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Attn: Coming 4.3.03!! Manhattan Streets! Andrew Mendez!

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this party has been planed for months now.. as u all know its bin in my sig for quit a while. anyways, the grand opening is finally coming!! im not gonna sit here and tell you how sick the party is gonna be.. it kinda speaks for itself!!! the grand opening isnt for a little while yet but i just wanted to give u all the heads up!!! This is truly the party of the year... bringing NYC to Jersey!!

Thursday April 3rd 2003 &

Every Thursday ThereAfter..

New York, New York Thursday's @

The Grand Opening of

Manhattan Street's Lounge

21+ Upscale!

Music By Resident Dj Andrew Mendez

+ Special Monthy Guest Dj's

The ONLY Lounge In Jersey With The Sound Of BOSE!!

Located: 6 Wanaque Ave. Pompton Lakes

PS: PM me With Any Info!

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Says who? you? you promoters crack me up.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

seriosuly bro.. the place is gonna be great!! it may not be exactly the party of the year.. but the place is really beautiful.. dont take just my point of view.. hottie said it herself! :D

as for the flyers. one of my guys talked to billy or someone and they said it was fine.. anyways we do cross promoting for there parties on my site.. i scratch there back they scratch mine, that how business goes. it wanst ment to bash there party at all!

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Originally posted by MrCHOOPA2u

ahhhh .......... so your the guy who put the fliers for this club on all the cars at cherri ! GREAT JOB !!


.....flyers??....i didn't see no stinking flyers??........what car did u go home in?? lol.....:D

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

sorry bro.. but i wasnt the guy who did it.. i dont do the distro.

anyways we got the ok so it wasnt like a problem.. :D

you guys should run it by Jeff & Joe you guys were putting them all over Cherri especially when we are doing a Thursday night... I doubt they would care but just the fact of running it by them common courtesy:D

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Originally posted by MrCHOOPA2u


...aaah.....good.....i thought i was losing my mind!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

you guys should run it by Jeff & Joe you guys were putting them all over Cherri especially when we are doing a Thursday night... I doubt they would care but just the fact of running it by them common courtesy:D

no doubt bro.. your absolutly right!!! i told my guys to ask b4 they put out the flyers out anyplace they go, they actually todl me that it was ok cause he spoke with one of you's....

anyways i have mad respect for u guys & the crew, and it is deff. common courtasy to ask b4 u put flyers out in any club parking lot.. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me tell you about Manhattan Streets.

Manhattan Streets is one of the most disgusting places you can go. Manhattan Streets is currently owned by a greek man named Dinos.

Before renovations to become Manhattan Streets, the store was called Pompton Lakes Grill. Pompton Lakes grill as a former employee of the place, was really disgusting, cock-roaches, people spitting in the food, the food would fall on the ground and Dinos would make us pick up the food and still use it to give to the customers. While under renovations, there would be saw dust in the food and food would spoil, yet the owner would still make us serve the food.

After renovations, all the employees lost their job after they were promised that they were going to get their job back. Instead, they hired illegal aliens who are currently working there.

The cock-roach problem...still a problem. The rat problem is elimated, but it is still sick. I give Manhattan Streets maybe less than 6 months before they go under.

Down with Manhattan Streets!

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u deffinatly are funny bro!! first off, i run the parties there.. i pretty much put MS in place, with some help from a few good people i know..

not for nothing, but ur nothing in my eyes.. like who would actually listen to someone stupid enough to say a dumb comment like that, and somone with only 2 posts anyways!!.. u know NOTHING about manhattan streets i can tell!!! i guess ur just upset cause u got the boot.. obviously u werent good enough for the place.. haha now thats funny! im there every night practically bro, why dont u show ur face.. be a fuckin man!!! say it to my face... but not over the comp!!! i hate people like u! :blown: hater!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: grow up!

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dont listen to him jerry, he doesnt know anything about clubs/lounges. he's only on here to hate on your successes! dont even let him get to you..

blowme, you deffinatly dont know jack shit about manhattan streets, ive been there quite a few times already with all my girl friends, and everyone loves it! hating is bad! very very bad! :laugh:

ps: jerry, i think his name is hector, i believe he was the bathroom cleaner!! :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by hottieboombody

dont listen to him jerry, he doesnt know anything about clubs/lounges. he's only on here to hate on your successes! dont even let him get to you..

blowme, you deffinatly dont know jack shit about manhattan streets, ive been there quite a few times already with all my girl friends, and everyone loves it! hating is bad! very very bad! :laugh:

ps: jerry, i think his name is hector, i believe he was the bathroom cleaner!! :laugh: :laugh:

he was the head toilet bowl cleaner that is!! lol :laugh: :laugh:

i guess the $2.50 an hour just didnt cut it for him anymore!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so hes here to hate!! lol haha

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Attn" jerry and HOTTYBOOM-

hes that guy they call the specialist - changing the urinal triagles(pink /blue)

and the same one that cleans up the used (unmentionables) in the ladies room

since there are no other people to be deemed as enough of a LOW LIFE - hes the "SPEIALIST":laugh: Jerk-off

get a CLUE-

either be more professional about your insults or

have some kind of TACT and just shut the EFF up-

dont think i dont know you-

cause i do-

dont act like you dont remember me either-

ill run game on you just like i always do

Yo Jerry

I said it before and Ill say it again-

PROPS to Andrew for the equipment help

and hte system in there is HOTTTTTTT!!


my people came after you had left and had a FUKING BLAST IN THERE-

with that equipment my mix was GOLDEN

i had even BOTH The owners dancing at the front door bro-

the parties there will be awsome

( you know where to look for the guest dj to *hint):D

:hat: Talk soon Jerry-

sorry but i was at Euro lastnight so i didnt make it to metro

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