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Clubplanet Nightlife Community



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If you'll excuse the pun, I wanted to see who from Club Planet is planning to join us out this weekend with a Roll Call. Simply post a reply to let us know. We have 3 offerings this weekend.

Friday Night

Nevis- Our first weekly night still going strong every Fri night from 10pm - 2am. Join resident Artists Gary Provost and myself, Syversin for an evening of quality music and people in a plush waterfront setting. All of the comfort, none of the Attitude.

Saturday Night

Bulldog Cafe- Our newest offering comes from Andres & The Bulldog Cafe. This is going to be one of our more "fun" nights out. Everybody there is friendly and out for a good time. I've never come across a Bar staff so into partying with the people. All of this and an unofficial closing time of around 4am!! Andres has also given us license to install some lights to give it more of a club feel. Come check us out!!!

Sunday Night

Need to wind down? The get Back to Basics with us on Sunday night at The Bulldog. We'll offer a more relaxed vibe to let you get ready for......Monday. Not sure of the times yet, but I'll know by tomorrow.

Into the future....

I haven't recieved much response for the DJ Competitions we are going to run starting Tuesday night. Help spread the word! If you know a good DJ who needs some exposure, send him our way. Just have him/her drop off a 30min mix CD or Tape at any of our nights.

Also, thanks to Gary for getting registered on DJCentral.com It really is a great web site. I encourage all to visit and look at some pictures from past events including our now infamous Halloween Party.

I look forward to seeing some of you this weekend. Enjoy and be safe, but most of all, enjoy.




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The beauty of what we offer is the ability to party straight from 10pm until whenever you decide to stop. Instead of sitting at home waiting for the clubs to fill up and rolling out around midnight or so, just come out to Nevis around 10pm and jet out around 12 or 12:30. However, most people that come out with intentions of leaving early usually wind up closing shop with us. As you saw last Friday. That goes for everybody else as well. C yall tonight!!!!




"Great art comes from great passion"


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