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More Problems with CD Architect


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CD Architect is a wierd ass program. How come every time I make my cd and burn the track marks, it will play fine everywhere except for in computer CD-ROMS. If you play it inside a computer, the CD skips after every track mark. There are no pauses in between tracks, but the CD skips.

Also, If I create a master CD of one of my mixes, then copy that CD with Nero, the CD comes out skipping as well, but not just in CD-ROMS. But if I make copies with the actual CD-Architect file, it comes out okay, but still skips in CD-ROMS.

I know I could just make copies from the CD-Architect file, but I wanna delete the .wav files off of my computer because they take up lots of space, and I wanna get rid of that CD-ROM problem.

Anybody use this program and can tell me whats up or what Im doing wrong, or If I should use another program that does the same thing only better?



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Have you tried making a copy with nero using the wav files instead of copying from the cd? This may eliminate the spaces. You would then essetially be using CD Architect to track out you mix, then use nero to burn a copy, which then could be used to make more copies. This is if the copy you make from nero plays in all players w/o skips. It should though.

Hopefully that works for you.

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Probably not, but if you burn a copy using CD ARCH, you could always extract the separate wavs from the cd into Nero to burn it so you have no problems. But there has gotta be a way so that it is compatible. I cant see them making the program that exclusive. You can always contact the customer support. What ever little help they can give.:confused:

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the cd skips in your cd rom because in the cd rom/cd-rw drive properties , you have to have a check in the box where it says "enable digitial cd audio"

For burning your mixes with track marks, whether it be wav or mp3, I recommend using cdrwin 3.9b and use a "cuesheet text file" for your track marks.

hope this helps!!!!

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