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Attn: Digital7!!!


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Excersise 1


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, facing forwards. Swing your arms out to the side and then back in from side to side in a wide circular motion, as if you were coiling and then uncoiling. Keep your arms and hands relaxed, and rotate your torso slightly as you swing.

This is initially to get the blood flowing, and breathing should be relaxed and even.

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Excersise 2


Assume a Natural Standing Position.

Inhale and raise both arms until your hands are in front of the body at abdomen height - palms facing inward to hold an invisible balloon in front of you. Exhale and interlock your fingers (palms upward).

Inhale and raise both arms in an arc to position the hands (palms upward) one inch above the head. Exhale and press both hands (palms upward) vertically, straightening your arms as fully as possible (you will feel the stretch in the arms and wrists). Simultaneously, raise your heels so that you are on the balls of the feet. This will enable you to stretch the entire body. Your vision should follow the hand movements, i.e. the head is tilted backward to keep the eyes looking at the back of the hands. Remain in this posture.

Inhale and rotate the hands so that the palms face your head, then lower the hands to a position one inch above the head. Exhale and lower the arms in an arc to the original position in front of your abdomen. Simultaneously, lower the heel to the ground.

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Excersise 3


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, facing forward. Stretch your right arm above your head, keeping it straight, with your palm facing upward. Extend your left arm down beside your body, keeping the arm straight, with your palm facing down.

Relax and stretch upwards and downwards simultaneously. Reverse the procedure by bending your arms and letting them cross in front of your body as you extend your left arm up and your right arm down.

Take a long breathe and breathe out as your raise/lower your arms and stretch, and then breathe in as you relax to swap arms, then out again as your arms begin the outward journey.

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Excersise 4


Stand naturally, with your legs shoulder width apart, drop and relax the shoulders. Keep the hips straight and your gravity in the centre and raise your hands to the front of your chest, palms crossed.

Separate your armas outwards to your side as you open your chest and breathe in. Bring the hands back to the body in a circling motion, finishing with the hands in front of the stomach as you bend your legs and breathe out.

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Excersise 5


Raise both hands to the front of the chest, straighten your legs and bring both hands over your head and straighten the arms. Your palms face each other, and breathe in.

Move your weight into the right leg, bending your knees. Straighten your left leg and raise your heel off the floor so that only your sole/toes are touching. Bring your left hand down to the horizontal on your left side, palm upward.

Arch your right arm in a semicircle bringing the palm over the head, and as your body moves to the side, breathe in.

Repeat on the opposite side, swaying gently from side to side in a continuous motion.

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Excersise 6


From a standing position bend both knees into a horse stance. Simultaneously place both hands in front of your body, palms towards your stomach. Raise both arms above your head in a circular motion and separate, bringing them down and around back to the stomach.

As the arms come down, bend the legs and straighten as they cross, the palms circle outward and upward over your head. Breathe in as your bring your arms to cross, and out as the arms wheel over the head.

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Excersise 7


This is identical to the 'wave hands like clouds' move of the Yang form (click here for full instructions) except that you do not move the feet, but stay in a horse stance, just moving your waist.

Your breathing should flow in a gentle rythm as you move your hands and swing from side to side.

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Excersise 8


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your arms resting naturally by your sides. Raise both hands, palms inwards in an outward circular motion up to your face, and then push both hands downwards in front of your body.

Your hands should always travel in a circular motion. Breathe in as you arsie your hands, and out again in a long breath as you lower them. Feel that your hands are being 'pulled' or 'dragged' upwards as you raise them, and are 'pushing' against a thick jelly as you lower them, your breathing reflecting this.

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