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I'm a bit older than most people on this board, and in such time as I was and am now, I've seen the world threw more than "one set of eyes" so to speak.

War brings an outcome.

It just depends on which side your on.

Interesting note:

Most the wars on this planet have been fought over religion. And religions speak so highy of peace and love.

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Originally posted by frenchbread



i never said that the u.s. were targeting children...

Then what do you mean by this comment:

and for you information, they are plenty of children "in trouble or danger"...they're in iraq and they're being killed in YOUR name...

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Originally posted by jesseh49

You really believe we are targeting children? Actually in the Name of the US and Britian we are saving these childrens lives from a life of terror and dictatorship.

Wow...I think you deserve the "Brainwash of the Month"!!!...please don't you ever switch on your brain...you might be realizing what is going on in this world...

Oh and to your point about the kids that the US troops are saving:

"At least 11 civilians, nine of them children, were killed in Hilla in central Iraq yesterday, according to reporters in the town who said they appeared to be the victims of bombing.

Reporters from the Reuters news agency said they counted the bodies of 11 civilians and two Iraqi fighters in the Babylon suburb, 50 miles south of Baghdad. Nine of the dead were children, one a baby. Hospital workers said as many as 33 civilians were killed.

Terrifying film of women and children later emerged after Reuters and the Associated Press were permitted by the Iraqi authorities to take their cameras into the town. Their pictures – the first by Western news agencies from the Iraqi side of the battlefront – showed babies cut in half and children with amputation wounds, apparently caused by American shellfire and cluster bombs."

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Originally posted by frenchbread


i am playing nice...

and i have to say, i read some of the stuff you posted...i'm disapointed man...

I know you are and I in you BTW I 90% sure Im coming down this weekend

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Originally posted by flying_high

Wow...I think you deserve the "Brainwash of the Month"!!!...please don't you ever switch on your brain...you might be realizing what is going on in this world...

Oh and to your point about the kids that the US troops are saving:

"At least 11 civilians, nine of them children, were killed in Hilla in central Iraq yesterday, according to reporters in the town who said they appeared to be the victims of bombing.

Reporters from the Reuters news agency said they counted the bodies of 11 civilians and two Iraqi fighters in the Babylon suburb, 50 miles south of Baghdad. Nine of the dead were children, one a baby. Hospital workers said as many as 33 civilians were killed.

Terrifying film of women and children later emerged after Reuters and the Associated Press were permitted by the Iraqi authorities to take their cameras into the town. Their pictures – the first by Western news agencies from the Iraqi side of the battlefront – showed babies cut in half and children with amputation wounds, apparently caused by American shellfire and cluster bombs."

Wow talk about your ignorance. Iraq only let's the cameras see what they want them to see. You really believe that we are purposely targeting children? Talk about your brainwash of the month. Why is Iraq hiding weapons in Churces, Schools and Hospitals? So that we inflict more civilian damage on them. They want us to kill their innocent civilians this way they can let cameras in to show the bodies hoping that people as ignorant as you actually believe them. Well I guess it worked.. After this war is over the Iraqis' lives will begin to get better. Yes it is going to take time. However when the next generation of Iraqi children are born they won't have to live under dictatorship and will never be told at the age of 10 to fight for there Country or have you parents killed. They will be the ones who trully benefit from this war. Open your eyes look towards the future.

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Originally posted by frenchbread


you love busting on the french huh?...

yea i know it's so great to bust on a group of people just because of nationality and race...

how do you like it when people bust on blacks?...

It ain't about color you dip. it's about the fact that the French are gutless and pacifists.

And I'll even be nice and not talk about all the sneaky and "behind the scenes" deals your leader has with Saddam...aren't they best friends?

France is in a sad state, and I'll continue my boycott of French products. I hope your economy is crippled because of your ignorance!

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Originally posted by spragga25

It ain't about color you dip. it's about the fact that the French are gutless and pacifists.

And I'll even be nice and not talk about all the sneaky and "behind the scenes" deals your leader has with Saddam...aren't they best friends?

France is in a sad state, and I'll continue my boycott of French products. I hope your economy is crippled because of your ignorance!

Whatever? :rolleyes:

As if the US isn't doing this for gain!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Whatever? :rolleyes:

As if the US isn't doing this for gain!

Of course the US is doing it for gain. To rid a dictator that supplies terrorists with weapons and training to come after us in the future.

That's a gain in my book! :cool:

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Originally posted by spragga25

Of course the US is doing it for gain. To rid a dictator that supplies terrorists with weapons and training to come after us in the future.

That's a gain in my book! :cool:

Must be a nice world you live in - unfortunately, not too well founded in reality.

Starvingartist - yup! its that "motivation" that is suspect in many cases.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Must be a nice world you live in - unfortunately, not too well founded in reality.

Please...oh please educate me about the differences of your "Gov't is out to get us" world and mine.

I'll be waiting patiently for your answer.

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Originally posted by spragga25

Please...oh please educate me about the differences of your "Gov't is out to get us" world and mine.

I'll be waiting patiently for your answer.

HUh?!??! Gov't is out to get us?? when did I ever mention that?

And when did Saddam supply Al queda with weapons? In fact, give me an example of a time when Saddam expressed a desire to attack the US? And I'm not talking about his recent speeches about driving out the "American invaders". I'm talking about an interest, on his part, to launch an offensive attack against the US?

Please educate me on this topic, because I seem to have missed a crucial piece of information that, you obviously, have had the priviledge of acquiring.

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Originally posted by jesseh49

Then what do you mean by this comment:

and for you information, they are plenty of children "in trouble or danger"...they're in iraq and they're being killed in YOUR name...

i mean exactly what i wrote, that inocent civilians are being killed as a result of this war. that does not imply that they are being targeted...

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Originally posted by jesseh49

Wow talk about your ignorance. Iraq only let's the cameras see what they want them to see. You really believe that we are purposely targeting children? Talk about your brainwash of the month. Why is Iraq hiding weapons in Churces, Schools and Hospitals? So that we inflict more civilian damage on them. They want us to kill their innocent civilians this way they can let cameras in to show the bodies hoping that people as ignorant as you actually believe them. Well I guess it worked.. After this war is over the Iraqis' lives will begin to get better. Yes it is going to take time. However when the next generation of Iraqi children are born they won't have to live under dictatorship and will never be told at the age of 10 to fight for there Country or have you parents killed. They will be the ones who trully benefit from this war. Open your eyes look towards the future.

oh yea sure talk about the iraqi media...

what about the u.s. media?...

embedded journalists...please...hitler came up with that ok...that's 3rd reich playbook...so don't talk about censorship...

the mass media here is just an extension of the pentagon's information war machine...

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Originally posted by spragga25

It ain't about color you dip. it's about the fact that the French are gutless and pacifists.

And I'll even be nice and not talk about all the sneaky and "behind the scenes" deals your leader has with Saddam...aren't they best friends?

France is in a sad state, and I'll continue my boycott of French products. I hope your economy is crippled because of your ignorance!

it's about nationality but not about color?...

that's the same thing...

criticizing people based on their nationality, is on the same level as criticizing people based on their color...

and what is that about pacifists?...it's nice to rag on pacifists?...right because pacifism is such an evil thing...

and don't even talk about "behind the scene deals"...

there is no country in the whole world that comes anywhere close the u.s. for "deals behind the scenes"...you need to read a bit more man...

u.s. dealt with:

hussein (iran/iraq war)

put taliban in place

trained osama bin laden

and that's just to name a few...

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