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SouthBeachClubs - Whats Hot?? What's Not??


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Since no one ever submits new reviews of the clubs on the Club listings section, I'd like to get some opinions as to the clubs that are "in" and the clubs that are "out". I know that each person may have their own preference, so a brief explanation would be great. When I was last down in South Beach, it went a little something like this for me:

Space - IN - new and jammed with people/music

Level - IN - Huge. Seen and be seen.

Crobar - IN - Cool people.

Shadow - Out - DJ's fault.

Mix - Out - Space taking over

The above was just an example. Please - just write what you feel and don't blast someone else's opinion.

THanks in advance!!

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The Living Room... personally my favorite venue. It can be pretentious when it wants to, but it used to be a lot worse. It is small enough for an intimate feel, therefore having the ability to draw in a 100% awsome crowd (unlike crobar or level). if you like house music, you'll probably like this place.

Bash... used to be a lot better. I pretend it doesn't exist anymore.

Groove Jet... Awesome place... i still can't believe it closed down.

Shadow Lounge... never liked it.

crobar... awsome venue, nice bar service with good drinks BUT ridiculous door and not the best crowd. the music isn't the best either.

B.E.D... INCREDIBLE. excellent service, excellent drinks... strict but unpretentious door policy. Awsome place to start the night.

Nikki Beach... the best atmosphere in miami. really good crowd... fridays there is good house to move to.

Level... been there once, never will go back. although the kids in miami seem to love it. one of the worse crowds in miami.

Chaos + Barroom... two really good places that closed down

Space... never been, but i'm planning to go as soon as i get back to miami.

Tantra... awsome, though older crowd really into the sex theme. good house music similar to that of The Living Room. excellent place to begin the night.

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