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job advice?

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Hi all,

I have worked with the same company for 5 years, until i quit last sept to pursue my phd full time.

We can have summer internships no problem, but if we are going to work during the semester, u have to get waivers n' shit saying that they know all of your work is going towards your thesis. also, i just found out during the first 2 years of the program (i am just finishing my first official year) if you take a semester to work you still have to pay $15,000 for 'residident status'.

OK, here's the situation (my parents went away on a weeks vacation and...): I get word from this company based in Holland that they can't take summer people, but they want me there for the fall. As anyone who knows me knows that spending extended periods of time anywhere in holland would be a dream come true. While i'm working out the details here, the guy in NL falls off the face of the earth. I accept a summer job AT THE SAME COMPANY, but in their NY research branch. Yesterday, the holland guy e-mails me saying he wants me there either for the fall OR THE SUMMER.

Now, i am faced with three options. do i:

1) keep the job in NY. Save the $$$$ and go to holland after my residency requirement (so i don't have to pay $15,000 to columbia) in 2005. That's safe but really far from now....

2) keep the job in ny. Say fuck the risks and go to holland in the fall. I owe $15,000 that i really don't have, and i lose my apartment in NYC, which is a shithole but at least its cheap. Live my life and die happy, and worry about the debt later.

3) ditch the job in ny and go to nl during the summer. That will reflect poorly on me for someone that is expecting me in ny, who is very influential in my field and a nice person who i don't want to screw over. But it would mean that aside from saving lots of dough + keeping my apartment, i get to spend the summer in holland, and i'm in the UK, amsterdam, barcelona and sweden for every dance festival. Sweeeet.

stupid difficult choices.... what would you do?



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Originally posted by starvingartist

If your option is taking a risk for what you really want to do, or settling for security. I would take the risk. Thats what Ive done all my life. And I love my job and I wouldnt change a damn thing.

That's also how i am where i am as well - life is about more then security and creature comforts. But i've also worked hard to get here, and i don't want to jeapordize that. Eh fuck it, maybe i can weasel my way out of the residency requirement.

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Originally posted by dialectics

That's also how i am where i am as well - life is about more then security and creature comforts. But i've also worked hard to get here, and i don't want to jeapordize that. Eh fuck it, maybe i can weasel my way out of the residency requirement.

You have worked hard, but is it where you want to be or what you want to do? I gave up a well paying secure position to follow my dreams. The journey has been rough, but right now I am more successful. Not only am I better off financially then before, I am also happy. The greater the risk the greater the return.

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hotcheme: thanks :)

yeah i think renegging on job i accepted is a bad idea.

Originally posted by starvingartist

You have worked hard, but is it where you want to be or what you want to do?

Both actually. the 'where i want to be' was a broad stroke... i meant where i want to be in life, not just in terms of location. My ideal life is staring at me from 10 years in the future in the form of the people i'm surrounded by.... living the academic life, always working on the cutting edge, always moving, changing, seeing the world, making my own hours and my own research interests and having time to spend with the people i care about the most. Which brings me up to my next point....

I gave up a well paying secure position to follow my dreams.

congrats on being living proof of the theory that if you do what you love the money will follow. I did the same thing (see my post in the 'worst job ever' thread) and while the money is far from there, i'm much happier and that's really all that matters :P



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Originally posted by dialectics

hotcheme: thanks :)

yeah i think renegging on job i accepted is a bad idea.

Both actually. the 'where i want to be' was a broad stroke... i meant where i want to be in life, not just in terms of location. My ideal life is staring at me from 10 years in the future in the form of the people i'm surrounded by.... living the academic life, always working on the cutting edge, always moving, changing, seeing the world, making my own hours and my own research interests and having time to spend with the people i care about the most. Which brings me up to my next point....

congrats on being living proof of the theory that if you do what you love the money will follow. I did the same thing (see my post in the 'worst job ever' thread) and while the money is far from there, i'm much happier and that's really all that matters :P



Wow I read your statements on what what your ideal life is, and they are the same I share. You can make it possible if your willing to put all of your energy, time, and effort into making your dreams a reality. I have and Im not quite there, but Im so close I can taste it.

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