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Clubs are just a phase?

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four or five hours? ;) i know what you mean...if i stay on the floor jumping up and down all night for 12 hours, i wonder how many calories and shit i burn off...guess theres no way to find out..

Originally posted by leeanne

My friends and I feel like its a great work-out.

When do you go to the gym and workout for four or five hours?


Plus, the adrenaline charge is so addictive!(much better than drugs)

I feel great the next day except for the occasional hangover.

I love the music and people factor! (always lots of networking possibilities)

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Originally posted by dolik

Ferris...1) if you don't go to clubs anymore, that doesn't mean you don't go out...there IS life outside of them...2) like I said earlier, I personally don't post on clubplanet anymore, specifically for the reason that I can't really relate to most of the posts on here nowadays

i do understand that there is life outside of clubs but why post on a site dedicated to nightclubs? i know u sed u rarely post here anymore but i was refering to the number of people on this board that never go to them and still post here religiously.... its just hypocritical in a way

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Ferris, most of these people became friends through and because of this site...and they enjoy listening to each other's opinions and sharing thoughts with each other. Yes, this website is dedicated to clubs, but it's also a springboard for new friendships....

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This man always has intelligent things to say...

most people dont and nobody questions them about why they are on a message board. Half the time people are starting trouble and putting eachother down. You want to discuss things that are interesting and from what i read, dolik seems to have been around and has good input/knowledge and stories about the scene. Just because he isnt in it as much, does not mean he shouldnt be able to contribute his thoughts and experiences. That goes for everybody! :)

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Originally posted by dolik

Ferris, most of these people became friends through and because of this site...and they enjoy listening to each other's opinions and sharing thoughts with each other. Yes, this website is dedicated to clubs, but it's also a springboard for new friendships....

you fuck...answer me...i am friends with george (promo) and gary (joker)

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I can relate to a lot of what has been said. About three years ago I went to my first real NYC club(Twilo), had a great time, but brushed it off as a one time thing. Went again two more times randomly, had kind of 'eh' nights. About a year or so went by, I tunred 21 and started going to the more loungy clubs, always had a food time, but all of those nights were forgettable. About a year ago is when I really started going clubbing a lot. Dropped for the first time in a club (Scot Project @ Exit) and was hooked. My club going definitely became the center of my life. I worked as a means to go out, and school was just 5 annoying days seperating my club outings. The first few months were more about the scene than the music. Slowly the music became more and more important, and by the end of last summer I was obsessed. If when I first started going out, my club experiences were calculated being 25% for the music, 25% for the scene, 25% for the drugs and 25% for the people I see out every week, now it's more like 50% music, 25% people, and then the other two much lower. The biggest break I have taken since last march has been this last month, since PVD at Roxy. But my break is not because my interest is any less. On the contrary actually. I have been saving up for my two Technics.

But I have reached my goal, and next weekend I'm back on my schedule.

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the scene in NYC has really changed. with TWILO and Tunnel gone, the whole big club scene started going under. then limelight, exit and SF closed, and wen they reopened just werent the same. Limelight isnt Limelight anymore, SF's crowd is completely different from that of two years ago, and Exit even fell off.

NYC is all about small lounges now. So its not just you people getting tired of clubbing, its changes in the scene as well.

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i think that its totally a phase, now i rather just go to nice lounges, and stay away from the big clubs with all those people. i rather sit at a table with a bottle without having to fight my way to the bar to get a drink 20 minutes later, listen to good music and be able to actually talk with my friends..but dont get my wrong there are times when i do want to go to club and just dance but its getting to be on a once a month basis rather than a every week thing

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Umm, What can i say about the CLub Life, Its a nice little Escape that Myself, Rdancer, and Trancerxn have Encountered almost TOgether ( at the same time), From the Begining i Remember when going sober to the Club wasent Even an Option. Going to listen to the Superb Talent that TOny Draper Possessed (lmao), However then realizing how he Catered to the crowd by PLaying Head Bashing music, that people (only under the influence) would appreciate, ohh and lets not forget the wonderful Light Shows and Glowsticking Expertise of the only Ethnic Race that existed in abundance in the Exit Asylum --- ( Asians ) . But then there came a time, where we "grew" out of it, mentally, Or (financially), and then we gathered in the arts of True Melodies by Johnny Vicious, Where the GLowsticking and Photoning Grew to a greater level of Skill, Circles were Formed and People would chant. Ahhh those Years (months) , how i miss them ever soo dearly, and yet, i think back and say the wonderful words that my dear friend once said,

"the bible is only book, and the book Contains words about god, and Tony Draper is my God" :D :D :D

Who Ever Reads this, The Begining part of Club Going is a Phase, You will Get Tired of it, and Going Moderation is Preferred However, after the Phase ( experience) You will probably walk out with Some of your Best Memories of your Life, as well as a Heightend awareness of "good" MUsic.

thanks all for reading, Good to do a post ( havent done one in soo long )


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