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Originally posted by frenchbread

here's my opinion on this...

bin laden: product of u.s. foreign policy...u.s. used it like a kleenex...pulled him out...used him...left him to dry...

now that does not justify what he did...

he's a terrorist...a monster...but a monster we created...

and more u.s. imperialism will create more bin ladens...

going as the whole world (i.e. u.n.) will first reduce the number of terrorists, because they won't feel singled out by one country, and will spread the attacks of the terrorists on several countries as opposed to just on us...

the point is not whether we can erradicate all the terrorists...

the point is to act in a way that minimizes their number...

i hear what u are saying...but this is what i think: if a regime that trains/helps/or produces terrorists is taken out and a new one implemented more democratic (doesnt have to be the US version of Democracy) it will help in stopping terrorist and maybe in educating its people...ur right we helped Bin Laden with training, but like in life...we never expected him to turn into what he has become...same goes with govts'...maybe 10-15 yrs from now Afghanistan (sp) will turn against us too...of course we do things for our best interests and we disguise things with such phrases as "We need to liberate these people"...but ALL nations do that..if in the end, its a good outcome...then it was a worthy cause...IMO regardless if we attacked Iraq or not, we were going to expect terrorists attacks sooner or later...i rather just take out the factories that produce these terrorists and not worry about breeding grounds being produced by these regimes...and i agree u cannot get rid of ALL the terrorists, they arent roaches that can be done away with that easy...

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Originally posted by dnice35

US imperialism??? :confused: that such BS. if the US is imperialist goverment, why didnt we occupy panama when we invaded it?

why arent we trying to invade Venezuela (OIL enriched country)?

bin laden : product of foreign policy?

give me a break, are you trying to justify that bastards action? Bin laden is nothing more than an Islamic extremist, who likes to blame the US for evey wrong in the world.

I would like you to tell me exactly why you think we created him?

we aided them in the Rusia-Afghan war thats about it.

i'll tell you how:

he was formed by the cia...

and funded by our government...

bin laden : product of foreign policy?

yes...support of afghanistan against russia (to secure oil ressources) is u.s. foreign policy whether you like it or not...

man why don't you finish highschool first, and travel the world a bit...you might learn something...

and learn how to read i said: "now that does not justify what he did...he's a terrorist...a monster...but a monster we created..."

but you know what...

i'm done with you guys...

lord knows i tried...

half of you just have insults...

and the other half has arguments that rest on FALSE FACTS...

well guys keep living in wonderland...

u.s.a. no1...better than everybody else...gonna rule the world...(yea that's not imperialist)...

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Originally posted by frenchbread

i'm done with you guys...

lord knows i tried...

well guys keep living in wonderland...

u.s.a. no1...better than everybody else...gonna rule the world...(yea that's not imperialist)...

Done with you guys? you tried?

to what, educated us with your superior knowledge?

typical Euro-trash....


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Originally posted by frenchbread

i'll tell you how:

he was formed by the cia...

and funded by our government...

bin laden : product of foreign policy?

yes...support of afghanistan against russia (to secure oil ressources) is u.s. foreign policy whether you like it or not...

man why don't you finish highschool first, and travel the world a bit...you might learn something...

and learn how to read i said: "now that does not justify what he did...he's a terrorist...a monster...but a monster we created..."

but you know what...

i'm done with you guys...

lord knows i tried...

half of you just have insults...

and the other half has arguments that rest on FALSE FACTS...

well guys keep living in wonderland...

u.s.a. no1...better than everybody else...gonna rule the world...(yea that's not imperialist)...

So if we made Bin-laden and I am not saying we didn't do we just leave it alone?? What does that solve? It's like not putting out the fire that is trying to destroy your house because you left the stove on... makes no sense. Forget we created Bin laden that was then this is now we can'tr change that but we can try to make the future better....

Oh and for insults...

Kiss my American ass you half a queer frenchman!!!


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Originally posted by frenchbread



where do you get those pics sassa?...

(yea...jealous...meanwhile half the world wants us dead...i don't call that jealousness...)

from a friend.

i was being sarcastic...about the jealous bit..glad you caught on...

btw, nice to see you again, it's been a while.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

So if we made Bin-laden and I am not saying we didn't do we just leave it alone?? What does that solve? It's like not putting out the fire that is trying to destroy your house because you left the stove on... makes no sense. Forget we created Bin laden that was then this is now we can'tr change that but we can try to make the future better....

Oh and for insults...

Kiss my American ass you half a queer frenchman!!!


your comment made no sense either.

no wonder people are quick to judge americans based on words like these...they're empty.........

how are you exactly "making the future better"? and for whom? certainly not for yourself! who do you think is running this whole thing, and who exactly is really going to benefit from it? just because common people are going to get a little something from this fucked up trickle down system that we have (starting with the reagan administration, thank you), the real deal is that none of us are going to profit from it. they can't attack anyone. they can barely fight the american troops that are there now..does that seem to you that they are a force to be reckoned with....

wtf...why are people so blind....:blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

your comment made no sense either.

no wonder people are quick to judge americans based on words like these...they're empty.........

how are you exactly "making the future better"? and for whom? certainly not for yourself! who do you think is running this whole thing, and who exactly is really going to benefit from it? just because common people are going to get a little something from this fucked up trickle down system that we have (starting with the reagan administration, thank you), the real deal is that none of us are going to profit from it. they can't attack anyone. they can barely fight the american troops that are there now..does that seem to you that they are a force to be reckoned with....

wtf...why are people so blind....:blown:

So blind.. You are the one who is distorted with your blame america first way of thinking. What I pointed out was that if we created Bin-laden which might be true even though we sopported him in another war, what do we do about it?? Why are all the people that are against the U.S. actions regarding the fight against terrorism so quick to point fingers but OFFER NO SOLUTIONS do you know how dumb that sounds.

Yeah and the Iraqi people as well as thre rest of the world won't be a better place when that lunatic in Iraq is gone right? You have got to stop hanging out with your wanna be hippie college buddies and realize that this war is for the better on many difrent ways...

You come across as a real horror I mean someone who complains about EVERYTHING even stuck up... I have never met you so I really don't know..

Oh and to the rest of the world that hates america

You are not qualified enough to wipe the ass of any american... :blown:

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Originally posted by mr mahs

So blind.. You are the one who is distorted with your blame america first way of thinking. What I pointed out was that if we created Bin-laden which might be true even though we sopported him in another war, what do we do about it?? Why are all the people that are against the U.S. actions regarding the fight against terrorism so quick to point fingers but OFFER NO SOLUTIONS do you know how dumb that sounds.

Yeah and the Iraqi people as well as thre rest of the world won't be a better place when that lunatic in Iraq is gone right? You have got to stop hanging out with your wanna be hippie college buddies and realize that this war is for the better on many difrent ways...

You come across as a real horror I mean someone who complains about EVERYTHING even stuck up... I have never met you so I really don't know..

Oh and to the rest of the world that hates america

You are not qualified enough to wipe the ass of any american... :blown:

ironically, you proved my point one again....:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by dnice35

I guess you are the only one who sees everything as it really is huh? :rolleyes:

:blank: you said this, not myself...

but i am grateful that i don't have the same view as you concerning this war....:blown:

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