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Old people at clubs

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WOW. Marko, that was pathetic. Seriously. I'm really surprised that you wrote that. Who are you to decide that someone's "out of their caste???" What does your friend dating guys that are too immature for her have to do with anything???

Believe it or not, there's this thing at clubs, it's called "music"... sometimes people go out to enjoy it, rather than chase down pussy or dick...

Go home or go to lounges? Those are my options in two years??? You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me... You got a long way to go, kid.

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Seriously, I know when I go out to some these clubs I'm older than most of the people there but who cares? I've met tastyt and would never have thought she was 28 because she looks so much younger, so once again- who cares? I'm not out looking at the crowd to judge whether or not they should be at the same place I choose to be at. Like people who say "there are too many gay guys" or " too many asians" or that kind of nonsense which really negates some of the reasons we all enjoy this culture. I'll go to a lounge when I feel like going to a lounge, not when other say it's my time to go.

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First off over 30 is not old. And if you truly think so... your fucked in a few years.

Second. there are some advantages to being old, that you whipper snappers have not yet come to realize.

For example:

We most likely make a crap load more money than we did when we were in college, so why not have a good time with it.

We have no one to answer too except ourselves, and I'm not about to ground myself for staying out too late, or comming home all bugg-eyed an incoherent, puking on the front law. (not that I do that anymore, tollerance - yet another advantage to age)

No one yells at me or cuts off my cash flow cause my grades are poor due to partying.

Granted I don't bounce back from a night out like I used too, but that's ok. I don't need to live in a club anymore, but it's nice to come home every now and again.

When I was young (oh so long ago when the dinosoars roamed the earth) I remember seeing the older people at the clubs, back whe the scene was actually the scene, not a dillusional material mind fuck, pumped with mainstream crap. There were people of all ages. Yeah I have to admit the older folks stuck out, but it warmed my heart that this scene I was a part of, could be enjoyed by all.

I feel sorry for you who have already shut your minds and cannot accept the fate which will utlimately be your own.

Oh and Phatman... did you forget your Geritoll today. Want some of mine?

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Originally posted by tastyt

WOW. Marko, that was pathetic. Seriously. I'm really surprised that you wrote that. Who are you to decide that someone's "out of their caste???" What does your friend dating guys that are too immature for her have to do with anything???

Believe it or not, there's this thing at clubs, it's called "music"... sometimes people go out to enjoy it, rather than chase down pussy or dick...

Go home or go to lounges? Those are my options in two years??? You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me... You got a long way to go, kid.

:-* MUAH. peace and calm, babes :)

I'll still be dancing alongside you in 10 years and 20 years ;)

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Originally posted by tastyt

WOW. Marko, that was pathetic. Seriously. I'm really surprised that you wrote that. Who are you to decide that someone's "out of their caste???" What does your friend dating guys that are too immature for her have to do with anything???

Believe it or not, there's this thing at clubs, it's called "music"... sometimes people go out to enjoy it, rather than chase down pussy or dick...

Go home or go to lounges? Those are my options in two years??? You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me... You got a long way to go, kid.

thats fine...

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Originally posted by wideskies

yeah, when tastyt gets REALLY crotchety and she starts waving her cane around... whoa, nelly!

Darn tootin'! And not much aggravates this old prune more than young whipper snappers who think they know it all...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! :laugh: :laugh:

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