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Depression - More Realistic Outlook on Life?

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Social scientist C. Layne writes:

"Empirical research indicates that depressives are cognitively realistic, while nondepressives are cognitively distorted.... Normals appear to be less in touch with reality than are depressives. Normals are even less in touch than are depressed outpatients and even hospitalized inpatients! The major implication of the empirical literature is that depressives' thoughts are painfully truthful, whereas nondepressives' thoughts are unrealistically positive."

Discuss.. :shaky:

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I think that's a fairly extreme statement.

that person is basically saying that people who suffer from Depression see the world more realistically, while non-depressive people have an idealized picture of the world.

I will admit, im an optimistic person. But that doesn't mean i can't be realistic.

...will write more later.....

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"I'm not pessimistic...I'm realistic..."

in some ways, i can see what this guy is saying...but i don't think it can be true for the majority of the population...

you can be happy and still have a grip on reality...

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Originally posted by sassa

"I'm not pessimistic...I'm realistic..."

in some ways, i can see what this guy is saying...but i don't think it can be true for the majority of the population...

you can be happy and still have a grip on reality...

i totally agree :D

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Originally posted by Codica3

Social scientist C. Layne writes:

"Empirical research indicates that depressives are cognitively realistic, while nondepressives are cognitively distorted.... Normals appear to be less in touch with reality than are depressives. Normals are even less in touch than are depressed outpatients and even hospitalized inpatients! The major implication of the empirical literature is that depressives' thoughts are painfully truthful, whereas nondepressives' thoughts are unrealistically positive."

Discuss.. :shaky:

agreed... ppl who are overlly positive are nowhere near in touch with their realities... nor their surroundings... from my experience...

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everyone has his/her theories of what life is and means, and that influences his/her attitude towards it. if your reality is that life isn't so hot, than you might think that the happy people are in a delusional haze. if you think life is a fabulous journey, you may think that the depressed people are wasting their time and don't know what they're missing.

an ex-therapist (she needed more help than i did/do) once told me that, i, as a depressed individual, "am wrong and they're [everyone else] right." to paraphrase the rest, she said that the world is happy and i'm not, so there's an easy observation: majority rules. that was after she called me "mentally defective" and "not a person."

before i dumped her, i began wondering if the diploma on her wall were real :shaky: ...

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i can understand where this would come from :not u weyes, the post in general: but just because a person is extremely optimistic doesnt mean that he/she is not realistic... people like that are genuinely really positive yet im sure have healthy forms of negativity.... the kind that doesnt control their lives, or stop them from doing everyday things.. thats when it becomes a problem...

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Originally posted by weyes

she said that the world is happy and i'm not, so there's an easy observation: majority rules. that was after she called me "mentally defective" and "not a person."

Umm.. what a fucked up thing for a therapist to say. :rolleyes:

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