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Fucking protesters...

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What the fuck are these tree-huggers doing? Do they think there going to have any impact on the war, is Bush going to call all the b-52s back b/c some fucking idiot wearing Birkenstocks(sp) is yelling into thin air, and holding signs? I mean come'n, get a fucking clue, got on the acid and start following Phish again, b/c you mean shit to the government... They're worse than gay black guys and I thought that was impossible!!

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I have to agree about these fucking protesters. The United States has tried every possible means to avoid a war, but Saddam would not get rid of his biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction. These fucking people that are protesting the war have some nerve. What would they like us to do? Nobody likes to see innocent people killed, but what about what happend over here on 9/11. I understand that Saddam did not directly get involved with the Trade Centers, but he does support groups such as Al Quida and someday may do something on his own. Development of biological weapons such as anthrax and so forth is used for nothing but TERROR. These people that want to protest the war would be thinking differently if Anthrax was detected in their city's drinking water and thousands of people died. What I want to know from these protestors is what do we do, wait for Saddam to get a chance to use these weapons on our homeland? Support the United States in its decisoin or GET OUT!!!! Remember the men and woman over in Iraq are fighting for the future safety of you and your family...

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I couldn't agree more. When I left work yesterday there was a shit load of protestors in Times Square chanting and screaming....it makes me sick...what is the point to protesting when we are already at war....i understand everyone doesn't agree with war but now that we are actually at war our whole country should come together and support our troops who are over there risking their lives so we have things like free speech....

on top of that these ignorant protestors are using up valuable police manpower needed for crowd control which should be directed toward protecting us from a terrorist attack...

i think we should strap each one of these protestors to a cruise missle on its way to Irag

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Total assholes....

If you believe in the war or not - there's NO REASON to crowd the streets yelling and screaming while we are all on high alert. Security is tight enough and they dont need these rejects with signs running around causing a bigger problem.

My father was in Vietnam and fought bravely.... once he came home he and the other men were spit on by these assholes with the Make Love Not War pins....... fuck them

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i'm pretty sure that anyone protesting is protesting b/c they don't wanna see more americans killed, along w/ innocent iraqis that just want saddam the fuck outta their country.

HOWEVER, i do believe that at this point our only avenue left is one that comes w/ fiery explosions and charred skin. i don't think its right that we should have to send our own people over there to disarm a genocidal maniac, but its better than possibly ever facing another 9-11.

in the end, who really gives a shit about the protestors. the president, Rumsfeld and General Franks certainly don't and last time i checked they were callin the shots. so, as usual, who gives a shit.

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and then you see these protestors starting fights and damaging property...we are on high alert and all they are doing is taking the police away from where we really need them...u see how violent those people in cali were gettin? i swear it seems like people in cali look for any reason to riot..

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:clap2: To all the people on this thread!!!

Id like to add something.......................these protestors, are they self sufficient enough to not have to work? If you ask me they are a drain on the American siociety. All they have left is complaints.............get the fuck out of the country, im sick of paying your salary.

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If they are so against the war.....and this place is so bad for going to war....WHY ARE U IN THIS F**** COUNTRY!!!?!?!?!?!??

Pack your shit and get the F**** OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Honestly.....I think I prefer to have Iraqi people who want to be in this country stay here......people who appreciate this country regardless of their ethnic background.......know what HELL really is (IRAQ)......and have these ingrates who take freedom and their ability to speak out for GRANTED!!! They need to go to IRAQ where u get gased for even thinking anything negative about the ruler of the land.......maybe BUSH should gas them?!?!?!? After all......I dont see them protesting SADDAM using gas on his own people....PROTEST THAT U F**** AS*****ES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noone sides with the US when we get attacked on 9/11...(and I dont mean candle vigils...I mean JUSTICE!!!!)......how many troops did anyone really commit to trying to find BIN LADEN??!! I dont mean arresting people that we find in your country either.... I'm talking sending your own troops to a foreign land to help!!!!

......but come time for M*** F**** payback all of the UN grows balls and tries to defend a "Hitler like" dictator?????

We need to kick ass.....take no prisoners....leave no enemies behind and HOLD A GRUDGE against anyone who did not side with us on this one!! TIME TO STOP doing what's right and do what's right for the US!!!!!

Ok...I need to stop......this topic makes me want to throw this laptop out the F*** window!!!!!!

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Originally posted by allishara

Anyone see how those Canadians booed the Star Spangled Banner during the game???

I was never so disgusted in my life.

If not for America - they wouldnt know what language they would be speaking.... diccckkkssss

really!?!?!? which game?

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Originally posted by thehype

yea Fuck that Bitch from the Dixie Sluts who said she was ashamed of our President..and this is who the NFL wanted to sing that national anthem

she said she was ashamed of him because of a single comment he made

after about a week she came out with a public gathering/ news crew and so on

stating her formal appology

..just in case you didnt hear about it.... i think she did that very well buy the way

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Originally posted by carguy2003

What the fuck are these tree-huggers doing? Do they think there going to have any impact on the war, is Bush going to call all the b-52s back b/c some fucking idiot wearing Birkenstocks(sp) is yelling into thin air, and holding signs? I mean come'n, get a fucking clue, got on the acid and start following Phish again, b/c you mean shit to the government... They're worse than gay black guys and I thought that was impossible!!

whats done is done even if u agree or not, i think everyone should stop fucking protesting and instead support our troops and gov't

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I couldnt agree more!!!!

I never and will never understand why ppl protest?????

I mean for what reason????

They can scream, cry, wave thier syns with slander agisnts the USA. Hence They will NEVER make a diffrence or a change.

I cant began to undeerstand why u would take part in something that u would never b able acomplish. Protesters voices will never matter. i mean thier out ther 4 No reason what they say or do will change nothing. I ask ppl that protest..."whats the point?" "what diffrence will u make?" So one guy starts like talking crazy about are country and domocracy and he has rites...war wrong ...security concil. I thought to myself he didnt anwser my qestion. I think protesting is for the birds....I mean if u really want to make a diffrence work for the govermant, become a lawyer, do what ever....but work For america not against america. PPl say we live in a democracey they have the rite to protest......... thats rediculus.....NO matter how u feel about the war for or against....ur still american and after 9 11 u should stand bye ur country NO matter what. Thats what this war is all about..... We want to stand forever safe together as americans ( free and united)....and we want the iraqs to stand as well thats why we are trying to liberate them.

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I posted a thread like this 2 weeks ago before the war and everyone said i was acting like a dictator for saying you should get out of the country for not supporting the president - funny how quickly we change our minds :confused:

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i know what you mean NINA

i saw that post

and i posted my thoughts on the validity of certain actions to take place in this way

but i posted it in january-

the 1st reply was someone telling me that im crazy for even talking about it-

the following month

someone reposted about the same info

and now we have the posts and news we see today:confused:

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