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about virginity...


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i wonder, is this ATTRACTIVE to you guys/women?

i mean i´ll be honest, only reason i would sleep and have slept with a virgin girl is the "power thing". that you´d be her first. no one will probably make the same impact on her. women will ALWAYS remember you when you were their "first" (if it was good or not doesnt matter, better do it good though ;) ).

it´s just the lack of sexual experience, i dunno, i don´t find that too attractive. OTOH, it might be pretty fun to train a girl when she´s up for it and not stuck up... heh, if you do it right you could "design" your own little love slave(s)

well... thats my male perspective on this...

girls, do you find being a "virgin" attractive?

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Originally posted by tastey

i wonder, is this ATTRACTIVE to you guys/women?

i mean i´ll be honest, only reason i would sleep and have slept with a virgin girl is the "power thing". that you´d be her first. no one will probably make the same impact on her. women will ALWAYS remember you when you were their "first" (if it was good or not doesnt matter, better do it good though ;) ).

it´s just the lack of sexual experience, i dunno, i don´t find that too attractive. OTOH, it might be pretty fun to train a girl when she´s up for it and not stuck up... heh, if you do it right you could "design" your own little love slave(s)

well... thats my male perspective on this...

girls, do you find being a "virgin" attractive?

See man, i hate to say this, but you seem to have made up your mind about a lot of views, without hearing other ones.

1st of all, i know a handful of girls who choose to forget their "first one". It's not always a rosey picture.

2nd, Virgins aren't necessarily ignorant of how to be sexual

3rd: you say virgins have a lack of sexual experience, but this is another naive point.

The world is not so black n white, tastey-- there's lots of grey area too ;)

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Originally posted by gmccookny

See man, i hate to say this, but you seem to have made up your mind about a lot of views, without hearing other ones.

1st of all, i know a handful of girls who choose to forget their "first one". It's not always a rosey picture.

2nd, Virgins aren't necessarily ignorant of how to be sexual

3rd: you say virgins have a lack of sexual experience, but this is another naive point.

The world is not so black n white, tastey-- there's lots of grey area too ;)

took the words right outta my mouth

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not really related...but kinda...

what is the reason that any girl would hold on to their virginty past the age of 18 or 19? unless you're living your life according to the words of some god, is it really that important? are there any non-virgins out there that wish they would have waited until marriage?

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Originally posted by entheogen808

not really related...but kinda...

what is the reason that any girl would hold on to their virginty past the age of 18 or 19? unless you're living your life according to the words of some god, is it really that important? are there any non-virgins out there that wish they would have waited until marriage?

lol. i know i would have lost mine to my ex who i hate with a passion if i hadnt lost it before hand with someone i dont hate with a passion. at least i didnt loose it to my ex i cant stand...
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Originally posted by entheogen808

not really related...but kinda...

what is the reason that any girl would hold on to their virginty past the age of 18 or 19? unless you're living your life according to the words of some god, is it really that important? are there any non-virgins out there that wish they would have waited until marriage?

some people consider sexual activity to be very private and something they would rather share with someone they love. and lots of people don't find that sort of person to love and trust until they're into their 20s. *shrug*

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Originally posted by wideskies

some people consider sexual activity to be very private and something they would rather share with someone they love. and lots of people don't find that sort of person to love and trust until they're into their 20s. *shrug*

i feel ya, kat.

especially when there's lots of people who just USE others, that is far from genuine.

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Originally posted by wideskies

some people consider sexual activity to be very private and something they would rather share with someone they love. and lots of people don't find that sort of person to love and trust until they're into their 20s. *shrug*

thanks...in related news...

a friend of a friend (we'll call her v) held on to her virginity through college waiting for love. a noble act, and i respect her for that, however, now that she's pushing 30 with her virginity intact, she is the most sexually frustrated person in the world, and cannot get any action...of course her grating personality is of no help, but she's had numerous men turn away the moment she mentions her virginity. she's a very sad and bitter person who regrets holding on to it like that.

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Originally posted by wideskies

some people consider sexual activity to be very private and something they would rather share with someone they love. and lots of people don't find that sort of person to love and trust until they're into their 20s. *shrug*

bravo. that's why i abstained unti I was 20. Nobody was worth it.

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shouldnt people who are waiting be with other people who are waiting because if someone who is waiting is with someone who is not, the person who is not waiting is just waiting for the other person & that seems kinda unfair. if the people who were waiting were willing to give it up would the non-virgin turn them down because they know the other person is waiting or would they think the person was ready?

also, wouldnt people who are waiting want to be with someone who has similar views about waiting?? this way they can (ideally) be eachothers first and only?

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Originally posted by somebitch

shouldnt people who are waiting be with other people who are waiting because if someone who is waiting is with someone who is not, the person who is not waiting is just waiting for the other person & that seems kinda unfair. if the people who were waiting were willing to give it up would the non-virgin turn them down because they know the other person is waiting or would they think the person was ready?

also, wouldnt people who are waiting want to be with someone who has similar views about waiting?? this way they can (ideally) be eachothers first and only?

huh? lol...i just had a visual of you saying all of that with one gigantic breath.

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Originally posted by entheogen808

thanks...in related news...

a friend of a friend (we'll call her v) held on to her virginity through college waiting for love. a noble act, and i respect her for that, however, now that she's pushing 30 with her virginity intact, she is the most sexually frustrated person in the world, and cannot get any action...of course her grating personality is of no help, but she's had numerous men turn away the moment she mentions her virginity. she's a very sad and bitter person who regrets holding on to it like that.

i doubt all of that is to blame for holding on to her virginity.

It could be that she's meeting the wrong guys, it could be that her personality simply turns people off, it could be that has issues that even you don;t know of...

Virginity is not for everyone, and maybe she was not cut out for it. But to me, it seems that there are other underlying reasons for her frustration.

-Psycho smurf :goofy:

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Originally posted by entheogen808

thanks...in related news...

a friend of a friend (we'll call her v) held on to her virginity through college waiting for love. a noble act, and i respect her for that, however, now that she's pushing 30 with her virginity intact, she is the most sexually frustrated person in the world, and cannot get any action...of course her grating personality is of no help, but she's had numerous men turn away the moment she mentions her virginity. she's a very sad and bitter person who regrets holding on to it like that.

the fact that people are turned off by their virginity reflects on THEM, not her.

the fact that she has a grating personality DOES refect on her, and her inability to attract thoughtful and sensitive people-- perhaps those very people who would be less apt to fault her for her "idealism."

those two facts, however, are unrelated.

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Originally posted by wideskies

the fact that people are turned off by their virginity reflects on THEM, not her.

the fact that she has a grating personality DOES refect on her, and her inability to attract thoughtful and sensitive people-- perhaps those very people who would be less apt to fault her for her "idealism."

those two facts, however, are unrelated.

right . that's what psycho smurf tried to say ;)

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Originally posted by wideskies

the fact that people are turned off by their virginity reflects on THEM, not her.

the fact that she has a grating personality DOES refect on her, and her inability to attract thoughtful and sensitive people-- perhaps those very people who would be less apt to fault her for her "idealism."

those two facts, however, are unrelated.

she does manage to attract some men with her personality, but turns them away with her virginity.

her "idealism" is completely out the window at this point and has been for some time. she's no longer interested in keeping her virginty intact.

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Originally posted by entheogen808

huh? lol...i just had a visual of you saying all of that with one gigantic breath.

i know it is badly worded... oh well, i am at work it is hard to try to write well when i have to try to type fast and be discreet.
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Originally posted by entheogen808

she does manage to attract some men with her personality, but turns them away with her virginity.

her "idealism" is completely out the window at this point and has been for some time. she's no longer interested in keeping her virginty intact.

why dont u give her some? ;)
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Originally posted by gmccookny

3rd: you say virgins have a lack of sexual experience, but this is another naive point.

that is so true. i hate when people act all innocent b/c they havent had sex. i mean if you never had sex but you have given out more than your share of blow jobs, it still makes you a slut...therefore, you have sexual experience

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Originally posted by wideskies

again, if a man is turned off by her virginity, that's HIS deal, not hers.

it is too bad she has not met someone so far who she wants to be intimate with, as sex is a wonderful thing.

agreed, but unfortunately many guys are like that. myself included to some extent.

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Originally posted by wideskies

some people consider sexual activity to be very private and something they would rather share with someone they love. and lots of people don't find that sort of person to love and trust until they're into their 20s. *shrug*


I'm actually impressed by people that choose to hold out for so long for whatever reasons

idk maybe its just me:tongue:

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