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Pet Peeves........

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Not to be gross, but one of the most annoying things at work is when I go to the bathroom and people don't flush the friggin toilet. I'm talking about men who are supposed to be professionals. 6 bathroom stalls which either have piss on the seats, doody in the toilet with toilet paper all over the floor. All while I have a turtle head going on. TGIF!!!! :)

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let's see I have a few of them....

in this order.

people talk with food in their mouth, and the food starts shoting all over the place and they still they don't stop talking.

when guys lounge out and put there hands down their pants and scratch. You here that scratching noise. so annoying

definitely when people don't flush the toilet after use

people pick their toenails or play with their feet

toothpaste in the sink

:D :D :D :D

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Originally posted by piro8

Not to be gross, but one of the most annoying things at work is when I go to the bathroom and people don't flush the friggin toilet. I'm talking about men who are supposed to be professionals. 6 bathroom stalls which either have piss on the seats, doody in the toilet with toilet paper all over the floor. All while I have a turtle head going on. TGIF!!!! :)


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Originally posted by piro8

Not to be gross, but one of the most annoying things at work is when I go to the bathroom and people don't flush the friggin toilet. I'm talking about men who are supposed to be professionals. 6 bathroom stalls which either have piss on the seats, doody in the toilet with toilet paper all over the floor. All while I have a turtle head going on. TGIF!!!! :)

Women are the same way................ Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

Or people who don't wash there hands after using the HUMAN WASTE DEPOSITORY FACILITIES.

I want to follow them out and say excuse me but can you please sanitize your hande b 4 u go touching everything.................

or people who insist on talking to you about everything under the sun and you don't even look at them, or try to aviod them when u see them coming and you dont even answer them or look up from your screen but they keep on talking...........

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Originally posted by njbigtime

I tell you what i fucking hate.... FEET.......Escpecially driving down the shore, and people hang their feet outside the window, then sitting in traffic i have to look at their nasty feet.

BTW- HI neena

:laugh: :laugh: me too

I sceeeeeve feet... feet are like long hands w/ midget fingers!!! GROSS!

I also hate... stupid people.. or should i say incompetent people

dirty fingernails... ewww!

improper english.. such a double negatives... completely drives me insane Ex. I ain't going nowhere.. im not doing nothing... GRRRRRR!!! English mofo.. do you speak it???!!??


many more... but these are a few of the main ones...

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I hate when cabinets are left open

People who eat and chomp in my ear or face.

Putting lotion on my feet and walking on them before the lotion has had time to absorb into the skin.

People who walk around in there socks and they are loose and flopping in the front. Socks should always be pulled up tight to the feet.

Also walking around in sock out side. (brother use to do this)

When my mother is cooking and uses my cordless phone and gets prints on it.

Sheets that smell like anything else but flowers or detergent bother me.

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Also walking around in sock out side. (brother use to do this)

When my mother is cooking and uses my cordless phone and gets prints on it.

same goes for me................

take the damn socks off...................


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I can't stand when someone asks if they can have a sip of your drink. I sceeve that so much. I do not share drinks, tooth brushes, any of that so back off..:mad:

or people who insist on talking to you about everything under the sun and you don't even look at them, or try to aviod them when u see them coming and you dont even answer them or look up from your screen but they keep on talking...........

OMG I couldn't agree more..that happens all day at work to me. Can't you see I am either A) busy or B) do not want to talk to you about anything. :D

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Originally posted by perns2002

Also walking around in sock out side. (brother use to do this)

When my mother is cooking and uses my cordless phone and gets prints on it.

same goes for me................

take the damn socks off...................


One more thing that my mom and alot of people do . Cut potatoes in the sink or and veggie :mad: just cut on the cutting board dam itttttt.

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Originally posted by sexyinthecity

I can't stand when someone asks if they can have a sip of your drink. I sceeve that so much. I do not share drinks, tooth brushes, any of that so back off..:mad:

OMG I couldn't agree more..that happens all day at work to me. Can't you see I am either A) busy or B) do not want to talk to you about anything. :D

THey don't get it either...... they have no clue..............

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Hmm I hate when my roommates leave their dirty dishes in the sink for days! That shit starts to smell!!!! :mad:

Also, is it really that hard to put the new toilet paper roll on the pole thingy??? Must you just leave the empty one there and place the new roll on top!?!?!?!!? :mad:

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mysty for you miss, i will run up there wash all your dishes to the beat of britney spears...........

supa dupa rump shake all the way to the bathroom, fluff your toilet paper, make sure you are able to unravel it from the top or which ever you prefer and run to cosco barefoot and buy you a 24 pack of extra soft toilet paper....................

wanna dance?????????????

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Originally posted by roddigga

mysty for you miss, i will run up there wash all your dishes to the beat of britney spears...........

supa dupa rump shake all the way to the bathroom, fluff your toilet paper, make sure you are able to unravel it from the top or which ever you prefer and run to cosco barefoot and buy you a 24 pack of extra soft toilet paper....................

wanna dance?????????????

Oh Rod you are such a sweetheart my dear - Tank you!....But what is this about asking me to dance?!?! I thought you had dumped me for Miss Dknybabe :(:confused:

Are you looking to reunite with your supa dupa rumpa shaka girl or what!?!?!? :hat:

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Originally posted by perns2002

THey don't get it either...... they have no clue..............

Seriously Perns, these babblers. Don't talk to me while I'm staring out into space, the last thing I want to hear first thing in the morning is that you baked cookies and brownies over the weekend. I'm not Betty Crocker. :)

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Originally posted by piro8

Seriously Perns, these babblers. Don't talk to me while I'm staring out into space, the last thing I want to hear first thing in the morning is that you baked cookies and brownies over the weekend. I'm not Betty Crocker. :)

or that your dog had a Religious Experience the night before......


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Originally posted by Mystify22

Oh Rod you are such a sweetheart my dear - Tank you!....But what is this about asking me to dance?!?! I thought you had dumped me for Miss Dknybabe :(:confused:

Are you looking to reunite with your supa dupa rumpa shaka girl or what!?!?!? :hat:

HA HA HA..............did ya not check the team mangle thread miss britney, i had written a two pg. formal appology..........

it was diggas way of gettin ya back down before the summer, JESS WHO??? DKNY WHO, SHE MEANT NOTHING, she was just a one night thing???

all she's got is a JERSEY SHOULDER SHIMMY THANG.............digga can't do nothing with that, i need a parthan that can work dat whole BODY..............

oh and a petpeeev of mine is the same same thing, i'm a fucken neat freak, i once came home and the dishes were piled up the the roof, i took em out one day with the recycables, my roomates went nuts, try it..................

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Hmm I hate when my roommates leave their dirty dishes in the sink for days! That shit starts to smell!!!! :mad:

yes leaving dishes in the sink...but also when they don't rinse them.They leave the dishes there over night and the food dries up on them. It makes them harder to clean.

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Originally posted by piro8

Not to be gross, but one of the most annoying things at work is when I go to the bathroom and people don't flush the friggin toilet. I'm talking about men who are supposed to be professionals. 6 bathroom stalls which either have piss on the seats, doody in the toilet with toilet paper all over the floor. All while I have a turtle head going on. TGIF!!!! :)

ewwww. For a girls point I hate when girls piss (without sitting on the seat) and get piss dots on the seat. I mean come on just wipe the seat after at least.

I hate when people eat off of my plate. When I say I am full and don't want anymore then take as much as you want.

How about when someone coughs then goes to shack your hand.... keep your germs to youself.

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Originally posted by neena16

yes leaving dishes in the sink...but also when they don't rinse them.They leave the dishes there over night and the food dries up on them. It makes them harder to clean.

i'm feeelin ya neena..............it's like when my fuggin roomates leaves skidz all over the fuggin toilet............

what the fuck is that shit for, ya know.........now that's worse, we even got one of those big azz toilet toothbrushes by the toilet and the still leave treds all over the place............

fuggin grosss, digga can never take a shit without spittin chunks 1st cause i always gotta walk into a tred filled toilet, always looks like a tractor trailer lost control in my thrown


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Originally posted by neena16

yes leaving dishes in the sink...but also when they don't rinse them.They leave the dishes there over night and the food dries up on them. It makes them harder to clean.

Exactly!! The least they could do is rinse them off!!! I get so perturbed....And I'm such a neat freak that I usually wind up doing the dishes because I can't stand to smell or look at them :(

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Originally posted by roddigga

HA HA HA..............did ya not check the team mangle thread miss britney, i had written a two pg. formal appology..........

it was diggas way of gettin ya back down before the summer, JESS WHO??? DKNY WHO, SHE MEANT NOTHING, she was just a one night thing???

all she's got is a JERSEY SHOULDER SHIMMY THANG.............digga can't do nothing with that, i need a parthan that can work dat whole BODY..............

oh and a petpeeev of mine is the same same thing, i'm a fucken neat freak, i once came home and the dishes were piled up the the roof, i took em out one day with the recycables, my roomates went nuts, try it..................

Rod...You're forgiven, how can I possibly stay mad at a fellow team member and dance partner!!? :kiss2:

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