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Glow Stick Ban At Space


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Rumor has it that Glow Sticks are not allowed at Space.Management claims this is not true.The young lady at Space said she was checking into it. I would hope this ban

is just a rumor. Since Dancing , and Glow

Sticking are a form of expression; a ban

on Glow Sticking would seem odd. I know some

people don't care for them , but people should be able to enjoy themselves.



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i totally agree. i for one love glow stick shos and am not an expert myself cwm1.gif but i enjoy it and i don't think it harms anybody... it would be really stupid if they would do something like that.

some dj's like TAUCHER won't even play at a club that prohibits glow sticks. cwm7.gif

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Several different people have mentioned to me that they were told not to use them by bouncers. It doesnt surprise me at all. From what I understand they are getting pressure from the city. The city is saying that SPACE is a rave and is threatening to shut them down. The proof is that everyone is rolling out in the open, which is true. I guess they mean everyone doing light shows for each other. cwm29.gif And the guy with the "ROLLING" light thingy is obvious. So supposedely that is the deal.



[This message has been edited by attomic (edited 11-22-2000).]

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God... now i know why i left Florida.... I mean I miss the white sandy beaches and the keys- but you guys just can't party like you can P*A*R*T*Y in the city....

Totally 2 different worlds!



*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

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I called four clubs on the Beach. They

said they have no ban , and don't plan on having one. In fact when I mentioned Space's

Ban; they started laughing. I guess it

will be Crobar tonight for Eric M.....

Space No More !!!!!



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Has anyone stopped to think that mayby glowstix were banned because of their total and extreme WACNESS..Come on guys lets move on and leave this 10 year old fad behind..

I for one admire Space, not only for being the first local club to fly down world reknowned DJs on a weekly basis, but also for being the first club that has the cojones to keep the wac ass glostick wavers out of their club..

SPACE is a club, not a sweet 15s party..


Dave Seaman

Nick Warren

Terry Francis

Oscar G

Just to name a few...Til Dawn & then some...

And best of all..GLOWSTICK FREE!!!!

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People go to clubs for freedom of expresssion. Should we ban people

who do the Hustle, Freestyle,etc.

Maybe we should ban people from the

club who wear clothing which is 10

years old. Sure it's great Space brings

in Top Name DJ's ; but so does Crobar,

Shadow Lounge, Level, etc. It's simple;

Space does not have the balls to tell

the city of miami police to go shove it

up their proverbial "Arses". Freedom

of choice; that's what it's about.

Space has become a big club with no vibe.

Let's see how long their Afterhours will last. Glow Sticks mean Raves and Raves mean

Drugs. Let's get real. If Space is so concerned about their image; maybe they should be concerned about the passed out people sitting around the club.


Sobeton cwm23.gif

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You know, around 8 years ago when I went to my first raves and started getting in Techno, I thought glowsticks were pretty cool, but the thing is, having recently moved down to Miami and experiencing your clubland, I was amazed at how many people down here are still waving those things around in clubs.

Its just looks so taccy and corny..Why is Miami so behind in this scene?

I mean, back in Sept I was forced to go to my neice's sweet 15s party, and you know what she gave all the 12 & 13 year old couples that were partaking of the dancing..Yes you guessed it Their own set of glowsticks..Ha ha ha, But I can understabd it from them because they are only children and they think that its cool..But from grown up clubbers...come on..

I just spent 2 weeks in London and did not see one glowstick waver in any of the dozens of clubs that I went to, but then again they got over the whole glostick thing years ago. and no, they are not banned their.

I mean when I see glowsticks I think, 1994 in a rave with n-joi and radioactive golfish..

Passe' my friends very passe'...

I understand a person expressing themselves freely but they don't have to look so corny or poke someones eye out while doing it, rolling or not......


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Spare me bro... Not everyone using Glow Sticks looks corny. When you work sticks with the music it can be rather interesting. Glow Sticker's just add to the whole club experience. That is great they do not use Glow Sticks in Europe; that is their choice. Just like it is mind to use Glow Sticks. I do not make a point to go around telling people; when they dance, they look corny. I realize they in their own way are enjoying the music. Enjoying the music, I think that is why people go to clubs. Tolerance my friend Is what is important. There is enough room in clubs for all people to enjoy themselves. It's does not matter if your a Glow Sticker, Dancer, Male, Female, Black, White, etc. It is all about having fun and respecting each other.........

Happy Thanksgiving All !!!!!




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Well I just spoke to management at Space, and they said the owners decided to Put the ban in effect. Their rationale based on advice from City Of Miami Police “ Glow Sticks mean Rave, and Rave mean Drugs. He also told Me all clubs will be instituting this policy. This is the biggest crook of

b@llS*@t; I have every heard. I go to New York quiet often; and they would not think of instuting such a ridiculous ban. Does this

mean that Space will be removing the Lasers and Lights they have?? If want to keep the place from being raided; then don’t have people Puking and passing out in your club. It’s the people who can’t Control themselves; that ruin the scène for everybody. Clubbing Is about the Music and the Environment it creates. Glowing Sticking,

Dancining, and Dressing are a part of that environment. You can Not ban things; because you feel they may be interpreted in a certain Way. Space should get some “balls” , and tell the City Of Miami Police

To stop stereotyping people. Banning Glow Sticks Won’t Keep You From Being Raided.

Goodbye to Space; it was nice while it lasted. When does Fuel Open?????




[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 11-22-2000).]

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What the hell is happening to miami?? Media hype and uneducated and uninformed individuals!! Why are the only clubs that are targeted the ones that are open after "acceptable hours" The same shit goes on in every club on the beach..is it ok because the clubs close at 5am?? Part of the answer lies in Pinellas..he has come out on TV and said that he wants to shut down all all the "rave clubs" There was just a big special on the news about EX and they did show the outside of Space and identify it with a "rave" they, of course, also reported that this was where people came to do the dangerous drug and identified signs of people on EX as being drinking water and using glow stix...does that mean that drinking water is going to be banned too?? I saw a bunch of people have thier glow sticks taken away on saturday at Space. When asked, the bouncers said that they are not allowed here..interestingly enough, I saw that same dude with that fucking "rolling" light and they didnt seem to be bothering the people that have those little lights that they work like glowsticks.

What Space should have been focusing on is trying to cut down on the obvious drug dealing in the club..and maybe educate their security staff on how to create a less subverse atmosphere..yep, banning glowsticks will save Space!!

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Well Stated SgtFury. The ban on Glow Sticks is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. It tells me Space; is giving in to the Politicians, Media, and the Police. Instead of setting up better Security, they just gave in. The After-hours vibe at Space is all but dead. I would not be surprised to see Space start to close at 5:00pm; like the clubs on the Beach. It should have been obvious to Space; when they decided to get a 24 hour Liquor License, and have After Hours that they would be under intense scrutiny. That Is when Management should have stepped up to the plate, and said this is how we are going to regulate ourselves. What is interesting is I went to Crobar last nite. The Security was Good, but not over bearing. They allow you to Glow, Dance on speakers, and in general just let you have fun. Unlike Space, I did not see people passed out; or vomiting. This is true of most of the other Clubs on the beach Shadow Lounge, Level, etc. In Beach Clubs if your passed out or look messed up; they tell you straight out “That you need to leave” Why is that The Beach clubs have the ability to regulate themselves? Yet, Space cannot; and would rather bow to the media hype and political pressure. Being from New York; I cannot imagine Twilo, Exit, etc enacting ridulicous bans in their clubs. They would run you right out of New York. Space brings a lot of $$$ to the City Of Miami. They need to start using their power in the right way. Please, Glow Sticks =Raves&Raves = Drugs, How about this formula: Passed out and vomiting people + Open Drug exchanges + People walking around with Glowing signs saying, “rolling” = RAID. How about this Formula: An Intelligent Security Plan + People Expressing themselves + Positive Energy + Good Music = A Successful Club…. Wake Up Space !!!!!!!!!!!!




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I actually think glowsticks are annoying as fuck... it was quite a delight not seeing any at Space last night.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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Arrakis> I respect the fact that you find Glow Sticks “annoying as F***K”.However, there are many things in life that I find annoying.; yet, I learn to deal With them. The point of this post and my previous is quite simple. Everyone Pays the same amount of money to get into a club. Thus, everyone should Be given the opportunity to enjoy themselves; within the confides of the

law and with respect to other people.




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When i first got into the scene, glostix were cool to me, for about a month - now, i agree with akkaris - they're annoying - especially when in the hands of some over 18 e-tarded club wanna-be kid who should've dumped the glostix AND his raver pacifer out in the trash long ago...freedom of expression is one thing, and so is escapism, but quite frankly glostix begin to infringe on other's enjoyment of an evening out - do you know how many times i get approached by some guy waving glotstix thinking i wanna "blow-it-up"? - i've gotten a black EYE because some idiot couldn't handle his stix and they went flying - seriously - what the hell do glostix add to one's experience - if you're really "there for the music" no matter in what state - then you'd realize glostix are just some stupid fad that detract NOT enhance the music.

get over it - grow up - and stop whining like li'l babies.

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B> That's my girl... wink.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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Noira> it’s strange you should say “freedom of expression “ do you even have a concept of what that means?” Glostix infringe on other’s enjoyment of an evening out”; Please!!! If some idiot goes and starts waving Glow sticks at you. Then you just tell them to go away. Just as you would if some drunken fool; came up to you and tried to pick you up. It’s quite strange that when someone can’t justify an action. They use the most extreme scenario to try and make a point. Your post did a good job of that. Glow Sticks may not add to your experience, but it adds to my experience. This is The United States Of America; and you have the right to express yourself within the confides of law. “Glostix are just some stupid fad that detract not enhance the music”; that’s your opinion and that’s great. Please don’t infringe upon my right to enjoy myself, because of your insecurities. Nightclubs are not for Glow Stickers or Non Glow stickers; Clubs are for everybody to enjoy. Club’s are places for people meet, dance, express themselves, etc.

Clubs are not places for people to try and force their will upon other people. Have any Glow Stickers tied you down, and forced you to look at their Sticks? “ Get over it – grow up- and stop whining like lil babies”; maybe you should try following your own advice.




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somewhere the real point is being truly lost...dont you see that today glowstix are being chosen as the "representations" of a "rave" and are being banned..what will it be next? there are many rap songs that I dont personally like, but, should they be banned or censored?? Hell no..remember..a infringement on one persons freedom of expression is a infringement on all of our freedom of expression...

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noira, you da bomb....

I'll let you guys in on a little secret, glowstix were not banned due to the authorities, that was just an excuse cause Space did not want to insult anyone. The real reason they were banned is because Space management knows they make the club look WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC-WAC......And this will be proven when Fuel opens (also with a 24hr lqr lcs) and you see them all over the place..

Glowstick defenders, please, travel, leave Miami for a while, get out more, buy some deep house cd's..Realize that these concauctions are a thing of the past and all they do is contribute to a wac and cluless vibe in a club.. Save them for your neices sweet 15s party or in case you ever get a flat tire on your way home from Shadow...

[This message has been edited by urei-1620 (edited 11-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by urei-1620 (edited 11-25-2000).]

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Urei-1620 > “Glow Sticker defenders, please, travel, leave Miami for a while, get out more, buy some deep house cd’s”. I have some advice for you my friend; don’t

Assume because someone believes in something that they are naive. Save Your condescending statements for someone who gives a Sh* T. You haven’t

A clue what makes a vibe happen in a club. As previously stated “ A Infringement On One Persons Freedom Of Expression; Is A Infringement On All Of Our Freedom Of Expression”. Trying reading this back to your self a few times; and you will see how ignorant and selfish your statements Sound……….. Clubs Are For Everyone To Enjoy !!!!!




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Yo sobe,

chill bro, cause I'm chillin & havin a Heini as I write.

It is obvious that you are new to clubland but anyway, welcome....

I think you should copy all of these posts that you have written on this topic and paste them on a Word document or print them then save them for about a year or so..Then around Christmas 2001, open them and realize "my goodness was I really that WAC at one point in my life"

Nuff said, not worth discussing anymore..

PS . I just got back from Home Depot on SW 8th st and 30th Ave..They had hundreds of glowsticks on special with dozens of colors to chose from, right next to the Duracell batteries display on register 3..So hurry on over before they run out..

If they do run out, I heard the power 96 crew will be giving them away tomorrow at Westland Mall in Hialeah.......

Later cats

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Urei-1620> I find your sarcasm very amusing, because it clearly displays your ignorance. You do a wonderful job at hiding your ignorance behind sarcasm. The bottom line my friend; is this. Clubs are for everyone to enjoy themselves. Sex, Drugs, Music, Dancing, Glowing, Dressing in a certain manner, etc are a part of the scene. Because some people may find Glow Sticks boring; or out dated that is their choice. Just as it is my choice to Glow; in doing so I am not infringing on anyone’s Rights. Peaceful coexistence; clearly this is something you cannot comprehend.




[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 11-25-2000).]

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