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Me and my girl are going to Sobe for Memorial Day wknd..It is my first time there and her 2nd..we are staying at the Roney Palace..I just want to kow what the best places to go are..for daytime I hear Nikki Beach and nighttime i heard skyy bar(spelling?)and Level..also what are the best restaurants?I want to hit all the hot spots,I dont wanna miss anything so any feedback would be great..we are going Fri early early morning till mon night..Thanks!..:)

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Great Hotel.... nice big rooms, good view, decent location (right by Nerve, Rain, and close to Skybar, Mynt, Delano etc..)

sky bar... great place to start night, and sometimes all night depending on mood, beautiful, outdoor semi-chill place with a nice lounge too. (BTW the Delano a couple doors down is worth looking at too.)

Nikki is def the place for daytime fun... and sundays are a zoo.

Scratch Level off the list... period.

Crobar on any sat is always a safe bet and you should atleast check it out.

Maze... great club, hit or miss crowd, but seems to be getting better as it gets know, since it is off the beaten path. Good for friday if DHM is upstairs. Sat is mostly a gay crowd.

Opium is def worth a look, mostly an outdoor club too, nice decor, also good place to eat. Good sunday after Nikki's

Nerve... check it out since it is a 2 min walk from hotel, smaller club, great sound, defenitly different.

Mynt... worth standing outside just to watch the biggest asshole doorman you have ever seen (hollywood couldn't make this guy up..John btw) and what the "pretty people" crowd go through just to get in :) Place to see and be seen, not to go for the music.

Rumi... great food, turns into a lounge later, check it out for a drink, or eat there. On Lincoln Rd.

Touch.. great food, interesting atmoshphere. If I didn't know you were comming from NY or the hotel you were staying in, I would warn you about the $$$ for both of the restauraunts.

Space... Downtown, I don't like the place, and am always nervous whenever I bring a girl there, but the space is nice, the music is usually good, but the crowd and employees are not for me.

BTW this is my tourist guide :) not what the typical CP'er does on a night out.....(i.e. follow the music to where ever it goes.)

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Originally posted by absolutv

isnt memorial weekend not the time to come to south beach..

Oh shit!... good point, anyone know if they are still going to have the source (hip-hop) awards here again?

If so bring your Glock, they are required for club entry.

But if you stay north... Nerve, Rain, Skybar, Mynt you can avoid the thugs.

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Mynt... worth standing outside just to watch the biggest asshole doorman you have ever seen (hollywood couldn't make this guy up..John btw) and what the "pretty people" crowd go through just to get in Place to see and be seen, not to go for the music.

** it is so true, i'd skip it unless you have some time to kill and want to see what half human half silicone pretty and fake people look like......second best to LA

FYI Memorial Day usually is Danny's marathon weekend.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Maze... Good for friday if DHM is upstairs.

I believe DHM plays at Slak in downtown every other Friday ... they used to play the Aquabooty party on Saturdays ... in the upstairs room ...

All this unless they are doing it at Maze on Fridays this time :confused: ... I didn't know thou ...

Anyway ... the worst weekend of the year to make it to Sobe ... I would try Vegas ... or the Jersey Shore ...

For driving distance ... it is the perfect weekend to go to Key West ... but make sure you get homeowners insurance b4 you leave town ... :hat:

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everyone, especially shroomy, for all of your input..but my friend did research about the hip hop wknd mem day wknd in Sobe and she said they arent having it this yr..instead it is like fashion wk or some shit..so did anyone read this?she did alot of research and found it out and i wouild like to confirm it..=)

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let all these people know, theya ren't doing the hip hop weekeend this week... they switched it to the first week of May... they were losing too much money... it was in the Miami Herald, there news paper.... i looked it up... there is also a schedule for Miami beach on the web, and it shows teh hip hop was moved... put that on the board, b/c then maybe more people will go .. :)

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Hey Club Girl... Its me.

I checked on MiamiHotels.com, they have a schedule for 2003. It has on here that the Hip Hop Exchange is from May 8-22 this year.

I also read that Miami was losing too much money this weekend. Having the hip-hop convention was forcing everyone else to leave that weekend. I will check for that article and see if I can send it to you.

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International Hip Hop Exchange/Miami: May 8-22. This celebration of music, dance, theater, spoken word, and film focuses on the influence of Caribbean cultures on the evolution of Hip Hop in the U.S. Visiting artists, lectures, demonstrations and performances including Cuban Hip Hop artists. Locations throughout Miami. 305-576-4350.


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Plan for next Memorial Day in Miami Beach riles blacks

A plan by a group of Miami Beach club owners and promoters to broaden Memorial Day Weekend's appeal next year beyond a predominantly young, black hip-hop crowd has angered some blacks who say South Beach is increasingly dependent on their business throughout the year.

The full article will be available on the Web for a limited time:


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lol.... count on their money! Thats a good one.

What money do they spend standing on all the corners saying obscene shit to all the women as they walk by?

Lots of people does not mean lots of money. I can't imagine how much all the upscale hotels and restaurants lose that weekend. Sure a few clubs or a few people make a ton of $$$ but no where near a normal weekend.

I was ignorant enough to think the same thing when Lauderdale chased out all the spring breakers......."Man they will miss us and all our money!"

I didn't realize that one german tourist spends more per day than 100 spring breakers who don't want to waste money on sun screen so they can save enough money to hit the $10 all you can drink night at the Button.

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Guest saleen351

thanks for the article. it was pretty much people being all "PC"...

There is a club in florida, and on sundays they have rap events.. Its to the point now that the staff is refusing to work.. That article tried to make you think blacks spend money. Reality is black are the cheapest tippers on earth. Worse than jews.. They pack this club in with all these blacks and the bartenders make 20 bucks a night. They even take their coin change back. They order bottles of expensive shit but don't tip. Then they have no respect calling the female bartenders all these names, and being rude, then they try and claim they gave you a 50 when they gave you a 20, I went one night and sat at the bar of a friend of mine, I had to leave, i was close to dropping bombs on these animals.. They are not even human... Hip Hop and the vast majority of its crowd have no business in society or miami beach... White black, purple I don't give a fuck..

Plus its highly dangerous, there is shootings, fights, brawls, guns, knives etc... Fuck em, keep hip hop out of sobe and watch business come back...

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Guest saleen351

also in NJ they banned these events all together. It got so bad, the business owners closed down all their stores because it cost more to stay open, they got so much shit stolen and had to hire armed guards...


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