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Dixie cunts bash president....


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NASHVILLE, Tennessee — The Dixie Chicks are drawing harsh words from country music fans for remarks singer Natalie Maines made about President George W. Bush during a recent performance in London.

Maines told the audience earlier this week, "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."

Angry phone calls flooded Nashville radio station WKDF-FM on Thursday, some calling for a boycott of the Texas trio's music.

The group released a statement Thursday saying they have been overseas for several weeks and "the anti-American sentiment that has unfolded here is astounding. While we support our troops, there is nothing more frightening than the notion of going to war with Iraq and the prospect of all the innocent lives that will be lost."

In a separate statement Thursday, Maines said, "I feel the president is ignoring the opinion of many in the U.S. and alienating the rest of the world. My comments were made in frustration, and one of the privileges of being an American is you are free to voice your own point of view."

The Dixie Chicks will kick off a U.S. tour in support of their multi-platinum album Home on May 1 in Greenville, South Carolina. The group's hits include "Wide Open Spaces," "Ready to Run" and "Landslide."

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Originally posted by sassa

cheers to them....

why do people have to get so pissy that others have opinions against the moron bush....this is supposed to be a free democracy, right? where's freedom of speech....

You talk about childish..?

by the way stop calling Mr. Bush names.

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Originally posted by sassa

cheers to them....

why do people have to get so pissy that others have opinions against the moron bush....this is supposed to be a free democracy, right? where's freedom of speech....


Don't you think the "Bush is a moron" tag is a little overblown?...although he loves it, because the more people underestimate him , the more he delivers....

Also, with respects to the Dixie Chicks--they could say anything they want---BUT as a US citizen in another country slamming the US President is shameful and inappropriate....

They should stick to singing songs---and the lead singer to Weight Watcher's

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Originally posted by igloo

Also, with respects to the Dixie Chicks--they could say anything they want---BUT as a US citizen in another country slamming the US President is shameful and inappropriate....

bro who cares?? THEY ARE COUNTRY SINGERS!!!! everyone knows country singers are the lowest form of entertainment....

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

bro who cares?? THEY ARE COUNTRY SINGERS!!!! everyone knows country singers are the lowest form of entertainment....

True, but I still dream of me, Shania Twain and Faith Hill with tools

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Originally posted by igloo


Don't you think the "Bush is a moron" tag is a little overblown?...although he loves it, because the more people underestimate him , the more he delivers....

Also, with respects to the Dixie Chicks--they could say anything they want---BUT as a US citizen in another country slamming the US President is shameful and inappropriate....

They should stick to singing songs---and the lead singer to Weight Watcher's

you're kidding right? what exactly has he delivered besides the bullshit he normally spews about going to war with saddam...he sure isn't doing much for us over here...:blank:

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Originally posted by sassa

cheers to them....

why do people have to get so pissy that others have opinions against the moron bush....this is supposed to be a free democracy, right? where's freedom of speech....

B/c there music caters to middle america, the real brains of this country.

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Originally posted by sassa

you're kidding right? what exactly has he delivered besides the bullshit he normally spews about going to war with saddam...he sure isn't doing much for us over here...:blank:

How about the War on Terror for starters--which obviously impacts you...

Or do you think he has failed on that--which would be ridiculous of you

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Originally posted by dnice35

You talk about childish..?

by the way stop calling Mr. Bush names.

You talk about childish? By the way grow up.

I don't hear you bitch about it when Gore gets bashed. Why is it ok to bash Gore and not Bush?



And sassa... Nic pic!

Cheers to the Dixie Chicks! I may not be a big fan of country but after reading that report, I think I'll add their music to my collection!

"Also, with respects to the Dixie Chicks--they could say anything they want---BUT as a US citizen in another country slamming the US President is shameful and inappropriate....'

To you it's innapropriate because freedom of speech to you only applies to what YOU believe in with no regard of the opposite. Slamming the president is also protected by the first amendment right to free speech. TOUGH SHIT SCUM!!

You don't like it? DON'T listen to their music!

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It's not that I condem her critisizing the president, it's the way she disrespected the president which is our representative to the world.. To speak out against the war is one thing but to say I am ashamed of him is a little too far especially in front of your fans which already adore her and probabbly beleive this to be the norm in America... To say that a celebrities comment's should be treated the same as any americans is untrue due to the spotlight they receive to make their voices heard...

Liberals say that we are harshly critcizing the HEFTY CHICs..

I don't agree..

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Originally posted by mrmhs

It's not that I condem her critisizing the president, it's the way she disrespected the president which is our representative to the world.. To speak out against the war is one thing but to say I am ashamed of him is a little too far especially in front of your fans which already adore her and probabbly beleive this to be the norm in America... To say that a celebrities comment's should be treated the same as any americans is untrue due to the spotlight they receive to make their voices heard...

Liberals say that we are harshly critcizing the HEFTY CHICs..

I don't agree..

She has the right to feel that way and has the right to free speech to express it. Is that too hard for you to understand?

What part of FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you not understand?

Oh I get it. The spaces between the letters and not the letters between the spaces is it?

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Originally posted by normalnoises

She has the right to feel that way and has the right to free speech to express it. Is that too hard for you to understand?

What part of FREEDOM OF SPEECH do you not understand?

Oh I get it. The spaces between the letters and not the letters between the spaces is it?

The right to dissent -- included in the First Amendment -- is part of what makes America great (but far from the only thing). That right carries with it a duty of responsibility and a measure of accountability, such as incurring the scorn of the many who do love this country. You may dissent to your heart's content, but the substance of your statements will not be exempted from scrutiny merely because you are exercising rights we consider sacred in America. You are not fooling many people by wrapping yourself in the flag of dissent, trying to pretend that it, too, is red, white and blue.

-David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh

March 15, 2003

Dissent does not equal patriotism

Many extreme leftists have a funny idea about patriotism. The more they show their disgust with America -- especially on foreign soil -- the better patriots they believe they are.

First we had David "Baghdad" Bonior and Congressman Jim McDermott parading around the streets of Saddam's capital decrying President Bush and the United States and saying Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. McDermott suggested that Bush would knowingly mislead the American people in furtherance of his war aims against Iraq, and was planning to attack Iraq as part of a plot to crown himself "Emperor of America." While it's probably fair to say this regrettable delegation doesn't represent the Democratic Party, it's noteworthy that when pressed, few, if any Democrats condemned these men for their contemptible behavior.

Then the erudite actor Sean Penn made a complete moron of himself stumping for Saddam in Iraq before realizing he'd been duped, and actor Danny Glover, while in Brazil, called President Bush, instead of Sean Penn, a moron. There have been plenty of others, but more recently the Dixie Chicks in a live performance in London said they were sorry President Bush was from Texas.

As passionately as these people castigate President Bush and American policy they are equally passionate about their patriotism. You don't dare question their patriotism. Indeed they are proving themselves to be super patriots through the very act of dissenting. Without them, we are led to believe, the First Amendment would just dry up and blow away. (Personally, I'll be more convinced of their indiscriminate passion for free expression when I see them lobbying against college speech codes and the like.)

Let's get something straight. As much as they practice the art, the far left has a limited comprehension of the role of dissent, the concept of patriotism and their ostensible interrelationship.

Liberals confuse the right to dissent with the act of dissenting. My liberal friend Alan Colmes recently said, "I think protesting is actually very pro-American. It's what a democracy really is."

No, Alan, protesting against America is not "very pro-American." Being pro-America is pro-American. Defending one's right to protest is celebrating America's freedoms. But the act of dissing America while exercising those freedoms is not pro-American.

It is not the act of dissenting that makes this country great. There is nothing noble in trashing America and her leaders on foreign soil, especially as we prepare for war against a foreign country. It is disgraceful. Anti-war protestors are not exhibiting their patriotism when they dissent; they are exercising their freedoms -- and there's a big difference.

The right to dissent -- included in the First Amendment -- is part of what makes America great (but far from the only thing). That right carries with it a duty of responsibility and a measure of accountability, such as incurring the scorn of the many who do love this country. You may dissent to your heart's content, but the substance of your statements will not be exempted from scrutiny merely because you are exercising rights we consider sacred in America. You are not fooling many people by wrapping yourself in the flag of dissent, trying to pretend that it, too, is red, white and blue.

Patriotism is not about worshipping dissent. It is about love of country. Since when are expressions of contempt considered outpourings of love? It is about appreciating America's uniqueness, including her unparalleled freedoms, not about casually dismissing America's sovereignty in favor of one worldism or love poems about "our common humanity."

Patriotism is not "talking across national boundaries" as part of "a global debate about this war," as the Nation's Bruce Shapiro lamely characterized Hollywood's anti-war drumbeat. Nor is it "pledg(ing) to make common cause with the people of the world to bring about justice, freedom and peace," as Hollywood leftists and others did in their "Not in Our Name" diatribe.

It is not patriotic for antiwar protestors to burn and rip up flags, flowers and patriotic signs that residents had erected on a fence along Whittier Boulevard in California to commemorate those lost when this nation was attacked on September 11, 2001. And it's not patriotic for antiwar types to try to censor the unmistakably patriotic song of country star Darryl Worley about 9/11, "Have You Forgotten?"

By no means are all those opposed to war against Iraq being unreasonable. But those extreme leftist antiwar protestors are different. They have every right to belittle this nation as it prepares for war, but they shouldn't expect to be exalted for it.

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