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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Space vs. Space34

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Space 34 is far superior. First off, I hate low-ceilinged clubs. With everyone and their mother seeking to smoke enough cigarettes to keep Philip Morris in business till the year 2999, the air situation always got cloying to me at the old Space.

The layout is far better, if I want to get out to the patio, I've got the superhighway of staircases to get to it, whereas at the old Space, there was the choke point at that door.

Sound and lighting are hands-down better, the systems are simply breathtaking.

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the new space sucks...regarding the main room, one word *EXIT* :rolleyes: the dancefloor looks almost exactly the same....in my opinion the new space has no character, the old one was 100% better

and those leaks all the over the club really need to be fixed. dirty water was dripping anywhere in the club, and the main dancefloor was soaked, which made for poor dancing conditions

Etienne! :D

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Originally posted by alexrusso

The Sound Engineers at Space34 need to get their act together. The night of the Tiesto party the system cut off in the middle of Tiesto's set. And it got cut off a few times during Picotto's as well.

that was from the fire alarm. It is rigged to turn off the sound. I believe exit is the same way. nice meeting you there with your 2 lovely counterparts.

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I am going to miss Club Space but am already head over heels for Space 34. They are like day and night but the change is for the better. The patio is going to be great when Miami has it back to itself again. It's huge, so everyone will be able to dance freely and get a drink at the bar. It's still rough around the edges but there are very minor things that need improvement. I'll see everyone at the old Space for the closing party. MEMORIES... ;(

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The new Space is a much better club.

Too bad they have the same old assholes working there, and is still filled with the same shitty crowd. Either so fucked up they could have the same experience in a Mc Donalds, or the packs of alpha-male wanna be's all trying to hook up with the same 10% of the crowd that is female.

of course there are exceptions........ (i.e. save your flames)

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