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So... What's in a Fu(k!n Name Anyway !?!?!


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Greetings Earthlings,

I unfortunately have to inform you that the constant bickering over WHO spins WHAT & What to CALL it.... Is now officially the only reason half of you breathe! cwm3.gif

It's a damn shame that some of US can be so passionate about someone we have never meet, never hung out with, and don't have a fuckin' clue of what they (the DJ) regards as good music. And then don't do a damn think to preserve what we have, and want to bash Artistry for a long post about the ground we are loosing behind closed doors.

So call it what you want;

Hard House, Trance, Hi-N-R-G, GOA, Progressive, Deep, or just plain Techno

Just remember None of it would exist if not for DISCO! (most people cringe on this thought... but its true)


DANCE... It's not about the Clubs or the Drugs, or even the DJ who's spinnin'...


I have posted this bec. the 2 largest post I have ever seen on the Miami Boards were a couple of "KIDS" bickering over the style or category of music that is best, who spinns what, and the fact that you can't play with "TOYS" in certain clubs anymore.... cwm33.gif Yaaawnnnn!!!

I think I'll go back to the SEX Board...

At least they keep it REAL! cwm22.gif

Just My 0.2 cents (& I don't know shit!) cwm15.gif

"The DJ From Another Planet"™

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God damnit. Its my god given right uptight. Are you saying I can no longer belittle people because their views do not meet up to my standards? If you were here right now me and my Meathead friends would kick your ass not for telling us what to think (we dont think) but for your stupid ass haircut and your out dated clothes.

I for one understand what b-side is saying.

We have to agree to disagree. If it wasnt for "crapy" music how would you know what was "good" to you. People are always going to have different tastes and if you can not learn to accept that then you have a hard and bitter life ahead of you.

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ReLAx pEoPLe!!!! cwm20.gif why all the hostility? the reality is that everyone is different and everyone has the right to bitch about WHATEVER THEY WANT. so kick back and take it easy, you'll live longer -I PrOmISe... cwm45.gif Besides, why so much importance..good quality music will have a strong, supportive following NO MATTER WHAT. as long as it's good music...ya know jelly? cwm12.gif

[This message has been edited by superyummie (edited 12-08-2000).]

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B-side> I agree with you about the disco comment, but that ends there. I think people having different tastes is what makes the world go round; it's completely normal for many of us to disagree. And we do have to label things somewhat in order to better understand them; generalizations to a certain extent are healthy and quite normal. You do it; I assure you... everyone does. I'm fucking sick of you "I love everyone and everything" people; that shit went out in the 60s. Grow up... have passion for certain things (I'm sure you do, but won't admit it in fear of being labelled "close-minded"). You DJs with "so many styles" know a little about everything, but a lot about nothing. And it IS about the music; but it's ALSO about the DJs, drugs, clubs, etc. I have no fear in admitting my favorite DJs, drugs, clubs, etc. and I wish everyone would cut their phony and weak altruistic crap and just live! cwm20.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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1) cwm5.gif I'm No damn hippie! (I only love intelligent beings R U 1 of them?)

2) cwm9.gif Opinions and differences IS what makes us unique. (the more the merrier. However a Closed mind is a Dead one!)

3) cwm6.gif I'm not saying that we can't Disagree.. but the bottom line is its all MUSIC! Dance to it while you can! If it gets like N.Y. (Cabaret Lisc.) we're all FUCKED!

4) cwm4.gif I have no choice to be Versa-styled ="so many styles". I grew up spinnin' the next thing BEFORE it became "POP" / "Trendy".

(To master Only one style.....leaves you to Die with that style.)

5) cwm34.gif The moral of this story is while we all are losing ground (our freedom)... we're still bickering like a bunch of bitchez cwm13.gif



Peace & Blessings,


"The DJ From Another Planet"™

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B-side> I guarantee I have more education than you do... and chill, bro - these are just peaceful debates. Everyone blows these threads out of proportion! And you did start it, didn't you? Anyways, peace, bro; it's all good! cwm16.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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B-SIDE > i agree with you man.... while everyone is too busy aguring about glowsticks their rights are slowly being taken away from them..... if you don't pay attention to what is going on in the media...we can loose everything..... as you can see we already lost the right for all 18 - 20 year olds to party past 12:00....Syversin tried to bring this to news to everyone ... but instead he was talked about by a few key people who don't give a shit about anything.... anyway wake up people.....




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As Arrakis said, “it is about the music; but it's also about the DJs, drugs, clubs, etc.”. These elements have and always will be a part of the scene. People will always have different opinions; on certain aspects of these elements. Spirited debate is very healthy. However, at the end of the day; we must reach a common ground and that is respect for each other. If we are going to preserve our scene, we must monitor ourselves. We cannot control the media and the politicians. As mature adults, we should be able to control ourselves.



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