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Originally posted by kaydup

That sounds like a hotel

That's because those stuck up french people think everything in their country is royal. So they just add royal to the end of everything and think that makes it sound more important. For example- le big mac royale. It's not royal - it's not even meat. They just want you to think it's better because they think they are better.

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Originally posted by whadupg

That's because those stuck up french people think everything in their country is royal. So they just add royal to the end of everything and think that makes it sound more important. For example- le big mac royale. It's not royal - it's not even meat. They just want you to think it's better because they think they are better.

Trust this girl... she knows her meat :tongue:

g, I tried calling you from the Phoenix last night, but your phone went straight to voicemail and if I left a message it would've sounded like "heymadfdsaf, I'm,a dfdaskjf athe afdaflkjad pheaknix, arej afdsf you a cadsjfd aad over?"

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

:laugh: :laugh: Best line of the week! Gimmie some of that drrrrrrrry humor!

For real, I make the best grilled cheeses. For real. I am a professional when it comes to the "Toasted Cheese Sandwich"

But if you were in france it would be le cheese sandwich toasted. It's not a blue car - it's a car bleu :mad: Bleu- what is that anyways????

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Trust this girl... she knows her meat :tongue:

g, I tried calling you from the Phoenix last night, but your phone went straight to voicemail and if I left a message it would've sounded like "heymadfdsaf, I'm,a dfdaskjf athe afdaflkjad pheaknix, arej afdsf you a cadsjfd aad over?"

Hahaha- i got a new phone & I put my new number on the message, but I don't think you got that far - i'm going to go check my old voicemail right now though :laugh:

I got stuck working late last night, and I'm coming into Boston tonight and jess bailed so I just ended up bailing. I forgot to call & let you guys know i wouldn't be there :( sorry.

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Originally posted by whadupg

Hahaha- i got a new phone & I put my new number on the message, but I don't think you got that far - i'm going to go check my old voicemail right now though :laugh:

I got stuck working late last night, and I'm coming into Boston tonight and jess bailed so I just ended up bailing. I forgot to call & let you guys know i wouldn't be there :( sorry.

All good, but you missed one hell of a party. And by party, I mean a straight-up PARTY. Doc just played fun, fun house music all night long. Had everyone dancing with smiles from ear to ear. It should be illegal to have that much fun on a Wednesday.

I will never, ever, ever miss a Phoenix Wed. anniversary party again. Last night was one of the best vibe's I've ever seen in Boston. People were partying like it was a Friday! And there were actually girls in that place... and they were actually attractive!

It was EXACTLY what I needed after a shitty day of work yestserday :pint:

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Originally posted by kaydup

In college I had one of those sandwhich thingies my freshman year. So I would get home wasted turn that thing on throw in the bread and cheese and then pass out. Good thing it shut its self off

I probably gained 20 lbs in college thanks to our magic sandwich maker.

Best invention ever. For real.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

All good, but you missed one hell of a party. And by party, I mean a straight-up PARTY. Doc just played fun, fun house music all night long. Had everyone dancing with smiles from ear to ear. It should be illegal to have that much fun on a Wednesday.

I will never, ever, ever miss a Phoenix Wed. anniversary party again. Last night was one of the best vibe's I've ever seen in Boston. People were partying like it was a Friday! And there were actually girls in that place... and they were actually attractive!

It was EXACTLY what I needed after a shitty day of work yestserday :pint:

Ahhhh! Wish I just went! Glad you guys had a good time!

So yeah- umm, not sure who's voicemail you left a message on but it wasn't mine :laugh: I wish i could give everyone the review of nyis's message, but alas - we'll have to wait and see how he really called. He's going to go home tonight to a pissed off message from his mother (or kaydup's) i bet. :tongue::D

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Originally posted by whadupg

Ahhhh! Wish I just went! Glad you guys had a good time!

So yeah- umm, not sure who's voicemail you left a message on but it wasn't mine :laugh: I wish i could give everyone the review of nyis's message, but alas - we'll have to wait and see how he really called. He's going to go home tonight to a pissed off message from his mother (or kaydup's) i bet. :tongue::D

Nope, no messages from me to anyone last night. I didn't leave one because it would've sounded like "lkafdjlajf aoisjfdasifdas". It was loud in that place.

I would never leave a message on d:Rew's mom's voicemail... we always 2-way instead.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Nope, no messages from me to anyone last night. I didn't leave one because it would've sounded like "lkafdjlajf aoisjfdasifdas". It was loud in that place.

I would never leave a message on d:Rew's mom's voicemail... we always 2-way instead.

Ahhh- i gotcha - I was lookin forward to that drunken garbled voicemail too :D And yeah- nextel is definetly the way to go.

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i must say that last night was easily the best time i have ever had at the landing. doc was playing some killer tracks with some of the funkiest basslines i have ever heard. he is a true proffesional. lots of hotties there and lots of people partying their asses off.

highlight of the night had to have been me and brian attempting to sing the lyrics of that Mr. G song over a random track. we were so bummed we couldnt hear it, we did our own little mashup, which prolly ended up sounding alot like the message brian left on the mystery voicemail.

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