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Subject: France

"Going to war without France is like going duck

hunting without your accordion."

--Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Secretary of Defense

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure."

--Jacques Chirac, President of France

"As far as France is concerned, you're right."

--Rush Limbaugh

"They've taken their own precautions against al-Qa'ida.

To prepare for an attack, each Frenchman is urged to

keep duct tape, a white flag, and a three-day supply of

mistresses in the house."

--Argus Hamilton

"Somebody was telling me about the French Army

rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day --

the description was, 'Never shot. Dropped once.'"

--Rep. Roy Blunt (MO)

"The French will only agree to go to war when we've

proven we've found truffles in Iraq."

--Dennis Miller

"What do you expect from a culture and a nation that

exerted more of its national will fighting against

DisneyWorld and Big Macs than the Nazis?"

--Dennis Miller

"Raise your right hand if you like the French ... raise

both hands if you are French."

Q. Why are there so many tree-lined boulevards in


A. Germans like to march in the shade.

"You know why the French don't want to bomb

Saddam Hussein? Because he hates Americans,

he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is

French, people."

--Conan O'Brien

"I don't know why people are surprised the French

don't want to help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After

all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out

of France."

--Jay Leno

Q. What did the mayor of Paris say to the German

Army a they entered the city in WWII?

A. Table for 100,000, m'sieur?

"The last time the French ask for 'more proof' it

came marching into Paris under a German flag."

--David Letterman

"Do you know how many Frenchmen it takes to

defend Paris? It's not known, it's never been tried."

--Rep. R. Blount (MO)

"Do you know it only took Germany three days to

conquer France in WWII? And that's because it

was raining."

--John Xereas, Manager, DC Improv

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Originally posted by pkern

Now there's a wise statement.

I have to disagree with you here. I saw a bumpersticker the other day that pertains to this. It said something like "What has war ever solved? Besides Nazzism, communism, factiousness (sp?), and slavery??"

So any time an anti-war person tries to use the statement that war never solved or proved anything, think of that little sarcastic statement. The world would be a horrible place if we hadn't taken the initiative to stop all of those...and yes, Hussein could pretty much fall under any of those categories. Slavery...well he persecutes his own people much like the early Americans did slaves. Communist...thats the easiest to label Saddam as...he's a dictator that doesn't allow free speach or free anything, rules with an iron first and doesnt allow free elections or anyone to run against him. Nazzism...Hussein can easily be compared to Hitler and the Nazis of Germany. Hitler wanted to wipe all the Jews off the face of the Earth, and started by killing many of the people from the very country he ruled. Hussein would wipe out each and every Kurdish person if he could. Hell, he gassed a lot of them and killed hundreds of thousands of them in the not so distant past. So just like Hitler with the Jews who were mostly from his own country, Hussein would eliminate all of the Kurds (who are from his own country). I think it is our duty to free the people of Iraq and rid the world of a leader like Saddam Hussein.


I hate it when someone says something like...."did we ever stop to ask if they wanted to be freed?" No, because they aren't allowed to say things like that in Iraq...they'd be drug into the streets and killed if they did. Its human nature to want to be free...

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i think we can all agree that war, and death, and suffering are all bad things... and freedom, and individual right to expression, and attainment of happiness are all good things.

the iraqi people have been repressed, and as pointed out above, SLAUGHTERED by a brutal dictator... as much as we are liberal, free thinking Americans, I dont think we should stand to allow terror to rule, repress, and murder people... it is our humanitarian goal, in part, to free these individuals from tyranny and oust Saddam Hussein.

We must not be tolerant of intolerance...


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yeh man..before we started bombing over there..i was watching a CNN special and there were millions of Iraqi's in the street screaming "PLEASE BOMB US TO HELL ...WE LOVE BOMBS..WE HATE SAADAM...BOMB US PLEASE..WE NEED LIBERATION ..PLEASE" ..surreal shit man...


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

yeh man..before we started bombing over there..i was watching a CNN special and there were millions of Iraqi's in the street screaming "PLEASE BOMB US TO HELL ...WE LOVE BOMBS..WE HATE SAADAM...BOMB US PLEASE..WE NEED LIBERATION ..PLEASE" ..surreal shit man...


i cant tell if youre being sarcastic or not :blank:

however, just today there was news footage of a group of Iraqi's saying "Saddam bad, USA good" in their best English and giving troops the thumbs up sign

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Originally posted by neptune1

i cant tell if youre being sarcastic or not :blank:

however, just today there was news footage of a group of Iraqi's saying "Saddam bad, USA good" in their best English and giving troops the thumbs up sign

very sarcastic..drenched in sarcasm..

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Originally posted by mangos

Hussein can easily be compared to Hitler and the Nazis of Germany. Hitler wanted to wipe all the Jews off the face of the Earth, and started by killing many of the people from the very country he ruled. Hussein would wipe out each and every Kurdish person if he could. Hell, he gassed a lot of them and killed hundreds of thousands of them in the not so distant past. So just like Hitler with the Jews who were mostly from his own country, Hussein would eliminate all of the Kurds (who are from his own country).

*CHANT* 1980!! *clap* *clap* *clap*

*CHANT* 1980!! *clap* *clap* *clap*

get over it chief...he was gassing kurds with weapons the US gave him to fight Iran..u cant turn a blind eye to it @ one time..then 20 yrs later say " WELL MISTER , 20 YRS AGO U GASSED SOME NOMADS..SO U MUST BE PUNISHED FOR IT"

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Originally posted by neptune1

i think we can all agree that war, and death, and suffering are all bad things... and freedom, and individual right to expression, and attainment of happiness are all good things.

the iraqi people have been repressed, and as pointed out above, SLAUGHTERED by a brutal dictator... as much as we are liberal, free thinking Americans, I dont think we should stand to allow terror to rule, repress, and murder people... it is our humanitarian goal, in part, to free these individuals from tyranny and oust Saddam Hussein.

We must not be tolerant of intolerance...


i want to beleive that....but take a simple look at past US foreign policy and its success rate of nation building....beleiving in that is nearly impossible

war does solve some problems, but take a look at many of our invasions and overthrows in the 1950s through the 1980s, and youll find that it unfortunately causes more problems than its solves

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apotheosis...you're still here man?...


i haven't been on this board for ages, but a little bird told me about this thread...i had to come see it for myself...

anyway, what a joke...

you can give all the "would be speaking german if it weren't for us" you want man...

bottom line is, this country wouldn't exist if it weren't for the french:

1. gave this country its freedom (fighting the british fleet)

2. gave this country the ideals its constitution is based upon

so say "french can't fight" all you want man, they know enough to save this country's ass...

and as far as having these great "patriotic" feelings about war...i have one word for you man:


now...if you want to start using your brain a bit, you'll stop memorizing all the crap mass media feeds you and start looking for alternative sources of information and start thinking for yourself instead of playing parakeet...

here's a fact for you:

90% of the media in this country is owned by 6 people

and you know what?...these 6 people are close to the government...

so i wouldn't bet my life on all the great information about "liberating" the iraqi people...3000 iraqi exiles returned to iraq last week to fight the US troops...

you know which other nation used embedded journalist?

3rd Reich Germany...

like to laugh at France's leader?...let's laugh at G.W. a bit...

isn't it funny that he was AWOL during the Vietnam war?...he doesn't seem to have problem sending kids to war to die, now does?...

he used to be a coke addict....

he scored ~1200 on SAT...200 points less than the Yale freshman average at the time...but i'm sure he's got "street smarts" from all that 'nam experience...

i'm patriotic man:

i speak my mind...

i want the troops back here...

i don't want gov't officials to use their power for personal gain...

i want the president to be elected by the people...

and i want people to turn off their tv, stop believing all the bs on FOX, and start thinking for themselves...because you know what?...in 20 years, everybody will look on this like we now look on McCarthyism...

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i dont mean to be an ass hole, but i have to much shit going on GOOD, And Bad in my personal life, to give a fuck if We bomb them or dont, im sorry!!

And let me tell you this!!

For all the people Chaining themselfs Across 5th Ave, if i had a child who was in Trouble or danger, and these fucking idiots wer ein the way, i WOULD RUN THEM THE FUCK OVer with out thinking twice about it, in a city with Terror on high alert, and so many people, here to do that is just fucking Dumb, i hope some hard working person, whos kid is in danger And need to get by, Runs there fucking ass's over, and turns there dumd ass's into a fucking pancake!



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Originally posted by apotheosis

I used to be anti-war, sometime pro-war (if we are to better)

so what you're saying is you don't have any firm belief, and just follow the "trend" of the moment (mass media)...

that shows great conviction...

Originally posted by apotheosis

but Tthe diddy-yo is this:

WAR is part of life. War is conflict. Human Nature in itself is based on conflict.


now i get it...ok...so you condone it because it's part of "life"...oh ok...wow that's deep...

so let me ask you this:

do you also condone vandalism? theft? rape? murder?

i mean according to you they are "part of life" so they're ok right?...

yea right...they're ok as long as they happen to somebody else...

thanks for showing to everybody the depth of your thought process...

hopefully people will use this to value your original post...

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Originally posted by jaysea

i dont mean to be an ass hole, but i have to much shit going on GOOD, And Bad in my personal life, to give a fuck if We bomb them or dont, im sorry!!

And let me tell you this!!

For all the people Chaining themselfs Across 5th Ave, if i had a child who was in Trouble or danger, and these fucking idiots wer ein the way, i WOULD RUN THEM THE FUCK OVer with out thinking twice about it, in a city with Terror on high alert, and so many people, here to do that is just fucking Dumb, i hope some hard working person, whos kid is in danger And need to get by, Runs there fucking ass's over, and turns there dumd ass's into a fucking pancake!



and another great individual...


don't have time to "give a fuck" whether your government bombs another country in YOUR name????...

you better wake up brother, because the people being bombed will hold YOU as an american RESPONSIBLE...

and how does that translate into something that you WILL "give a fuck" about?...more acts of terrorism against us...

you probably give a fuck about the wtc attacks right?...then give a fuck about this war, because it is this type of war that spawns "wtc attacks"...

and for you information, they are plenty of children "in trouble or danger"...they're in iraq and they're being killed in YOUR name...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

so let me ask you this:

do you also condone vandalism? theft? rape? murder?

I dont think I am begging the question when I say that the precise reason we are ousting that stinky tyrant Saddam is due to HIS condoning "vandalism, theft, rape [and] murder"...

and thank God that there are young people in this country brave enough, and trained enough, to defend OUR freedom.

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No i odnt give a fuck,

so fuck off buddy,

no one cares, shut up, i wont even read what u type casue your tired ass is putting me to sleep

People in NY have other things to worry about, like RENT,

DEATH, Disease, and Family Shit, to really give a fuck what our SHITTY Govt does, my cousin is fighting for his life over there, and Just lost his fucking APT, and JOB....


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Originally posted by frenchbread

and for you information, they are plenty of children "in trouble or danger"...they're in iraq and they're being killed in YOUR name...

You really believe we are targeting children? Actually in the Name of the US and Britian we are saving these childrens lives from a life of terror and dictatorship. Saddam is making them take up arms to fight our troops. He calls them Saddams lions cubs. There was just a battery of weapons found....Where?In a school. If you don't think when we came over to save France's ass that we accidentaly killed some innocent children then your mistaken. So don't use civilian casualitys as an excuse. Yes nobody ever wants to see an innocent person die, however the benfits of what we are doing outweighs those consequences. The Iraqis deserve the same freedom that we gave France.

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Originally posted by frenchbread

so what you're saying is you don't have any firm belief, and just follow the "trend" of the moment (mass media)...

that shows great conviction...


now i get it...ok...so you condone it because it's part of "life"...oh ok...wow that's deep...

so let me ask you this:

do you also condone vandalism? theft? rape? murder?

i mean according to you they are "part of life" so they're ok right?...

yea right...they're ok as long as they happen to somebody else...

thanks for showing to everybody the depth of your thought process...

hopefully people will use this to value your original post...

jesus man play nice :tongue:

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"the precise reason the gov't sent troops there is to liberate the people"...please...you have to be kidding me...you've been watching to much fox news...do they look like they're being liberated?...they're resisting...to the death...add to that the fact that 3000 iraqi exiles came back to fight u.s. troops and the whole liberation scenario does hold anymore, now does it?...

i'll tell you why they're going there:

OIL = Operation Iraqi Liberty (oops that's too obvious let's change that name...)


how old are you man?...seriously?...

can you do nothing else but swear to get your point accross?...that's cause you got no point...

yea, only new yorkers have to worry about rent...(?!?!)

i have to shut up because your cousin lost his apt and job because he's fighting in iraq?...how is that?...explain please...

i mean seriously how old are you?...

and for a person that has no time to think about what his country is doing in others' countries you have an awefull lot of time to post on this board...

but i guess it's because you post about really important and meaningful things like your rent...


you love busting on the french huh?...

yea i know it's so great to bust on a group of people just because of nationality and race...

how do you like it when people bust on blacks?...


i never said that the u.s. were targeting children...


i am playing nice...

and i have to say, i read some of the stuff you posted...i'm disapointed man...

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