are u guys doing with all the crucifixes with Jesus hanging on it then. If you ask any school kid who God is, they’ll tell you it’s Jesus. Um.. Is that right in your religion?

Sorry for the rant and ravings. Religion has not been good to me. I had been forced at a young age to study things I didn’t believe in. And when I resisted, I got beat. It’s kinda silly actually. 95% of people have faith in a religion because they were born into it. Only a small percentage changes there religion either for marriage or new beliefs. I could have been born a Muslim, a Catholic, a 7 day Adventists, a Buddhist, etc. It’s all luck of the draw. Yet, I am SUPPOSED to believe in it because that is what my parent’s believed, and their parent’s believed, and their parent’s believed. I’m lucky no one believed in Witches and Warlocks, or else I might have been burned at the stake for maybe worshiping the devil (even though I don’t). Oh wait… They did in the 1800s. And why did they burn those innocent people Oh yeah. Religion!


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Originally posted by Evan

Wow... That's so amazing. I had just writen a e-mail to a list of my friends about how much I was confused about people's religion. I came on to here, to see if there was a place to post a copy of it, and found this thread. I agree completely with the first post. My letter might seem to reiterate a little what he says, but it's in my own words:

Religion has caused more strife, pain, conflict, war, etc than anything else in this world. True, if there was no religion, there might be chaos. But look at what is happening right now. We are in chaos BECAUSE of people’s undying faith. I mean.,.i can give u details of every war, where because of religion, people have been persecuted. I mean..it’s almost ridiculous. If these people were so faithful to their god, why aren’t they being helped by Him? Every society through our history has warred because of religion. From Ancient times, to the Crusades, to the Nazis, to Chechnya, to 9/11. What is the point? Where is God, that everyone believes in, stopping this?

We have religion stopping us from becoming better people. The strict Muslims have laws to kill your sister if she is raped. The Catholic church disallows abortion even if a girl is raped by a family member, disallows sex by a priest and look what happens. Jewish religion doesn’t allow people to eat certain foods, or work on holidays. Every religion bars you from doing things. And they all have us going to temple and praying in different languages the same thing over and over, I’m sorry..I if I was a God, I wouldn’t want someone to pray from a book to talk to me. I’d want them to say their own thing. Who cares about customs? Why are all these people giving their hard earned money to churches, temples, TV priests, etc. Who made them so holy that they can teach the word of God. I’d ask when was the last time you saw a miracle, but then I remember when some old lady saw Jesus’ face in some mold in her refrigerator. What happened to splitting the sea and appearing before everybody.

All these miracles that God has “done†is a little funny actually. When he smote Gomorrah with a fireball, it could have been a meteor. The burning bush = a gas vent that got lit, walking on water = a optical illusion, raining frogs could have been tadpole eggs that got lifted into the air and came down full grown with water. There are sooooooooooooooooo many things that could be explained. Why has God always talked through someone and not to everyone. He sent Moses up to the mountain and talked to him. Did the same to Mohammed. Same with Jesus. Oh.. Let me talk about how backwards Christianity is for one sec. Your God said NOT to worship idols. There is only one God. What the hell are u guys doing with all the crucifixes with Jesus hanging on it then. If you ask any school kid who God is, they’ll tell you it’s Jesus. Um.. Is that right in your religion?

Sorry for the rant and ravings. Religion has not been good to me. I had been forced at a young age to study things I didn’t believe in. And when I resisted, I got beat. It’s kinda silly actually. 95% of people have faith in a religion because they were born into it. Only a small percentage changes there religion either for marriage or new beliefs. I could have been born a Muslim, a Catholic, a 7 day Adventists, a Buddhist, etc. It’s all luck of the draw. Yet, I am SUPPOSED to believe in it because that is what my parent’s believed, and their parent’s believed, and their parent’s believed. I’m lucky no one believed in Witches and Warlocks, or else I might have been burned at the stake for maybe worshiping the devil (even though I don’t). Oh wait… They did in the 1800s. And why did they burn those innocent people Oh yeah. Religion!


i know for a fact that what you wrote about muslims "having" to kill their sisters if they are raped is untrue. that has more to do with ethnic traditions, not religious. For example, in Jordan they had a bad case of people doing "honor killings" where people would hear vicious rumors about a girl or woman (whether they are true or not) and in order to salvage their family pride and name, would kill the poor girl...but this is NOT a religious thing! the jewish religion doesn't allow people to eat certain foods because certain foods are dirty according to them...like pork, seafood. but all three religions don't want their people to be eating pork...why am i even replying to this..

i think religion is a sort of umbrella for people to huddle under when the going gets going...look at this world, and all the crap that is happening...what do people have left when there is nothing to hold on to? FAITH. i think religion is not a bad thing, but it is a bad thing when it is taken out of context and used as an excuse to justify certain things...for example, how the KKK use the Bible to justify their hatred for non-whites...how al-qaeda is using Islam as a spinboard for their hatred of the West..and fundamentalist jews in the west bank..for using the Torah to justify their killing of Palestinians...it never ends...

i think a huge problem the world has today is the incredible amount of freedom we have in the West...you might wonder, how is it possible to have too much freedom? it is...too much freedom means anyone can become an authority on anything, which is not good...that means a lot of misconceptions can grow from people's messages...whether they are true or not...for example,the media...any moron can get their own show it seems nowadays, and say all the shit they want..whether it is wrong or right...but it is their opinion....and if an uneducated, uncultured person hears their words, they might take them at face value and apply it in their lives..but they are hearing the wrong messages...

the big question is, what is right and what is wrong? according to 220000000 people in this world, everyone has a right and a wrong...it would be good if everyone accepted that and went on with their lives...and didn't try to coerce anyone into believing what they do....but of course that is not possible...every day people are selling ideas to one another...and it's never going to end...

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