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Anyone Know the Dates for the DJ convention in March??


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sorry india, you'll have to wait just a bit longer. the dates for the miami winter music conference don't come out til the middle/end

of november. if you want to give me your e-mail addy i'll gladly forward you all the info i get as i get it. my e-mail addy is:



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Guest crystalmethodny


And I shall attend!


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."

"A vibe is a terrible thing to waste, finding one is as rare as gold in the Cali mountains." - Moi

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hey jewelangel!!

if you want i'll forward you all the info i get on the conference. like i said above, the exact dates will not be out til the middle/end of november so i'll let you know what they are as soon as i get conformation.

as far as tickets go, you don't need tickets persay. the only tickets you need are for the ultra beach fest and if you want to promote or attend all the meeting/seminars at the hotel then you need to get a badge. but it's not manditory for the partys and if all you want to do is go to the partys then it's a wast of money.

where in ft. lauderdale do you live?? i live in ft. laud. to!! we should hang-out sometime!! e-mail me at cream11@hotmail.com

and we can chat more in detail about the conference. and if you want to meet-up and hang-out i'll show you last years coference packet and everything that goes on at the conference.

i'll talk to you soon mate!



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SF, yeah right.. I think the people at WMC have no intention on going anywhere else. All they have to do is make a few calls to the clubs and let them know what time it is.

I understand that they have standards the rest of the year but for fuks sake, for one week, just chill, let everyone have a good time, and make some money while your at it.

The clubs need their business. Bottom line. I'd hate to see it moved elsewhere.

I know that Ibiza is starting their own Summer music conference next June. It will take some time for it to be anywhere as good as what the WMC offers.

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I agree that part of the draw is the warm weather in Miami and most of the rest of the country and world for that matter, is in the middle of winter.

HOWEVER....It is also about the Clubs and the music and Miami better straighten out before they loose it.

San Francisco would be an ideal place....they have temperate weather (not as nice in March as Miami, but hey)...they have kick ass producers who are really making waves in the industry (much better than Miami DJs) and they have a very exciting city full of culture to see (unlike Miami, were you have the strip and, umm, the strip).

Shape Up or watch WMC move on.

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Originally posted by mrkleen2000:

San Francisco would be an ideal place....they have temperate weather (not as nice in March as Miami, but hey)...they have kick ass producers who are really making waves in the industry (much better than Miami DJs) and they have a very exciting city full of culture to see (unlike Miami, were you have the strip and, umm, the strip).

Shape Up or watch WMC move on.

What tha' Fu(K is up 'wit that sh!t ?!?!?!

How dare you dis Miami & Miami DJ's on OUR board. I may have not been here long enough to be called a native (But then again WhO is down here)... But I damn shure not gonna let some knuckle-head cwm21.gif from Bum-Fu(k Mass talk shit about DJ's here... I'm Here!!! & I've been to San Fran... No Big deal cwm33.gif & I'm friends w/ Mark Farina (so I won't diss another fellow DJ)

But let me tell 'ya somethin'

Miami IZ DA SHIT !!!

That's why I moved my record label here !!!

Aside from N.Y. Miami put the U.S. club scene on the map.. And the world knows it, so does the Pres. of WMC and half-a million DJ's all over the world!

Check Ya' Self...

....Bfe Ya' Wreck Ya' Self

Cuz' suckin' San Fran's cock is bad for ya' health! cwm8.gif

"The DJ From Another Planet"™

[This message has been edited by b-side (edited 10-11-2000).]

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Obviously you don’t have to write any press releases for your new record label…..cause I think you have a little trouble with your grasp of the English language.

What does Miami have to offer dance music besides warm weather a couple of decent clubs????

George “play some more cheese” Acosta.

DJ “played out breaks” Icey


I, for one, would be more than happy to see the WMC move to a more friendly city…..what happened last year was a DISCRACE and the president of WMC is WELL AWARE of that.

All the influential jocks from Europe were VERY PISSED OFF…..and those are the guys you need on your side to run a conference. Take Pete Tong, Sasha, Paul Van Dyk and Paul Oakenfold…..have them endorse going to Ibiza for a music conference instead of Miami and watch WMC fold.

b-side…..you can show your ignorance all you want…..and you can stick up for Miami all you want….but you CAN’T ARGUE the point that last year at WMC wasn’t messed up.


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My god! Has anyone ever heard of constructive criticism??? It's not even about Miami DJs or artists in the area. It's about how some of the delegates got mistreated. Bill has a handle on it. He knows exactly what to do to fix the problem. Enough said.

Let's chill with the insults to one another. The bottom line, it's about the music. Without that, there's NOTHING!


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Guest crystalmethodny

Yo B-Side,

You need to relax a little bro.

I agree though, the WMC should and more then likely will stay down in Miami.

I like San Fran, but personally, I think it doesnt have the magic or glamour to hold the famed conference, nor the club capacity. Still, SF is a great town. smile.gif

B-Side, you know Mark Farina? I may have to chat with you about that, need some contact info for Mark. Only good stuff, bro. smile.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."

"A vibe is a terrible thing to waste, finding one is as rare as gold in the Cali mountains." - Moi

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To all I have offended I am truly sorry..

I was a little heated cwm23.gif to see a post from outside FL that was a direct diss to FL.

No matter how you look at it....

If someone says TX. DJ's suck, and I'm in TX... I take it as a personal insult.

No one person knows all the DJ's in any particular area enough to say they (the whole damn town) suck(s).

Once again I apologize ..2 you too mrkleen2000

F.Y.I. that was not a shameless plug for my label.. (for that I would have to say the "label name"). Believe me when it's time to promote my label the internet will "blow up".

As far as the WMC goes.. It could have been "jacked up" regardless of the location.


Peace & Blessings,


"The DJ From Another Planet"™

[This message has been edited by b-side (edited 10-12-2000).]

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B Side....

No problem Bro.....

I dont think I said that the whole city of Miami sucked....or that there were no good DJs....what I said was they need to get the clubs up to speed if they want to keep WMC...that a plain and simple fact.

San Francisco, NYC, London, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Miami, Paris, LA etc are all great club cities....I have respect for all....

Unfortunately Miami (like Boston) is dominated by "out of town" DJs....who fly in play and leave......

I think SF is one of the few that has a SERIOUS crop of home grow talent, to rival any of the visiting DJs.

In any case, no problems....and looking forward to debating with you in the future.


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First and foremost, It's nice to see we can all get along cwm4.gif ...

MRKLEEN, I know what you're saying. I came here to SoFla a couple years back from the Bay Area, where I was a resident at "Release". The scene doesn't have "the vibe" here. It's not a cut on Miami, it's just the way it is. Period. It's seems as if people will go out in Miami because they have a "reservation" here or there. Where as, in San Francisco, people will go to a particular venue because a certain someone is spinning (whoever it may be). Can you see the difference?

I played at various clubs down here (as a local), and there WAS energy, just NO vibe. So now I stick to traveling. And despite, residing in SoFla I rarely spin here any more. I always look forward to my return trips to the Bay especially!

For any of those who may be in the area, or for those who haven't experienced San Francisco and would like a real tour...I will be out there the 25-29 of this month, with 4 shows.

Take care,


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First and foremost, It's nice to see we can all get along cwm4.gif ...

MRKLEEN, I know what you're saying. I came here to SoFla a couple years back from the Bay Area, where I was a resident at "Release". The scene doesn't have "the vibe" here. It's not a cut on Miami, it's just the way it is. Period. It's seems as if people will go out in Miami because they have a "reservation" here or there. Where as, in San Francisco, people will go to a particular venue because a certain someone is spinning (whoever it may be). Can you see the difference?

I played at various clubs down here (as a local), and there WAS energy, just NO vibe. So now I stick to traveling. And despite, residing in SoFla I rarely spin here any more. I always look forward to my return trips to the Bay especially!

For any of those who may be in the area, or for those who haven't experienced San Francisco and would like a real tour...I will be out there the 25-29 of this month, with 4 shows.

Take care,


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Hey, what up P13. Just wanted to say I caught a kick-ass show by your Release boys at Crobar about a month ago; featuring Papp, Boissy et al. I totally agree that Miami lacks A LOT in the house music department, but to move the WMC would be a sacriledge. Near-perfect weather, central location (for American AND European DJs), and above all - TRADITION. In March is when it all happens for electronic music... you introduce your new tracks at that time and then let them be ingested for play in Ibiza when the summer hits. And anyone who hasn't been (to the WMC), don't knock it til you try it!


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

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This is a post in response to the people who think Miami has no original house music being produced.

Obviously, you've never met any of the local dj/producers, nor have you been to the clubs on a night besides when they bring in outside talent. Although they do use many outside dj's for events, and the clubs do often bring in a big name once a month or so, you don't see the other people yet, but you will.

Some names you'll hear from on the MIami Scene if you don't know already, are George Acosta, Sugar, DJ Irie, DJ Topcat, Cosmo, DJ Nito, DJ Shannon, DJ Michael Storms, Shawn Rudnick, DJ Stingray, and David Padilla are all working on tracks or have released music you've most likely already heard, or will without even knowing it, unless Danny Tenaglia plays it and then scrolls the name on the display on his booth.

And another thing, go easy on the South Beach door people during WMC. If you're a local, like myself, you know that locals don't run the doors during conference. Big record companies and outside companies come in and take over the doors at most of the parties. Thus, if your boy usually gets you in the rope quickly, his hands may be tied during the conference.

Clubplanet.com should be sponsoring a couple parties this year, so we'll make sure you get into those without problems though.

Thanks for the comments we've gotten on the new look. We love it too.

Thanks for your patronage.




Staff- Miami

ClubPlanet.com cwm30.gif

[This message has been edited by jeremy (edited 10-20-2000).]

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Jeremy> I don't know about house music production here in Miami, but there's no way you can compare the virtually non-existant house scene in Miami to places like NYC or San Fran. For example, when the Release crew was down here, they asked me if they were to bring more DJs over to Miami, would there be support... I didn't know what to tell them! On one hand I WANT them to come back here, but on the other hand this city is pretty clueless (and close-minded) when it comes to house music. Another example, some friends of mine went to see (the legendary) Tony Humphries the other night at Living Room, and people there were asking who the DJ was! cwm19.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

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I'm not saying that Miami's house music production scene is anything close to NYC or LA, but they are trying to get closer. For a while, people came here to relax and they didn't even play house music except in gay clubs.

Now straight clubs are playing house, but they're not promoting the dj's like they do elsewhere. Here, it's all about the club. Millions are spent on building new clubs year after year. Level, Crobar, 320, Space and Joe Black Prod. are all pumping money into how the club looks. They put money into the sound system, but they don't help their dj's get better, because the dj booths are set up to play music, not make it.

When you see a sampler and disk burner in a booth in Miami, let me know. In NYC I know they have those things in clubs like Twilo, Sound Factory and Exit.

They need to teach people how to produce their own music, not just play records.

Those djs's I mentioned work in their off hours making music. You can buy their cd's at Uncle Sam's too.


Staff- Miami


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Word up, Jeremy; I'm all about helping the house scene grow here... but deep, soulful house music ain't about the glitz and glam of the club; it exists and survives more due to the raw vibe... something more real than superficial trance or hard house. Unfortunately I don't see this propagating substantially under the current state of affairs on the island!


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

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